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Category: Local Website Optimization

Considering local SEO and its impact on your website? Discuss website optimization for local SEO.

  • I started trying to access for reviews and cannot get them on desktop or with mobile app. On desktop just keep getting a 408 response (timed out). My first attempt was around 11:30 a.m. Central time. Just curious.

    | RobertFisher

  • The site I was leasing was hacked about a year ago. I've bought a new domain and changed everything about the site. It is completely separated from the old domain. However, my current phone number is still visible on the old site and I can't get it down. I really don't want to get a new phone number, but the SEO success of my new site is extremely important. Is there anyway the fact that my old phone number on the hacked site could hurt my new site's standing in Google? Thank you so much!

    | OptimizationMegan

  • Currently we have several single sites for each of our dealership locations as well as an automotive group site linking to each location(dealership) website. Currently there is no landing page for each location on the group site. To save money we were looking into beefing up our group site and getting rid of our individual location sites. 301 redirecting them to location landing pages on the group site website. Each site has about the same authority including the group site. Each dealership location resides in the same province(state) but some locations are a 7hour drive apart so not all within the same vicinity. I want to ensure we continue to rank well in each location. I won't be able to include all geographic locations in the title tag on the homepage of the group site due to the character restrictions. What would you recommend? Keeping the individual websites per dealership location OR focusing solely on a group website. I need to ensure we continue to rank well in each city where each dealership resides. Thanks for any recommendations! It's greatly appreciated. Thanks for everyone's thoughts & opinions.

    | DCochrane

  • Hi, I have two pages Page 1
    Page authority: 24 and Page 2
    Page authority: 13 with 2 internal links only This was probably done to get more local searches to the page but i think it is a bit spamy. Would it be better to 301 page 2 to page 1 or make it as a blog post and keep it alive?

    | Syed_Ozair

  • When translating a website to additional languages, is it recommended, for Google SEO purposes, that the keywords, re-written URLs, meta titles and meta descriptions of each page be translated as well; or have those elements been completely depreciated?

    | sptechnologies

  • Rebuilding a site that currently has good rankings.  The original site was build in Joomla. I am doing the rebuild on WordPress.  The old site is at the domain, but clicking on any link generates a url with a subfolder; i.e. the website is at, click on the logo and you will go to, the "meet the doctors" link goes to "" When I rebuild the site, do I have to retain that url structure? If I get rid of the folder and make everything simply like, will I be jeopardizing our rankings? Thanks! -Adam

    | aj613

  • Hello, We have 2 versions of a website. Notes: They will be the same theme, and slightly different images but the written content is different. SEO optimization is the same for both sites targeting the same the city and they will be competing for certain keywords mainly vanity keywords. So we have websites examples: How does google handle 2 websites like this, will one get penalized? Or will it treated as 2 different sites, even though the company name which is the brand shows up on the main url? Thanks for your help


  • Hi We have a client who wishes to have a site created and duplicated onto 3 servers hosted in three different countries. United Kingdom, Australia and USA. All of which will ofcourse be in the English language. A long story short, the website will provide the user 3 options on the homepage asking them which "country site" they wish to view. (I know I can detect the user IP and autoredirect but this is not what they want) Once they choose an option it will direct the user to the appropriate ccTLD.  Now the client wants the same information to appear on all 3 sites with some slight variations in products available and English/US spelling difference but for the most part, the sites will look the same with the same content on each page. So my question is, will these 3 sites been seen as duplicates of each other even though they are hosted in different countries and are on ccTLD's? Are there any considerations I should pass onto the client with this approach? Many thanks for reading.

