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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • I just started using Open Site Explorer to track internal and external link data.  Is this information given in real time or is it an average over a specified period of time?

    | mequoda

  • Hi, I am new to the community and have a very basic question concerning the internal settings for SEOmoz. How do I unlink the Google Analytics Account from SEOmoz. I am sure there is an easy answer to this. Thanks for helping!

    | sandoery

  • Hi, I am trying to figure out how to fix duplicated error Most of them are from wordpress "feed" Does anyone know how to fix this problem? | Wedding Photographer San Antonio | Soobumim Photography 210-863-9878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 210-863-9878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting 21 1 0 Wedding Photographer San Antonio | Soobumim Photography 210-863-9878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 210-863-9878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting 21 1 0 Wedding Photographer San Antonio | Soobumim Photography 210-863-9878 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 210-863-9878 end_of_the_skype_highlighting |

    | BistosAmerica

  • Hey SEOMozers! Two prongs to this question; I'll keep it succinct. I've been working as an in-house SEO/SEM Analyst for about 5 months now.  While I'm generally savvy at telling the story behind the traffic/conversion data, and making forensic recommendations (I worked in SEO prior to this while in college), ideally I'd like to see my reports read less like these piddly Excel charts and percent change statistics.  Ideally they'd look more like Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight blog for the New York Times, or OkCupid's periodic dispatches on OkTrends: visual, statistically-informed, and predictive, the kind of report that under other circumstances might plausibly generate backlinks. Data analysts swear by R for statistical modeling, but is it useful for our Google Analytics data sets, holes and uncertainty and all?  Is the steep learning curve worth the effort?  Tutorials I've seen online assume a proficiency in programming or statistics that's beyond me, or they're written to support a textbook exercise.  Any recommendations for a book, online course, or general resource with more of a niche focus? And a general question about stats too, since it's related: what level would you prescribe if I really wanted to kick this up a notch?  I studied a humanity in college and while it helps with the numerical storytelling, I wonder if the practical arcana of Bayesian Methods/abstract probability theorems have a place in Web Analytics.  Do they?  Are there options for us bushy-tailed young analysts to pick this up without resorting to B School? Thanks in advance!

    | sweetfancymoses

  • During a free trial on Tatango, we send daily emails to customers to give them advice, resources, etc. We started using Google URL Builder to create individual links in each of these emails, but when the customer purchases a subscription now, the source in GA isn't Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. they are all showing up as the source we created using the URL builder for each email. Does Google URL builder override the original source in Google Analytic?

    | Tatango

  • Hello! I am wondering what the pros and cons of using the regular Google Analytics tracking code on a mobile site versus the tracking documentation from Google specifically on it found at which is still in labs mode.  Does the mobile specific tracking have the same features as the regular one to be able to track events and report the same statistics?  Thanks for the help on this one!

    | CabbageTree

  • I followed the instructions here, but cannot see the report in Analytics under "Custom Variables". As I dont know JS syntax, I assume the code is wrong. I just added dohertyjf's code under my normal tracking code. Can someone tell me if and where the error is? | | Much obliged!

    | zeepartner

  • I am getting this error whe I try to crawl but my robots.txt file does not block any bots?

    | MirandaP

  • Hi all, on our website I have unique content that we are writing especially for this online magazine. In last two months our traffic dropped two times. First time on October 20th and after 20 days traffic got back on November 10th. Second time traffic dropped on November 15th and it is still down Does somebody have idea what could be reason for this and how it can be fixed? thanks, Nikola

    | GearyLSF

  • Hi I'm trying to establish a methodology to best show the gap between potential and realised organic keyword traffic. To obtain potential keyword traffic I'm using the Google Adwords keyword tool to derive local monthly search volumes for exact keyword matches. To get the realised data I'm using Google Analytics. However, to get the I'm confused as to which is the best way of getting a comparable metric from Google Analytics (GA). I was using custom reports and the 'organic searches' metric. However, this provides different values to a standard report selecting non-paid search in the default advanced segments. What is the best report/metric in GA to use for both organic and paid search volumes that would be comparable to the Google Adwords keyword tool. Thanks Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • Hello guys, I need some help. I can see the following javascript in the header which is not added by me. What code is it ? Something related to Google Analytics ? <script type="text/javascript"> // script> Thanks in advance


