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  • Over the last month, our rankings have been in a slow slide - that is until this week, when they absolutely crashed. Here are some example phrases: Phrase 11-Mar 5-Mar bug shields 24 9
    floor mats 25 14
    nerf bars 23 12
    running boards 61 14
    snow plows 25 18 For the life of me, I can't see what would have caused such drastic changes. Our site is almost completely unique content. Some things, like Warranty & Install instructions, are from the manufacturer to protect us from liabilities. We come up with our own feature text, and we have custom written articles, blog posts, research guides, etc. We also appear to be the only one of our competitors being affected in this fashion. Any thoughts would be helpful. Domain is

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ShawnHerrick

  • It seems like a lot of our competators are getting lots of link juice from fake/spammy looking articles on squido.  Is it worth the effort to make these articles and add links to them, or is google smarter than that? Example here: links to: who seems to be doing pretty good according to OSE with a PA of 63 and a DA of 56

    Link Building | | adriandg

  • I need to track global keywords rankings for a web based product. Only being able to add three search engines to a campaign is limiting. I need to track at least 5 regional versions of Google, and curently have to duplicate my campaign to do this. would prefer to keep it under one campaign.

    Moz Pro | | Vend

  • I recently asked a question about viewing the questions I have answered already: It turns out the link was right under my nose (but it appears a lot of people were having this issue). I'm now having the problem of not being able to see where I can view all the Q&As that I have subscribed to. Again, I may just be missing a link that's right in front of me but it certainly isn't obvious. Any help much appreciated!

    Moz Pro | | NickPateman81

  • What does youtube consider duplicated content? If I have a power point type video that I already have on youtube and I want to change the beginning and end call to action, would that be considered duplicate content? If yes then how would this effect my ranking/youtube page. Will it make a difference if I have it embedded on my blog?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | christinarule

  • I have a website that requires the site structure to be changed.  The website doesnt have many backlnks and rankings are fairly low.  I have 11,000 products on the website and want to know the best way to change the site structure without causing 404 errors all over the place.  Do I 301 redirect every page? drop all 11,000 pages from the index by adding a no follow no index to all pages? I have the following structure I want to change this to whats the best way to preserve the SEO, link juice and on a large scale? 11,000 pages. thank you shivun

    Technical SEO | | seohive-222720

  • We operate a Google Adwords campaign that clearly performs better conversion wise on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays ... What is the best way to stack a higher daily budget on specifc days in Adwords - There doesn't appear to be any formal way of doing this and the advice online is mixed...

    Paid Search Marketing | | digitalarts

  • As I do a lot of keyword research for my clients, I've found the SEOmoz Keyword Difficulty tool a great way to dig deeper in the competitive data for important keywords, whenever I am at the point of choosing between a smaller number of keywords. However, in some cases I would rather have a quick idea of how competitive a large list of keywords is (for example 1000+). As the Keyword Difficulty tool has a limit of 5 per run and 300 per day, I am looking for a technique or tool to run a list of keywords and get an idea of competitiveness for each keyword. Thanks for any suggestions!

    Keyword Research | | DeptAgency

  • I have been limping along doing link building myself for several months now. Creating relationships, asking for links, writing some articles and press. So far, decent results, but I need to take it to another level. I used SubmitEdge's 400 manual directory submission product, but still not seeing many links coming from it. So, I would like to hire an onshore SEO to help me with link building. After getting several quotes from reputable companies, I found the process very frustrating. I know this business is not about guarentees, but they all want $600-$1000 per month for a fairly open ended service. All they tell me is that they will submit to directories, social media sites, shopping sites, and some niche sites. No guarentees of how many (or what quality) of links I'll get, or even how much time they even plan to spend. Any suggestions on what I should expect? and any suggestion companies?

    Link Building | | paddlej

  • Hello, I have what a I think it's a noob question.. I have a medium size website and need to put it into maintenance for the next 2 months, and afterwards activate a completly new site. My client asked me to do this, cause the same people whoe run the constant flow of information on the site, are the ones who are going to develop the new site, so he wants to just close it out So... what are the steps for doing this with minimum impact on any SEO advances made this past months?.. How do I tell the search engines, Hey, just under maintenance for a while....then... i'm back in the game but this is my new structure. and the old one should go here

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | daniel.alvarez

  • I am having a hard time understanding why we are ranking so poorly for the keyword search "self storage toronto" on We have claimed our places page, and we have 38 citations and 9 reviews.  Yet for some reason we are burried 7 pages into the places pages results way below other places pages that have far lower page authority, domain authority, and less citations and reviews on their places page. I just can't understand what we are doing wrong / overlooking. Any ideas? Here's the places page i am referring too: We do happen to land very high in the organic results for the same keyword, infact we are on the first page but why is google not giving us any love in places?