    | yousayjump

  • Hi there, I am new to MOZ Q&A and  first of all I appreciate all the folks here that share their expertise and make everyone understand 'the WWW' a bit better. My question: I have been developing a 'travel guide' site for a city in the U.S. and now its time to choose the right domain name. I put a strong focus on SEO in terms of coding, site performance as well as content and to round things up I'd like to register the _best _domain name in terms of SEO. Let's suppose the city is Atlanta. I have found the following domain names that are available and I was wondering whether you guys could give me some inside on which domain name would perform best. Looking at the Google Adwords Keyword tool the term that reaches the highest search queries is obviously "Atlanta" itself. Sites that are already ranking high are and So basically I am wondering whether I should aim for a new TLD like or rather go with a .org domain. I had a look around and it seems that .org domains generally work well for city guides (at least a lot of such sites use .org domains). However, I have also seen a major US city that uses .travel and ranks first. On the other hand in New York, ranks well. Is it safe to assume that from the domain names I mentioned it really doesn't matter which one I use since it wouldn't significantly affect my ranking (good or bad)? Or would you still choose one above the other? What do you generally thing about .travel domain names (especially since they are far more expensive then the rest)? I really appreciate your response to my question! Best, 

    | kinimod

  • Does anyone know useful websites, blogs, blogposts or forums about how UX is different in China? We are planning on creating a Chinese version of our ecommerce website. We are already aware of the legal and cultural differences but we still require specific information about the browsing and clicking habits of the Chinese public. Also, figures about the Chinese buying behavior would come in handy. Our webshop contains design items intended for a high-end audience.

    | jef2220

  • HI,rategy. So I spoke to a local Colorado seo company and they suggested to find whatever keywords is the most searched under my GWT's and put .com behind it and build other sites for other keywords. I was curious about this type of strategy. Does this work? This seo guy said I could just get a DBA bank account and such for each domain name etc. I am not wanting to mislead anyone, but I am curious if for the sake of promoting other services, if creating other websites with partial and EMD's are worthwhile? Another issue I worry about is if I put my companies phone number, then next thing you know there is 3 or 4 sites that use that same phone number. To me this does not build trust with Google. But being I am learning, maybe this is a common strategy, or doomed from the start. Just curious what you think. Would you build other sites to try and rank for other services? Or keep one sites and maximize it? Thank you for your thoughts. I just do not want to pay $3000 per site if it will hurt not help.

    | Berner

  • Hi, If an ecommerce site has different prices for the different regions within the same country (based on IP location), will this impact Google somehow? Case: Furniture website in Norway. Shipping is expensive when you ship a sofa, so prices will differ depending on where in Norway you're located. Switching location is easy, but the default price you see will be based on your IP location.

    | Inevo

  • Hi So I have quotes of 1250 to 2500 a month to run my website, seo wise. What I am told is they will do all facebook postings, 4 blog posts each month, some citations, and site optimization. Those amounts due seem like a lot. Yet I was last to start all over. Basically I was told that because of some bad backlinks, which only a few remain, that you can never recover from an algorithm penalty. And with a Disavow, its like telling Google - penalize me please So the plan was this: $3000 for a new site, and new domain, and then it has no penalties, and I will be ranking in no time. The problem is I am branded. My domain and business name is Bernese Of The Rockies. People know us and we are very respected. So if we create a new site like, I do not want to mislead people. Or if there is a penalty for say a landing page or site, where I am sending people to my main site for more info type of thing. Just looking for your input if this is a common issue, where if you have a non manual, but algo penalty that you must restart? Thank you so much for your thoughts and suggestions.

    | Berner

  • I am not sure if it makes a difference, but when I called Google Places on Monday to edit my business address, I asked if the support person could see any penalties against my site. They said no. I asked because of my website is non existent. Now I have been working with removing 10 foreign backlinks, so not sure if even one bad backlink can cause a site to not come up, thus causing a penalty. I mean for bernese mountain dogs in Colorado is a small niche, but I am no where to be found. But they did say that they did not see any meta tags. I responded with I was under the impression that Google does not use meta tags. This rep stated, they would use them. So did they give me some secret? When I Googled my main keyword, I noticed out of the top 10 listings, they all used meta keywords, except for one. Could this be keeping me out of the rankings? Thank you for your toughts

    | Berner

  • Hi mozzers, Can someone tell me which type of map is best when embedding it into your service pages?  or any map is good enough? Why? Thanks guys!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Google will use the user's location for a restaurant search but it doesn't look to me like it uses it for a national company like Kohls.  Is there a way to determine that? Assume I have no physical local presence in Houston for answering the question. Assume also that the coupon I list is a national one that applies everywhere.  It seems to me that a facebook post that uses the first one as a link is better because more people live outside of Houston than inside and will see it as relevant, AND I may list it for more than one city.  But, for specificity perhaps it makes sense to have the second one as it may be more likely to show up in a Google search result by someone in Houston.. Your thoughts please? Thanks.