  • I would like to be able to capture the keywords when someone comes to my site with a PPC click or a keyword search. I can't imagine that this is an uncommon request, but I can't find the tools that would let me do that, or heck something that will help me build it myself. What is everyone using to capture search information from people who contact you?

    | ciinc

  • Hi I'm trying to establish a methodology to best show the gap between potential and realised organic keyword traffic. To obtain potential keyword traffic I'm using the Google Adwords keyword tool to derive local monthly search volumes for exact keyword matches. However, I'm confused as to which is the best way of getting a comparable metric from Google Analytics (GA). I was using custom reports and the 'organic searches' metric. However, this provides different values to a standard report selecting non-paid search in the default advanced segments. What is the best report/metric in GA to use for both organic and paid search volumes that would be comparable to the Google Adwords keyword tool. Also, I'm having problems getting my kids to eat their greens, any advice! 😉 Thanks Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • My blog has about 130 pages or so.  Google has indexed most if not all of the posts and pages.  In contrast, yahoo has only indexed about 1/4 of the pages and posts. Are there any actions that can be taken based on this information?  For example, if i prepare a blog post should I prepare it so that it will most likely be indexed into yahoo knowing that google will also index it.  If so, how can i prepare blog posts that will most likely be indexed into yahoo's index?

    | jamesjd7

  • We recently developed a new site for a client and they have opted to move forward with a domain change.  Should we create a new Google Analytics account for the new site?

    | TheOceanAgency

  • One of my client's websites includes a series of pages for an enrollment process.  All of these pages are blocked by robots.txt.  In Google Analytics these pages are showing data as landing pages for organic search traffic, and have been for quite some time.  There was recently a surge of organic search traffic landing on one of these pages, coming from multiple search engines.  The pages appear to be blocked and I'm not finding any of them in the search results for the keywords that are being reported in GA or by searching for the url.  Does anyone have any insights into why this might be happening?

    | rgibson100

  • I would like to see visits for only and only the following 2 keywords using advanced segment in GA. logo design india and logodesign Here's how i set up the Advancned Segment - Keyword > Matches Regular Expression > logo design india|logodesign The problem is that advanced segment report is also displaying visits for keyword thelogodesigns. Have i set it up correctly ?

    | seoug_2005

  • For this search: I see the following URL ranking #1 Why is this happening? I could likely figure it out but I'm busy so I was hoping someone could dig around and let me know 🙂 Anyone? Incidentally, Benetton is in the middle of a massive campaign at the moment so it's strange timing for them to have this showing up and screwing with their GA tracking... EDIT: I should clarify, Benetton is not a client - I don't know anyone who works for or with them. I'm just curious why this is showing up. cmNWx.png

    | TomCritchlow

  • I work with a real estate agent and he uses strings from another tool to populate the listings on his site. In an attempt to be able to track traffic to both the framed pages and the non-framed pages he has two sets of analytics code on his site - one inside the frame and one for the regular part of the site. (there's also a third that the company who hosts his site and provides all these other tools put on his site - but I don't think that's really important to this conversation). Not only is it confusing looking at the analytics data, his bounce rate is down right unmanageable. As soon as anyone clicks on any of the listings they've bounced away. Here's a page - all of those listings below " Here are the most recent Toronto Beaches Real Estate Listings" are part of a frame. I'm not really sure what to do about it or how to deal with it? Anyone out there got any good advice? And just in case you're wondering there aren't any other options - apart from spending thousands to build his own database thingie. We've thought about that (as other agents in the city have done that), but just aren't sure it's worth it. And, quite frankly he doesn't want to spend the money.

