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Category: Reporting & Analytics

Discuss the best ways to report on performance and communicate results to stakeholders.

  • Hi, There's a friend of mine who asked me with some weird results on her sites' Google Analytics reports ( I've searched the GA code and its GA account config and I've no clue about where this is to remove it. Any idea? Thanks in advance, BzgPcAo.jpg

    | Webicultors

  • What is the best method for Google Analytics implementation? Should I use the same UA id for the new site, or create an new one for the new site?

    | brianvest

  • In July 2015, we experienced an over 1,000% increase in traffic and it has remained like that ever since. It's all spam traffic and I have no clue how to get rid of it. I added in your typical .htaccess blocks from known culprits with little to no effect. Read up on Ghost traffic and applied filters to no effect. The spam is completely distributed as far as I can tell both geographically as well as by network providers. Where once we had pretty decent bounce rates of around 50%, now, since all my Analytics data is meaningless - it's around 90%. I could apply a filter but beyond my GA account providing no insights, I'm also concerned about the increased use of server resources. I'd ideally like to stop the traffic completely. The only distinguishing feature of the traffic that I have been able to determine is browser size. Comparing June 2015 to July 2015 we saw the following: Browser size visits: 620 x 460 = 6,828 vs 0, 610 x 450 = 175 vs 0, 1330 x 630 = 71 vs 1, 1890 x 940 = 67 vs 0, 780 x 580 = 58 v 5. Other than that, I can find no unifying theme to the traffic beyond being traffic hitting our homepage and having no medium. Nothing special that I am aware of happened in July. We didn't do any sort of...really anything. We did have our network compromised by ransomware in the beginning of June, which we promptly ignored and restored backups - at no point did we try to contact the criminals, but I am doubtful there is any connection considering that our website is remotely hosted. If anyone has any suggestions or has seen anything like this before, please let me know. spam-traffic.jpg

    | Nivik23

  • Has anyone come across this or know how to read this data. In my site content landing page report I have 141 sessions at 0.71% bounce rate = 1 session But then in user flow I have the same page with 123 sessions with a drop off of 117 sessions???

    | Lucas_SOS

  • Hi All, I need a little bit of help. We need to optimize our blog's articles Meta titles for SEO which all exceed 100 characters. I was told that if we change the titles, google analytics would split the tracking pages and count the data as 2 pages (old title and new title). Has any of you have this experience before and if so, is there a way to avoid google analytics counting this as two pages? Thanks in advance! Viviana

    | mchoi

  • Hi Mozzers, Is it possible to track PDF's via Google Analytics/Google tag manager? I'm not only looking for PDF downloads but for the actual activity when someone opens an interactive PDF document. So would it be possible to have onclick events on buttons in the PDF etc... Many thanks!

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • I am seeing a significant difference between my traffic numbers in Google Analytics and Omniture (Omniture has significantly more).  I do not expect them to report exactly the same numbers but these are just too far off.  Any idea why that is, or which one I should trust more? Thanks!

    | emediaSEO

  • Hello! On our GA account for one of our clients, we'd like to add a search and replace filter to the Views section of the account. The URL is (it redirects to, and Google has flagged us to have redundant hostnames. This is why we'd like to add the filter. Would the regular expression be|    ? Any help would be great - I'm not a regex expert, so I really don't how to go about this. Thanks!


  • Hello! I have a kind of difficult question. On my main domain i have: Store: and wordpress blog on If I have a link to a specific product on my blog and user goes to the product on the store, will bounce rate increase or as it's the same domain will be like a new page view? Different CMS's and blog is on a different analytics account than the store. I hope i could explain myself! Thank you

    | prozis

  • We are seeing big delays in search console data this month. In the past we have seen delays of a few days, but I have never noticed it being this long before. At the moment we have no data since 23rd February. Have I just never noticed this before or is this particularly long? Is anyone else seeing the same thing?

    | Wagada

  • Hello Mozzers It was my understanding that google sees a new subdomain as a new domain - however I have created a subdomain for one of my sites, and this has retained exactly the same DA (35) and a high PA (but slightly lower than original domain) of 35 - Is this normal, and if so is it only temporary? Thanks