    | couponguy

  • About 2 weeks ago we have switched our website and our blog to Wordpress (our website was about 400 pages) our blog was originally on Sgopify website (the blog was about 800 pages). One of the reasons we transferred all the blogs from our account on Shopify to our domain is because we were told that this will help our ranking. We switched everything in the last 2 weeks to Wordpress under the same domain name. The only thing that was changed are the URLs. We also did a 301 redirect however the dilemma we have now is not ranking at all although before the transfer we were ranking 1st or 2nd for certain keywords on organic search. Does anyone know why is this happening? Thank you

    | SinaKashani

  • Hi All, I have a well established site. I would like to make a couple of adjustments to my main menu. 1] Replace a menu url with an established page url.
    2] Rename a menu anchor text to something more meaningful. What impact would changing the menu have? Thanks Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • Our website has historically performed well in Google for the search terms "storm shelters" and "tornado shelters."  Our geographic focus is nationwide, but we are particularly interested in ranking up for Oklahoma. Right now we are hovering at about the third position in Yahoo/Bing, and in some geographic areas (i.e., as selected in Google's search settings) we are doing reasonably to quite well for these terms in Google (i.e., first page). In Oklahoma, though, we are holding steady around positions 20-25.  We have just changed the title tag on our home page, cleaned up a bit of on-page optimization, and are going to work on getting some more optimized content on the page. We are outperforming the competition on Domain Authority (38) and Page Authority (46), and as far as I can tell, other key metrics are respectable.  Our social isn't bad, but could always use improvement--which we are working on. Any idea why we might be lagging so badly in Google?  Any help would be appreciated!

    | Survive-a-Storm

  • We are in the planning stages for this. Our client wants his (as yet) domain name to be a portal page for this new campaign. His domain name is a non-keyword company name (i.e. We already have a website with content tailored to his business ready to go. In fact, we did a campaign back in '06 to '09 that was highly successful. At that time it was just the webpage with a keyword rich url. Now for some reason the client wants his company name url ( to be the portal page (landing page) that once potential clients click on it takes them to the website with the content. What are the pros and cons of doing what client asks about making his a portal page vs. going directly to the url with all the content/forms, etc? This is a local site, with audience limited to southern california.

    | Manifestation

  • Hi guys,We built 2 sites for a client called Kilsaran. 1. targeting Ireland2. targeting the ukThe issue is with the uk version of the site is not appearing where it used to be on the SERPs on when you serach for either "Kilsaran" or "Kilsaran International". The Irish version now appears first. We have set the GEO targeting for the respective Countries. The .ie site is the original site with the longer History and much more domain authority, links etc There is no manual penalty appearing So my questions is how do I get the English version to appear no.1on Is it a case of building some local links? or should I implement geo ip detection?Another related question. What is the geo targeting tools function in GWT used for?ThanksRob

    | daracreative

  • I am working with a client now that has two sites that serve two segments of a particular market segment.  They have two different URLs which cater to these different target markets BUT the company is known in its local market as a their brand name (of course) which is different than their 2 domain names used on these 2 sites.  Confusing eh?  This has resulted in confusing Google and their rank has suffered a bit. To provide more color + insight- Let's just say this company is called AtlantaEventsInc and they offer event services for corporate events and let's say weddings.  So let's say they have had for 20 years and then they add about a year ago since their wedding business is expanding.  So they promote their corporate events on one site and their wedding events on another.  These 2 sites also currently share one blog, share one Facebook page, one Twitter and have two Google+ pages. Should we keep these two sites totally separate? and even have separate blogs and separate social media accounts? OR since our rank has only suffered with the new wedding site (just a year old) should we retire that site? (i suppose we could still keep separate blogs though for each target market. WOULD LOVE INSIGHT ON THIS!  Thanks, Chris

    | Sundance_Kidd

  • Hey I want to know, is it possible to target a keyword which is english, but target market For that purpose must we take backlink from site written english but target to turkish ? 
    Or site written english but target to anywhere? I know this question is a bit confusing but my boss want me to that.