    | annasus

  • Hi Friends, This issue is crimping my analytics efforts and I really need some help.  I just don't trust the analytics data at this point.  I don't know if my problem should be called duplicate content or what, but the SEOmoz crawler shows the following URLS (below) on my nonprofit's website.  These are all versions of our main landing pages, and all google analytics data is getting split between them.  For instance, I'll get stats for the /camp page and different stats for the /camp/ page. In order to make my report I need to consolidate the 2 sets of stats and re-do all the calculations.  My CMS is looking into the issue and has supposedly set up redirects to the pages w/out the trailing slash, but they said that setting up the "ref canonical" is not relevant to our situation. If anyone has insights or suggestions I would be grateful to hear them.  I'm at my wit's end (and it was a short journey from my wit's beginning ...) Thanks. URL

    | DMoff

  • Hello Is there any definitive information on whether the recent changes to the way Google encrypts search results for people logged into Google affects the traffic present via the Google Adwords Keyword tool? Plus, how does SEOmoz ensure/minimise the affect of personalisation/localisation etc. on the rankings data provided via the pro tool. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Kind regards Neil

    | mccormackmorrison

  • Hey there Mozzers! One of our customers wants to seperate one Google Analytics account into multiple accounts. The website is divided in three parts: Main: Sub1: Sub2: And they would like 4 different reports under one account. R1: Total count R2: (without Sub 1 & Sub2) R3: Sub1 R4: Sub2 I know multiple counters will get in conflict with each other, so I have to implement some filters. E.g: We can configure a filter for R3 on "astmakids" in URL. My question is: is there a safe way to implement multiple Analytics filters on one website? And how will R3 see visitors that come from the root domain Are they referrals? Thanks a lot in advance!! Partouter

    | Partouter

  • I know that the encrypted searches done by people logged into their Google accounts is causing the error, is there any workaround or any update from Google as to IF they will give us our keyword data back? I'm currently losing data on about 20% of my daily searches . . .

    | nsauser

  • "As search becomes an increasingly customized experience, particularly for signed in users" What does this imply ? Does it mean that search is more customized for signed in users than those for non signed in users ?

    | seoug_2005

  • The company I am with shows traffic coming in to .zip files in Google Analytics.  The traffic being recorded stopped a while back, but I know people are still downloading/visiting these .zip ULRs. I'm not sure how they were recording/tracking the .zip URLs (in Analytics) before, but I'd like to track them once again.  Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks

    | poolguy

  • My website is linked to a Google Analytics web property. But, I am not able to track search engine optimization data in Google Analytics. So, How can I get it done?

    | CommercePundit

  • How can i track image searches on google analytics? To filter the refferers by or /imgres does not work in new google analytics (and brings an impossibly small number on old GA). also, this would not cover local google image refferers, that don't come from anyone knows how to find image search sources? i haven't found anything helpful in google's documentation or forums. thanks!

    | zeepartner

  • I have a global site with .com as the US site and then /country for all other markets i.e. .com/uk .com/de etc. Each site has it's own WMT profile. Each site has it's own GA profile. Since Google added Search Engine Optimization to the GA interface, I can't track these sites separately under this new feature. It seems to me that it can only be associated with a single WMT profile at a time or rather that WMT can only be associated with a single GA profile at a time. The numbers for the UK and US site are identical, but when I try and link the UK WMT account with GA it removes it from the US profile and vice versa.

    | Red_Mud_Rookie

  • We are accumulating a signficant number of 500 errors, now reaching 3000 URLs after only 2 months since the re-coding of our site in Expression Engine. I haven't gotten a straight answer re: implications or solutions... by default, suggesting  that it's not of any consequence. History: The site was initially developed in EE (prior to that, an HTML platform) with a host of site issues. We then contracted an EE specialist to properly code the site. The 'new; site was released Sept 21st. I'd appreciate some guidance and recommendations, so I can go back in hand to the developer. What are the considerations or consequences, if any, for ignoring the 500 errors? What are strategies or solutions for removing them from Google Webmaster Tools and preventing future 500 errors? Thanks. Alan

    | ahw

  • Does anyone else think that a large chunk of traffic labelled as "Direct" in your analytics isn't direct at all. When you analyse traffic trends it seems that a large percentage could just be browsers with their referring URL hidden so it only appears direct. Here's the evidence: When we've been affected by major search algorithm changes, we've seen big changes in direct traffic as well as organic, but not in referral traffic. If direct traffic is just bookmarks, typed-in URLs, and people clicking through from emails why is direct traffic 85% new visitors? We don't do any offline advertising, so you'd expect genuine direct traffic to be returning visitors -- either our brand loyalists or subscribers to our email newsletters. If you segment direct traffic into new and returning visitors and look at a major algo update as discussed in 1), you find all the drop in direct traffic is from New Direct visitors, with no drop at all in Returning Direct visitors. Can anyone explain who these New, Direct visitors are if not simply mislabelled new, search visitors. Cookie deletion can't be the problem (ie: they can't be Returning, Direct really) because the traffic doesn't behave like returning, direct (that is, it varies too much). I'd be really interest to hear theories, and whether anyone has any figures on the extent of HTTP referrer blocking.