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hi, I want to change the way Google Analytics measures my bounce rate: after 20 seconds timeout instead of next page criteria. I know that I may do it adding some content like: setTimeout(“_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘NoBounce’, ’20 seconds’])”,20000); But I wonder if there is some way to do it via Google Analytics configuration. Thanks in advance,

    | Webicultors

  • I'm working with a client who, according to the Google Query report, impressions and sessions are up since we've started work with them about 6 months ago, but Google sessions are down. In moz, we're seeing a gradual, but steady increase in search visibility specifically with Google. Note: this is all organic. From when we started tracking queries, the first month we were tracking there were 43,581 impressions and 690 click throughs for the month. This past month there were 98,293 queries and 1015 clicks throughs for the month (granted not year over year data) - of these 1,015 clicks, 995 of them were from web. However, for those same time periods, sessions from Google are down over 30% - 1,750 vs. 1,189. I'm not sure how to interpret this. I realize that clicks and sessions are not a straightforward comparison, but I would think that if clicks were up according to the query report that sessions would also be up. Is it that some of these clicks are bouncing and therefore not being tracked as a session? Is there a potential issue with how data is being tracked?

    | Corporate_Communications

  • Hello, I work for a furniture business and I would like to set up a dashboard in Google Analytics to show a table for each of the 10 sections to show the most popular content, ie. /Sofas
    /Sofas/black-leather-sofa | 987 PVs
    /Sofas/brown-leather-sofa | 782 PVs
    /Sofas/classic-material-sofa | 636 PVs
    etc. /Beds
    /Beds/king-size-bed | 900 PVs
    etc How would I go about doing this? Thank you

    | Bee159

  • I've recently used a organic traffic checker that showed you your traffic compared to each google algo update. I was interested in how they derived the organic traffic totals for each month, without having access to our site's google analytics? I've since compared the data to historical google analytics data and it's not wrong, isn't 100% match either but isn't far from fact. So if they're predicting or making a guess, it's rather spot on, site crawlers and SERPs snapshots only provide so much info, I'm just wondering where they get the rest from and how?

    | Deacyde

  • Hi,Does anyone know if you can use the new Google tag manager to manage rich snippets? I've seen that there is an HTML section where you can edit HTML that isn't shown on the site - do you think this field could be used to add schema data?Thanks,Karen

    | Digirank

  • Hello Moz community! I have a question around advanced segmentation for a client  and was hoping someone would like to take a crack at it. Basically, I’m trying to establish segments which map to areas of the sales funnel, which I can then utilize as remarketing lists. So the scenario is this, for the time being we have 4 stages, let’s call them Aware, Interested, Engaged and Intent. For each of these stages a user will need to meet specific criteria. So for instance, Aware segment looks like the following Aware: Visited 1x ( Had 2 unique page views/session That’s pretty easy to do in segments. Where it gets a little more confusing is when we try to take it to the “Interested” category. Which would have the criteria of Interested All of aware Repeat visitor (2x in last 30 days) Visited specific deeper pages ( ( Had specific events fire Clicked on download data sheet In GA, does this segment architecture make sense? | Filter users Include Page Contains AND Unique Pageviews per session ≥ 2 Filter Users Include Page Contains OR Page Contains AND Count of Sessions  session ≥ 2 Filter Users Include Event Label Matches download datasheet | I would love any feedback on this! Thanks in advance

    | amichaels

  • We are in the process of a website migration and need to set up the conversions for the new site. What is the most effective way of doing this?

    | Sable_Group

  • In my analytics account, the Acquisition / All Traffic / Google organic searches shows me around 19,000 hits from 1st Jan to 1st Feb. But if I go to the Search Engine Optimization tab / Queries or Landing pages I can only count 1,800 clicks from 1st Jan to 1st Feb. Why such a huge discrepancy ? Am I getting 1800 clicks from the Google organic search, or 19,000 ?