    | atakala

  • It seems there are 2 opposing views, and as a newbie this is very confusing. One view is that as long as your site pages have relevant content and are easy for the user, Google will rank you fairly. The other view is that Google has 'rules' you must follow and even if the site is relevant and user-friendly if you don't play by the rules your site may never rank well. Which is closer to the truth?  No one wants to have a great website that won't rank because Google wasn't sophisticated enough to see that they weren't being unfair. Here's an example to illustrate one related concern I have: I've read that Google doesn't like duplicated content.  But, here are 2 cases in which is it more 'relevant' and 'usable' to the user to have duplicate content: Say a website helps you find restaurants in a city.  Restaurants may be listed by city region, and by type of restaurant.  The home page may have links to 30 city regions.  It may also have links for 20 types of restaurants.  The user has a choice.   Say the user chooses a region.  The resulting new page may still be relevant and usable by listing ALL 30 regions because the user may want to choose a different region.  Altenatively say the user chooses a restaurant type for the whole city.  The resulting page may still be relevant and usable by giving the user the ability to choose another type OR another city region.  IOW there may be a 'mega-menu' at the top of the page which duplicates on every page in the site, but is very helpful.  Instead of requiring the user to go back to the home page to click a new region or a new type the user can do it on any page.  That's duplicate content in the form of a mega menu, but is very relevant and usable.  YET, my sense is that Google MAY penalize the site even though arguably it is the most relevant and usable approach for someone that may or may not have a specific region or restaurant type in mind.. Thoughts?

    | couponguy

  • Not sure where this belongs.. I am developing a coupons site for listing local coupons and national coupons (think Valpak+RetailMeNot), eventually in all major cities, and am VERY concerned about how many internal pages to let google 'follow' for indexing, as it can exceed 10,000 per city. Is there a way to determine what the optimal approach is for internal paging/indexing  BEFORE I actually launch the site (it is about ready except for this darned url question, which seems critical) Ie can I put in searchwords for google to determine which ones are most worthy to have their own indexed page?  I'm a newbie sort of, so please put answer in simple terms. I'm one person and have limited funds and need to find the cheapest way to get the best organic results for each city that I cover. Is there a generic answer?  One SEO firm told me the more variety the better.  Another told me that simple is better, and use content on the simple pages to get variety.  So confused I decided to consult the experts here! Here's the site concept: **FOR EACH CITY: ** User inputs location: Main city only(ie Houston), or 1 of 40 city regions(suburb, etc..), or zip code, or zip-street combo, OR allow gps lookup.    A miles range is defaulted or chosen by the user. After search area is determined, user chooses 1 of 6 types of coupons searches: 1. Online shopping with national coupon codes, choice of 16 categories (electronics, health, clothes, etc) and 100 subcategories (computers, skin care products, mens shirts)  These are national offers for chains like Kohls, which do not use the users location at all. 2. Local shopping in-store coupons, choice of same 16 categories and 100 subcategories that are used for online shopping in #1 (mom & pop shoe store or local chain offer).  The results will be within the users chosen location and range. 3. Local restaurant coupons, about 60 subcategories (pizza, fast food, sandwiches).  The results are again within the users chosen location and range. 4. Local services coupons, 8 categories (auto repair, activities,etc..) and around 200 subcategories (brakes, miniature golf, etc..).  Results within users chosen location and range. 5. Local groceries.  This is one page for the main city with grocery coupons, and listing the main grocery stores in the city.  This page does not break down by sub regions, or zip, etc.. 6. Local weekly ad circulars.  This is one page for the main city that displays about 50 main national stores that are located in that main city. So, the best way to handle the urls indexed for the dynamic searches by locations, type of coupon, categories/subcats, and business pages The combinations of potential urls to index are nearly unlimited: Does the user's location matter when he searches for one thing (restaurants), but not for another (Kohls)?  IF so, how do I know this?  SHould I tailor indexed urls to that knowledge?  Is there an advantage to having a url for NATIONAL cos that ties to each main city: shopping/Kohls vs shopping/Kohls/Houston  or even shopping/Kohls/Houston-suburb? Again, I"m talking about 'follow' links for indexing.  I realize I can have google index just a few main categories and subcats and not the others, or a few city regions but not all of them, etc.. while actually having internal pages for all of them.. Is it better to have 10,000 urls for say  coupon-type/city-region/subcategory  or just one for the main city: main-city/all coupons?, or something in between?  You get the gist.  I don't know how to begin to figure out the answers to these kinds of questions and yet they seem critical to the design of the site. The competition: sites like Valpak, MoneyMailer, localsaver seem to favor the 'more is better' approach, with coupons/zipcode/category  or coupons/bizname/zipcode   But a site like appears to have no indexing for categories or subcategories at all!  They have city-subregion/coupons and they have individual businesses  bizname/city-subregion  but as far as I see no city/category or city-subregion/category.  And a very popular coupons site in my city only has maincity/coupons maincity/a few categories and maincity/bizname/coupons. Sorry this is so long, but it seems very complicated to me and I wanted to make the issue as clear as possible.  Thanks, couponguy