    | Dennis-52961

  • Hello, With reference to seomoz blog post -  , i would like clarification about the following - User searches Google for "Product Name" and clicks on your AdWords advertisement. User leaves site and searches a few more times, click on competition and comparing prices and features. User ultimately decides to with your product, Googles "Your Brand + Product Name", clicks your organic listing, and buys the product. This whole process takes less than 30 minutes. "Your Brand + Product Name" will appear in your organic keyword report with 1 visit. My question is whether "Product Name"  will also appear in organic keyword report with 1 visit if the visitor is not signed in. ( as search won't be encrypted ) Thanks

    | seoug_2010

  • I recently ranked on yahoo, #4 for my keyword!  It has taken 2 months and finally, out of the blue, there I am.  This is my first time actually attempting an SEO campaign.  At first I was listed for my keyword, then i started dropping after a few days.  Then I made a new post, included those keywords, and I got back up to rank #4 again (for the new post).   Why is this happening?  Do I have to make a new post every 4-5 days to keep myself listed on the yahoo first page serps?

    | SaborStyle

  • I have a client for who we write and post a daily blog article. The articles are optimized and linked to particular targeted content on his top level site. Now we are going to start e-marketing to his 3000+ website users to announce inventory changes and specials. My question is (from a SE standpoint) are we better off linking the e-mail content to the blog and introducing people to the blog (but adding an additional step for getting to the new inventory. Or are we better off putting a link in the HTML E-mail letter that we send out to both the blog and separately to the inventory section? Just to clarify, we wonder if the search engines would provide some additional authority for the extra blog traffic and thereby build the overall score of the blog & site. We are looking at the e-mail campaigns as a potential opportunity to impact SE scores not just awareness of new inventory. Thanks everyone!

    | webindustry

  • How to track the action on the mobile version. Action by pressing the "add comment" this code: onclick = "_gaq.push (['_trackEvent', 'comments', 'pressed'])
      - Not suitable for mobile version Please help.

    | meteorr

  • If we add UTM parameters to inbound links, for tracking specific referral behavior, will those link have the same SEO significance as links without parameters?

    | Usearch

  • I personally haven't seen anything like this before. I am optimizing my first worldwide page. The rank checker at seomoz and another rankchecker as well says that I achieve rankings in the Us and in the UK as well for my 2-3 word terms. However if I copy a paste a whole sentence from either of my pages (8-10 words) google can not find my site. If I put the terms in quotes than it is ok, but it still cannot find the home page. Not any sentence with or without quotes from the home page, although this page has the most incoming links. Anybody any idea how can it be?

    | sesertin

  • Our Google Analytics Administrator account is not giving us access to the User Manager, and because of that we are unable to add users; have you ever ran in to a problem such as this, if so what was your solution. Thanks a Billion impressions, Vijay E2qE9.jpg

    | vijayvasu

  • Can anyone help determine how a URL like "" would appear on the "not found" crawl error list in Google Webmaster Tools? The "www.bad-nsfw-content" site has nothing to do with our company and I don't how it would get associated with our site.

    | pbhatt

  • When I did a google search for (my website) I noticed that google is indexing all of the https versions of my site. First of all, I don't get it because I don't have an SSL certificate. Then, last night I did what my host (bluehost) told me to do.  I added the below to my htaccess file. Below rule because google is indexing https version of site - OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^443$RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L] Tonight I when I did a google search for all of those https pages were being redirected to my home page - not the actually page they're supposed to be redirecting to. I went back to Bluehost and they said and 301 redirect shouldn't work because I don't have an SSL certificate. BUT, I figure since it's sorta working I just need to add something to that htaccess rule to make sure it's redirected to the right page. Someone in the google webmaster tools forums told me to do below but I don't really get it? _"to 301 redirect from /~kisswedd/ to the proper root folder you can put this in the root folder .htaccess file as well:_Redirect 301 /~kisswedd/" Any help/advice would be HUGELY appreciated. I'm a bit at a loss.