    | coadr93

  • Hi all We configured a standard goal in Analytics that is triggered on an event. I have seen cases where the number of triggered events is larger than the goal completions due to limitations to how many times the same goal can be fulfilled within the same session, BUT in this case we got the opposite problem. We got more Goal Completions than we got events that is supposed to trigger the goal. Now also added a screenshot of how the goal is configured. As you can see its just configured to use the Category name of the event. Nothing fancy at all. How can that be possible? Again, more goal completions than events that is suppose to trigger it? Grateful for any help Fredrik AclZDUO

    | Resultify

  • I am curious why my Alexa rating has been getting worse over the last few weeks. My organic traffic is up, direct visits and social networking visits are up but my Alexa has been getting worse and worse.  Is anyone having the same problem? Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks.

    | Videogamefan

  • Is there a way to track in Google analytics where part of the URL is excluded. For example, we need to track when customers complete an application form, however whenever a new form is completed a new URL is created. This makes it difficult to track pages in GA as there are so many URLs.

    | Sable_Group

  • We are creating fresh content for outdated sites and I need to identify the most significant keyword per page for the content developers, What is the best way to do this?

    | Sable_Group

  • On one of my websites, if I visit the Behavior > Site Content section of Anayltics any link I try to open is broken. Google Analytics is appending the domain before every URL causing it to open in a popup but as a broken link. Example: Trying to click a link to a page on the website at this URL: But in the Analytics popup browser this is what it tries to load: www.thisisanexample.com So I can't preview any of the content within Google Analytics. I feel like this is a settings issue somewhere... Any ideas?

    | ShawnW

  • I've been hit by every update and have spent thousands of $ and hundreds of hours trying to survive. Survival looks doubtful if I can't get turned around in 4 weeks or less.  I have found adwords and google errors and fixed them. Alexa says is the best ranked site. I used my moz bar and they are doing everything wrong, keyword stuffing, no H1's tags, poor design.  How are they ranking & I'm not? My duplicate meta tags are from this week when I added alexa and bing ID's to my header to verify my site ownership. I1bsw

    | cheaptubes

  • We've seen a huge spike in traffic form Ashburn, VA every Monday. It's wrecking our analytics. I don't want to create a filter based on location because we should receive legitimate traffic from that location. I see there are a few other identifiers that make me think I could add a filter for just those items (iOS 5, Safari). Does anyone have a current best-practice for this type of problem? Tx!

    | fishlizzer

  • Hi Mozzers, Does anyone know why the last click / direct conversions (by channel) in the 'assisted conversion report in Google Analytics do not match the conversions in the Channels report. I thought conversion data in the channels report was last click / direct conversions? Thanks for your help!

    | A_Q

  • In Google Analytics, are you able to add more than 1 IP address to an exclude filter? I found this article,, but wasn't sure if it was the right way to do this or if I should create a new filter for each IP address. Also, when I try to create a new filter, it only will let me select from a list of profiles I have created whereas on other accounts I've been able to create several new filters without any problems. Does anyone know why this might be?

    | jfeitlinger

  • Hi All, does anyone have a best practice excel spreadsheet of a internal report we should be using.... ie what are the main factors we should be tracking? Unqiue views? time spent on site? Where they came from? seo/sem/network/direct to site? social media tracking? amount of +1/fb likes/tweets etc thanks

    | Tradingpost

  • In the online marketing community, there is a widespread belief that long-form content ranks better. In today's YouMoz post, Ryan Purthill shares how his research indicated 1,125 to be a magic number of sorts: The closer a post got to this word count, the better it ranked. Diminishing returns, however, were seen once a post exceeded 1,125 words. Does this jibe with your own data and experiences? Do you think increasing word count helps content rank better in general? What about for specific industries and types of content? Let's discuss!