    | couponguy

  • Do you guys have any tips to increase the visibility in both and The site today, have good visibility in USA, but its poor in the UK... Information: The server is based in US. No region is set in the Google Webmaster Tools. Incoming links are from global regions, mostly US. Do we need to add a specific section for the UK ( or and specify region in GWT to make sure Google handle this the right way? Its a lot of work, rewrite all the content for another section, which also is in english...

    | Vivamedia

  • Say I have a coupon site in a major city and assume there are 20 main locations regions (suburb cities) in that city. Assume that all external links to my site will be to only the home page.    Assume also that my website business has no physical location. Which scenario is better? 1. One home page that serves up dynamic results based on the user cookie location, but mentions all 20 locations in the content.  Google indexes 1 page only, and all external links are to it. 2. One home page that redirects to the user region (one of 20 pages), and therefore will have 20 pages--one for each region that is optimized for that region.  Google indexes 20 pages and there will be internal links to the other 19 pages, BUT all external links are still only to the main home page. Thanks.

    | couponguy

  • Hi All, Based on a hypothetical scenario, lets say you are a plumber. You live and operate within Chelsea in London. You have established a Google places profile and incorporated schema data to tell Google your fixed place location. In addition you operate in several nearby towns with no fixed location presence. i.e Brentford, Bromley, Catford, Cheswick and Tottenham. I create a feature rich page on 'How to find a quality plumber'. Within the page I incorporate the following description: blah blah, as a quality plumber serving the community of Chelsea, we also offer our services to nearby towns of Brentford, Bromley, Catford, Cheswick and Tottenham. I create hyperlinks for the towns (Brentford, Bromley, Catford, Cheswick and Tottenham) that allow the user see in details a full list of services, operation hours, etc. Naturally all towns will have there own unique content (no duplication). Question
    Is the above scenario the correct way to provide local seo or is this approach considered spammy to Google? Thanks Mark

    | Mark_Ch

  • My business is based in Suffolk, UK, but I serve an area that includes Essex, Cambs, Herts and Norfolk. I've been making an effort to include a constant NAP across all my local citations for Suffolk in an effort to rank better in local search.
    However, what effect does this have on pages when trying to rank for searches for areas where I have no physical location? If my entire site has NAP across it referencing Suffolk, does this impact the ability to rank organically for areas outside Suffolk? If so, what would be the best practice for increasing organic rank in these areas?