    | annasus

  • Hi.. All of our targeted pages have gone through serious Blog Posting and Social Bookmarking. All the sites were more than PR1 or 2 and all of them had a dofollow link with the perfect anchor texts. But when I trying to check our pages on OSE, it doesnt any of them. Why is that ? Im getting worried now. We have spent our last 7 months on this .

    | qubesys

  • Hi all i need a list of all urls google has indexed from my site i want this in excel format or csv how do i go about getting this thanks in advance

    | Will_Craig

  • I would like to track the amount of impressions on all pages in a "sub category" and clicks to a certain button for a contact form. I know that I can add snipets to my analytics code but I'm not sure how to and witch snipet to include. Is it possible?

    | SuperlativB

  • Any advice on the following greatly appreciated: How to get multiple subdomain data into 1 Google Analytics profile? Can we get multiple subdomain data into Google Webmaster Tools (and if so how?) or do we need to set GWT up per subdomain?

    | AndyMacLean

  • I put up my last site on the web since a month. So far I have been optimizing mainly to Hungary and I got used to that my content was indexed in a day and if content was good it sometimes appeared in the first two pages in a couple of days. Now with my new site I am targeting I put it up since a week, sent the sitemap to google, it was intresting for mee te see that even the pages to get into the web index needed two days. Seomoz says my site is all right besides some duplicate content issue i will solve soon. So it is past a week and even if I copy a complete sentence from the beginning of my home page and paste it into google my site does not appear. I also purchased couple of backlins but they have not appeared so far as well. Is that really this slow? Am I to impatient? Or should there be something else problem I should be looking for? Thanks for any feedback

    | sesertin

  • Why is it when i do keyword research that with all the keywords it says data not availabe. It all are keywords with high search volume at least a few of them. I am also looking in the right search engine and when i go to google keyword tool it gives numbers as well. CAn somebody tell me what i am doing wrong? remco | Local Search
    Volume (Sep) | Global Monthly
    Search Volume | Local Search
    Volume (Sep) | Global Monthly
    Search Volume |

    | seoroyal

  • Hello and welcome Mozfriends! Thank you for looking at my issue. So I have been working on my a certain site for a client, optimizing it and such making it SE worthy. Without my knowledge about a month ago he launched two sites that are exact clones of the Ecommerce site I am optimizing. I mean EXACT alt image text, URLS, EVERYTHING! My Alexa rank started jumping back up, my google analytics was showing a fraction of the traffic I was receiving. I just learned about these two other sites and it makes sense because I have two copies of the site out there with the only difference being is the logo image on all 3. I need to know how I can rectify this without taking down the other two sites as my employer refuses to do so because he feels they are a necessary asset. Thank you in advance Friends! Justin Smith

    | FrontlineMobility

  • How to Refesh site comapign? its displaying 3 days old data. now fixed some contents. unable to test it. kindly guide me for howto refresh the report?

    | peanut2010

  • So, I read this post on the Google Blog and then this commentary about it. Wondering what some of you veterans think about how this will impact results. I always remain logged out for queries and use several different software tools to check when I run an analysis. Since social influences are becoming a bigger factor, do you think this is going to create some issues in data? What are your thoughts?

    | TheARKlady

  • In Google Analytics, my average bounce rates plummeted basically overnight.  I went from a consistent average daily bounce rate of about 65% to an average daily bounce rate near 5%.  My average number of visitors has stayed the same.  I don't think there is any significant change I made to my site that may have caused this.  Has anyone else had the same problem and know why it happened and how to fix it?  Thanks in advance!

    | Ericc22

  • Hi When setting up new Google Analytics accounts for clinets what is the preferred/best practice. At present we have our own company google account and add new clinets this way (to our account) - the disadvantage with this, we can only grant them limited account access otherwise they would be able to view all the accounts we cretaed. Plus we can't link their adwords to the GA account we cretaed them. Is it best practice to set the client up with their own Google Account and then we just link to their account. Advise would be appreciated, thank you.

    | daracreative

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