    | Christy-Correll

  • Dear all, One of the sites I'm monitoring receives a lot of traffic from image searches or images that appear in universal search results. On Dec 12th, 2015, the bounce rate for these sessions went from around 30% the day before to around 87%. See screen shot below. Did anybody notice similar bounces in the bounce rate? Did Google change something in the way that image search is handled? Looking forward to your ideas! large?v=mpbl-1&px=999

    | AABMarketing_Frank

  • Hi, I'm trying to filter staff visits from Analytics on a new view. IT have given me an IP address range and I have found the following advice: "For an IP address range, you’ll have to select Custom Filters, then choose Exclude, and IP Address from the dropdown list. Then, enter a regular expression for the IP Address" If this is correct, how do I write the IP address range -  in RegEx? Thanks

    | Houses

  • Hi, I have two pages: (main) page with a lot of traffic e.g., and I have second subdomain e.g. . This two domain has different CMS systems. Sites from main page have higher DA and PA and I can’t delete it, and I also can’t delete sites from a subdomain (shop) because this other CMS for eCommerce. What do you recommend for resolve this situation. Maybe create new URL: and put on it all products, e.g.:, and redirect all old pages to this one, or something else?

    | Tormar

  • I'm working my way through Google Analytics adding filters to all Spam referrals. 1. Am I doing this correctly:- Filter > Custom > Exclude - Campaign Source > Filter Pattern - Website address 2. I understand I can also strip out referral spam from past data Can anyone tell me how to do this or direct me to a blog or article about this? 3. Who on earth are Semalt, and why do they keep changing their URL and bombarding our websites? Appreciate any help. Christina

    | ChristinaRadisic

  • Hi everyone, There are high and medium level errors. I was surprised to see any especially since Google Analytics shows no errors whatsoever.190 errors - duplicate content.A lot of images are showing in the Moz Crawl Report as errors, and when I click on one of these links in the report, it directs to the image which displays on a blog post on the site unusually since I haven't started blogging yet.. So it looks like all those errors are because the images are appearing on their own post.So for example a picture of a mountain would be referred to with ; the image would be included in the content on a page but why give an image a page/post all of it's own when that was not my intention. Is there a way I can change this?# ----------------------------------------
    These are things I first see at the top of the Moz Report: There are 2 similar home urls at the top of the report: http status code is 200 for both (1) and (2) Link Count for (1) is 71. Link count for (2) is 60. No client or server errors Rel Canonical Rel-Canonical Target
    Yes http:// domain.
    Yes http:// domain. Does this mean that the home page is being seen as a duplicate by Google and the search engines?http status codes on every page is 200.Your help would be appreciated.Best Regards,

    | SEOguy1

  • Hi All, This might be a silly question, but for all the properties I monitor in Google Analytics, I'm now showing no data for SEO Queries under Acquisition for the past 6 days. Normally I would expect a few day delay in queries, but nothing for 6 days is somewhat peculiar especially as it was functioning fine prior to November 12th. Does anyone have insight into what might be going on? Thanks! URaNMa3

    | amichaels

  • Hello, A client has asked us to track the journey each separate referral traffic visitor takes through out the website. I have had a look through analytics and am not sure how to ensure I can do this for all referral traffic visitors? Can anyone help? Thank you.

    | mblsolutions

  • Does anyone know exactly how Google measures page position in Webmaster Tools? For example: In Google Webmaster Tools, we had a product which on the 22/12/15 was at position 7, and then dropped to position 112 on the 30/12/15. It then rose back up to position 7 on the 6/01/16 and then down to position 25 on the 16/01/16. What does this mean and why?

    | CostumeD

  • What are Search Keywords, Meta Keywords and Meta Descriptions? What exactly is the difference between them and which one is more important? In regards to Webmaster Tools, if we delete a page or a product, it still shows up in Search Analytics. How can we update Webmaster Tools so as to keep it current with our website? Lastly, again in regards to Webmaster Tools, in Search Analytics. At the moment we put relevant queries into the Meta Description of low ranking pages, in order to raise the position of the page. Is this the right way to handle queries? Should we be putting the queries into the Meta Description or the Meta Keywords?