    | schitz011

  • Hi so I am curious if a homepage may carry the most link juice, then if you service an entire state, do you include the state name as a keyword in your homepage title to get noticed, or the company brand, resulting in adding service area pages to cater to unique each city that you service? I am just not sure if Google is smart enough to know you service a state? I have my local page with a service area, but is this all I need? So I would not need to add a state name. Like I build horse barns, pole barns, metal buildings, and indoor riding arenas. So I am curious if you would do a title tag like Colorado Builders - Barns, Buildings, and Arenas Or maybe Colorado at the end? Or not at all Thanks for any tips.

    | asbchris

  • Hi all, I'm flummoxed. I'm dealing with a business that has 15 or so offices in three cities, and one city is performing horribly (this includes every office therein). The other two cities have shown consistently stellar results with massive traffic increases month over month for the past year; the city in question dropped unexpectedly in June and hasn't ever recovered. We didn't perform any major website changes during or immediately prior to that time period, and the website in general hasn't been negatively affected by Hummingbird. All locations for the business are optimized in the exact same way and according to best practices; there's no significant difference in the number of local listings, reviews, G+ fans, social signals, etc across locations. All meta data and content is optimized, NAPs are all consistent, we've built links wherever we can: the SEO for every location has been by-the-books. We've run a competitor audit in this particular city that included pulling our top competitors and exploring their domain authority, meta data, on-page keyword grade for the term we're trying to rank for, number and type of inbound links, social signals, and more; and we didn't spot any patterns or any websites that were significantly outperforming us in any area (besides actual rankings). It's frustrating because the client is expecting a fix for this city and I can't find anything that needs to be fixed! Have any multi-local SEOs out there run into a similar problem? What did you do about it?

    | ApogeeResults

  • I have a client where google is ranking the homepage for a term that I want a specific landing page to rank for. The landing page is filled with great keyword focused content, gets a perfect score on the moz keyword target grader.  And the home page is not even about the keyword it is ranking for. Any advice on how to get google to stop ranking the wrong page?

    | Atomicx

  • We're in the process of taking over a WordPress website within the next week for a 3 location medical practice. These are in 3 different cities. 1 location is in a pretty competitive market, while the other 2 are not. The current site isn't bad for design and navigation and they don't have the budget for a full-redesign. Structurally, it is sound. It lacks a lot of content though and a blog. It is not responsive, should we convert to make it responsive? At first glance you can't tell they have 3 locations and their content for each location and services offered is pretty weak. What other suggestions do any of you have for getting the main site to rank for all 3 locations? I know it'll take some time since they are no where to be found now, but just looking for any other tips you may all have. Thanks!! - Patrick

    | WhiteboardCreations

  • Here is a very odd scenario which to me makes very little sense.  How can a site rank on Page #1 of Google for let's say "Boston party planner" yet on Page#2 for "party planner Boston"?? Would love some insight on this one. thanks, Chris

    | Sundance_Kidd

  • Hi All! I am managing an SEO project for a new client, and the optimization is yet to begin. It is a brand new website. The client serves only in particular locations in Texas. How can I optimize the site for these cities without making it look spammy or over-optimized? Is there a checklist that I can follow to optimize these pages? Thanks!

    | wealthyminds

  • I have some products, which are not shown in Google SERP.  Here is a link for basic SERP report, here is another for the product on my site. MOZ's Grade Tool: A Why isn't my site showing up on Google results pages for this keyword? Thank you!

    | adriankoooo

  • Hi, Our keywords are all our service + a list of towns (for example, "carpet cleaning St. Louis"). The issue I'm having is that one particular site could be targeting "carpet cleaning St. Louis", "carpet cleaning Manchester", "carpet cleaning Ballwin", "carpet cleaning Kirkwood", etc. etc. etc... up to maybe 15 different towns. Is there a way to effectively add these keywords into the URL without making it look spammy? I'm having the same issue with adding the exact keywords to the page title, img alt tag, etc. Thanks for any advice/input!

    | nataliefwc

  • Hello, We would like to merge two existing, fairly well positioned web forums. Contents (threads and posts) from would be moved to We are testing some scripts which will handle redirect 301 for every single thread from to But here is the thing: once all current contents are moved out of, we would like to use this domain to point it to a specific geographic region and to target other niche/topics. Would you say we can do this and Google will not penalize neither of those 2 domains? Any input is more than welcome. Thank you! 🙂

    | interalta

  • Can anyone give me their opinion on these different tools? 1.  MOZ vs. AHREF (I'm a happy MOZ subscriber, but I would like feedback) (or any other tool you'd recommend) 2.  WhiteSpark vs. BrightLocal (or any other tool you recommend) 3.  Optimizely vs. Visual Website Optimizer (or any other tool you recommend) 4.  Hootsuite vs. ??? (can't think of another one) (or any other tool you recommend) 5.  Weebly vs. Wordpress (to build websites) Lastly, please feel free to recommend any other tools you find are helpful for either SEO, Local SEO, Social management. Thanks.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • We have a client that has 3 websites.  They sell aftermarket vehicle accessories, dog boxes, running boards etc.  All 3 sites are new and we started the SEO and Social Media campaign when the sites were launched back at the beginning of November.  The client is starting to get leery of our work because they have not had many sales.  They are in highly competitive industries, brand new websites, and new social media platforms. One of my strong suits is not wording things in a manner that the client understands. I guess basically what I am asking is if anyone can point me to a paragraph or two that easily explains that the results (new clients) from SEO on new websites can take some time and some bullet points to go along with it.  We do have metrics showing the increase in unique visitors to the site, increased social media activity etc but what the customer sees are the low sales numbers.

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • Hi, I am implementing rel alternate codes on my website but had few doubts with the same. 1. Can I have the same URL as "x-default" and for "en-us" like below: 2. Will all the URL contain its own referencing code. For example, will the URL have code on it or not with the other codes Looking forward for the help guys! Many Thanks |   |
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    | HiteshBharucha

  • Hi to all. Ok so I am curious how to format and seo a website homepage? This question is more in the way of dedicated towards how to rank locally if you have multiple services? See I have a construction website and we have many services. So do you try and format the homepage to promote the brand, or do you go after the services? Like would you say hey we are this company we serve here and here, and basically make it an about us page? or do you say hey this is who we are, but say we do this, that, and the other? I am afraid that although I have a webpage for each service, if the main url gets the link juice right now, how should a homepage be? Thank you for any tips or suggestions. Chris

    | asbchris

  • I do SEO and webstuff (obviously, that's why I'm here).  I want to write a blog post congratulating my client for getting to #1 in the local listings for a search for "plumber".  When I include my link to my client's site, should it be rel=no follow?  Could they be penalized if I don't? Thanks,

    | aj613

  • Ok so a crazy title, but please hear me out. I have a construction website. It's a small business. It serves people one time, we get the job done right the first time, and usually never go back. A lot of our clients are older, some who have a rotary phone still. So for the sake of social seo, how do you get people to like a company on facebook, when its a local business who basically gets in and gets out. I read somewhere to place ads with poll type pictures. For an example say, Like us if you like a clean bath tube. It sounds weird, but it seems to help some. It gives you a like, and they all add up. So for a business who is trying to get likes, without buying them, how do you approach it? Thank you Chris

    | asbchris

  • So i have a client for carpet cleaning in Seattle, but he doesn't just want to rank up for "Carpet Cleaning Seattle" he wants to rank up for sub locations such as Lynnwood Carpet Cleaning
    Kirkland Carpet Cleaning
    Kenmore Carpet Cleaning
    Issaquah Carpet Cleaning
    Everett Carpet Cleaning
    Edmonds Carpet Cleaning
    Bothell Carpet Cleaning
    Bellevue Carpet Cleaning
    Auburn Carpet Cleaning
    Orting Carpet Cleaning
    Monroe Carpet Cleaning
    Milton Carpet Cleaning
    Marysville Carpet Cleaning
    Lacey Carpet Cleaning Right now the designer he hired to develop the website has created a separate web page for each of these location pages. the reason being he services all these areas and wants to rank up for all of these areas with basically the same keyword... SEO is fairly simple to me when it comes to straight forward small sized projects or targeting specific services in one set location. But with all these algorithmic changes I worry that this is not something Google may want to see.. What is my best bet with this project, and what SEO methods would you recommend for a site that has 40 total landing pages all with similar keywords just different locations?