    | CostumeD

  • **Background: ** We utilize a static .html page for our quote form. It is embedded on our WordPress site via iframe in a single location. The quote form code itself (within the quote form .html) is generated from our CRM, but contains no tracking code itself. The .html containing this code is tracked with embedded Analytics code to track our Goals. This code is tested and works properly, recording goal completions when our thank-you.html page is loaded within the iframe. To be clear, quote.html is the page the iframe loads, .com/quote-page is the WordPress page with the iframe, and thanks.html is the goal completion page. Google Analyticator plugin handles code insertion throughout the site. The .html pages have code manually inserted and neither are indexed by Google or linked to/accessible by any route other than .com/quote-page **Problems: ** 1. When I check Pageviews in GA, the quote.html page has many more hits than .com/quote-page. The disparity is 552 to 416. How is this possible when quote-page has to be loaded in order for quote.html to be loaded? Shouldn't they be similar? 2. Our completion page, thanks.html, is showing 142 pageviews and 133 unique pageviews. Our goals confirm 133 goal conversions. How are people seeing the thanks.html page again without it registering a goal? A backspace? Someone help me decipher this please! If you need any more details, let me know!

    | kirmeliux

  • Hi.This may be a google technical question, but I've searched a lot and I couldn't find any certain information about that.The problem appears when you look at two stats in Search Console ( WebMasters Tools, some months ago), particulary in the Search Analysis.1- Total clicks2- Sum of clicks at every search query.I attached an image to make me clear.8IZsxs6.png

    | NachoRetta

  • In Google Webmaster Tools, under Search Analytics, what is the difference between positions in queries and positions in pages?

    | CostumeD

  • So our company has new page that has just implemented (let say  "page x" --> not a landing page) and we want to see how many visitors that through  "page x " convert into the goal (let say "page y"). If I just make the goal destination like "/page y" the goal number that appear is ALL the visitors who reach "page y" (through or not through "page x"), so how I set the goal setting to only show the visitors who reach "page y" through "page x" ? Thank you

    | ddspg

  • One of our clients requested that we apply UTM URL tagging to better track organic traffic in Google Analytics.   We found this to be an odd request because we are most familiar with UTM tracking for special campaigns (referral tracking, PPC, email tracking, etc). Is there any benefit of applying UTM tags to urls to analyze local organic traffic in Google Analytics?  Are there any resources out there about this? Thanks!

    | RosemaryB

  • We have an eCommerce website that counts paypal as a referral source in Analytics. The site takes people to Paypal to make a payment and then back to the website to a Thank You page once that payment has been made. Due to this, Analytics sees this as a conversion that has come from Paypal, and also records it as a referral source, when we know this is not really the case. This also distorts the data in analytics and prohibits us from clearly seeing which channels sales have come from. Is there anyway in Analytics to include Paypal as a part of the website so that it does not record Paypal as a separate referral website?

    | Gavo

  • hey there we have been working on some of our webshops and recently started with analytics/moz,but we have basicly hit a brick wall when it comes to since we have had 5k high priority issues (duplicate content) and 20k medium priority issues now i have tried a large amount of solutions regarding the duplicate content issues but it didnt work so we basicly reverted it back to  for now and i have the feeling i am really running out of options is there anyone who has an idea on how to do this? duplicate content issues are as follows example: issues with: and with:

    | WebMaster205

  • Hi, We have been using two lots of GA code on our website - one was the old code and we added the new GA code under a different property too. Now that the old code is redundant do I: update the old code on property 1 to the Universal version and keep running the two properties (not sure this is the one I should do) remove the old code from property 1 and don't replace it with Universal version (but what happens to historical data?) remove the new code in property 2 and update the old code to the latest Universal version (but what happens to the historical data in property 2 or doesn't it matter?) The current code on the site is: <noscript><p>Please enable javascript</p></noscript> <noscript><p>Please enable javascript</p></noscript> <noscript><p>Please enable javascript</p></noscript> <noscript><div>Please enable JavaScript for your browser.</div></noscript> I've clearly got a bit confused so help would be appreciated. Thanks

    | Houses

  • Recently I have started seeing daily declines in the total inbound links to my site.  4 of my top 5 sources are all experiencing pretty significant declines and in fact, Pinterest has declined from a high of 16,295 links in Nov '15 to a current number that is 8,479 on 1/6/16.  Any ideas on what could be causing these declines?  I did upload a new sitemap in Nov, could this be the cause?

    | ctripp1010

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