    | tonyr7

  • Greeting Mozzers, This is a long question, so please bare with me 🙂 We are an IT and management training company that offers over 180 courses on a wide array of topics. We have multiple methods that our students can attend these courses, either in person or remotely via a technology called AnyWare. We've also opened AnyWare centers in which you can physically go a particular location near you, and log into a LIVE course that might be hosted in say, New York, even if you're in say, LA. You get all the in class benefits and interaction with all the students and the instructor as if you're in the classroom. Recently, we've opened 43 AnyWare centers giving way to excellent localization search opportunities to our website (e.g. think sharepoint training in new york or "whatever city we are located in). Each location has a physical address, phone number, and employee working there so we pass those standards for existence on Google Places (which I've set up). So, why all this background? Well, we'd like to start getting as much visibility for queries that follow the format of "course topic area that we offered" followed by "city we offer it in." We offer 22 course topic areas and, as I mentioned, 43 locations across the US. Our IS team has created custom pages for each city and course topic area using a UI. I won't get into detailed specifics, but doing some simple math (22 topic areas multiplied by 43 location) we get over 800 new pages that need to eventually be crawled and added to our site. As a test, we launched the pages 3 months ago for DC and New York and have experienced great increases in visibility. For example, here are the two pages for SharePoint training in DC and NY (total of 44 local pages live right now). So, now that we've seen the desired results, my next question is, how do we launch the rest of the hundreds of pages in a "white hat" manner? I'm a big fan of white hat techniques and not pissing off Google. Given the degree of the project, we also did our best to make the content unique as possible. Yes there are many similarities but courses do differ as well as addresses from location to location. After watching Matt Cutt's video here: about adding too man pages at once, I'd prefer to proceed cautiously, even if the example he uses in the video has to do with tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of pages. We truly aim to deliver the right content to those searching in their area, so I aim no black hat about it 🙂 But, still don't want to be reviewed manually lol. So, in what interval should we launch the remaining pages in a quick manner to raise any red flags? For example, should we launch 2 cities a week? 4 cities a month? I'm assuming the slower the better of course, but I have some antsy managers I'm accountable to and even with this type of warning and research, I need to proceed somehow the right way. Thanks again and sorry for the detailed message!

    | CSawatzky

  • Hello to all, my site is a barn construction site. Our visitors are usually local. I am worried about page speed. I have been using Google Page Insight, and Gtmetrix. Although I cannot figure out browser leveraging, I have a 79 / 93 google score and for gtmetrix 98/87 score. Load times vary between 2.13 secs to 2.54 secs What is acceptable? I want to make sure I get Google love for a decent page speed, but for me these times are great. Bad times are like 7 seconds and higher. I have thought about a CDN, yet I have read horror stories too. I have ZERO idea of how to use a CDN, or if I need it. I just want a fast site that is both user and Google speed friendly. So my question is, what is a slow speed for a website? Is under 3 seconds considered ok? or bad for seo? But any advice is greatly appreciated.

    | asbchris

  • Since last fall our rankings have been steadily decreasing in position and now we are no longer showing in Google Local positions. We still have decent organic rankings but Local is our primary concern. My website: I did some digging and found a ton of spammy looking domains linking back to my site. I took a screenshot from Google Webmaster Tools - Links to Your Site page. I am not sure how this happened as I did not add our URL to most of those websites. Also, I found that this website: - has copied our entire website. Every time I make an update to the site, that webpage updates as well. At this point I don't know how to go about cleaning up this mess. Most of those linking domains do not have a contact button and I doubt they would remove my links at my request. Should I use Google's disavow tool? Any thoughts on that? or ideas? Thanks for your help! Brant

    | BCB1121

  • Hello has anyone seen any significant difference after signing up on the sites on I have a limited budget and am reaching out to experts and authorities in SEO who can help me decide. Thankyou and I appreciate it! Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • Does this still hurt our SEO? Should we place different countries on their own respective domains (, etc)?

    | fdmgroup

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