    Image & Video Optimization | | adriandg

  • What is the best way to evaluate external links coming in to my site?  I have been working on trying to build links by commenting on blogs/forums and adding to directories, etc. I've run link reports through Open Site Explorer and Yahoo and they never seem to show the same links coming in. For example, i run link eport on Open Site Explorer and it will show links coming into my site that Yahoo doesn't show, and vice versa. I guess I'm trying to figure best way to monitor each week new links coming into my site to determine if my efforts are fruitful.  Also, is there a certain period of time that should pass from time I put my link on another site (ie, a blog) until it will show up in OPen Site Explorer? Thanks!  Oh, and I use the NoDoFollow Add-on for Firefox to only comment on those sites that do follow.  Not sure if that's really effective or not.

    Link Building | | leonenobleseate

  • Dear SEOs, I know these facts: a) not more than 70 chars b) relevant to the page subject - probably best keyword at the beginning My problem - should I rebuild the current structure of my titles which is: Main Page keywords (in my case 4) | domain name - Main Page Sub-page - one click from main page keywords (again same 4) | domain name - Sub Page Name (or as you like  Category Name) Specific page with an article / content keywords (again same 4 as on any other) | domain name - category name - title of article same as used in tag To be more precise, should this title be changed for following pages: Sub Page - where really it's page that let's you chose particular subjects (there will be few article for each subjects) so should the keywords be changed to - "chose your category" Specific page with an article - should the category name - title of article be completely removed and first part of title which at the moment contains same 4 keywords used on main page be replaced with keywords specific for the content ? To be honest I find those titles at the moment bit confusing and sort of illogical. But since I can't really change anything in the code I would like to know what's the right way before I keep pressing on the programmer 🙂 Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | lolskizz

  • If you create a list of links to top blogs in your industry but no-follow all the links, and they link to your list, will that count as a reciprical link or a one-way link by search engines?

    Link Building | | SparkplugDigital

  • Recently, there has been considerable discussion and debate about the value of choosing keyword-rich and exact-match domains. In a recent webmaster Q&A, Matt Cutts seems to suggest that google is planning on "turning down the dial" on keyword domain signals: How will these changes (if at all) impact your advice to clients on domain selection?

    Technical SEO | | Gyi

  • In light of Google's recent "social search update", I am curious to know how many Google users perform searches while logged into their Google account thereby showing "social results".

    Algorithm Updates | | Gyi

  • I have recently come across several bloggers that have been trying to formulate the best concise definition of SEO. What one sentence definitions have you used / seen? Avoid run-ons. Tweetable, even better.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gyi

  • Hello fellow SEOMozzers, For a long time I've been wondering what would give the most SEO benefits for a keyword based query between these : 1. A sitewide footer link on SiteA with keyword anchor text to SiteB homepage 2. A sitewide footer link on SiteA with brand name to SiteB homepage 3. A single link on SiteA homepage to SiteB homepage 4. An editorial page on SiteA about SiteB with links to homepage and deep pages Did someone ever did that kind of experiments?  Is anyone having better results with one kind of link strategy? Best regards,
    Guillaume Voyer.

    Link Building | | G-Force

  • It seems pretty well-settled that massive reciprocal linking is not a very effective strategy, and in fact, may even lead to a penatly. However, I still see massive reciprocal linking (blog roll linking even massive resource page linking) still working all the time. I'm not looking to cast aspersion on any individual or company, but I work with legal websites and I see these strategies working almost universally. My question is why is this still working? Is it because most of the reciprocally linking sites are all legally relevant? Has Google just not "gotten around" to the legal sector (doubtful considering the money and volume of online legal segment)? I have posed this question at SEOmoz in the past and it was opined that massively linking blogs through blog rolls probably wouldn't send any flags to Google. So why is that it seems that everywhere I look, this strategy is basically dismissed as a complete waste of time if not harmful? How can there be such a discrepency between what leading SEOs agree to be "bad" and the simple fact that these strategies are working en masse over the period of at least 3 years?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Gyi

  • Let's suppose that I want to rank for the keyword "hotels". If I put this keyword in ALL of the link anchor texts then Google will very likely penalize the site. My question is: How many keyword variations should I use in anchors (provided I want to rank for just one KW i.e. "hotels")? Would one keyword variation be okay and is it fine to use main keyword in 80% anchors and the keyword variation(s) in just 20% anchor texts, such as : hotels 80% cheap hotels 20% Note: I do not want to rank for "cheap hotels", just want to use it as an anchor variation of my desired keyword "hotels". Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RightDirection

  • In Chrome, I'll start off not logged in to the toolbar. I'll click log in which forwards me to the SEOmoz login page. I'll login. Sometimes the toolbar will reflect this login and the metrics will poplulate in the PA and DA, other times it won't. If I navigate to another page within the same tab, it may show metrics still, but it is also just as likely to show that I'm not logged in. If I open a new tab, the toolbar will show that I'm not logged in. I click the log in again but when directed to SEOmoz, it'll show that I'm already logged in. I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly when it'll work and when it won't. Seems a bit random, so am wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue and has been able to solve this logged in / not logged in problem. As a note, anytime I navigate back to the SEOmoz site, whether by opening a new tab or a new window, the SEOmoz site does show I'm logged in, while the toolbar shows I'm not. You can see a demonstration of the simultaneous logged in SEOmoz site and logged out SEOmoz toolbar in the attached screen shot. UPDATE Also having similar issues in firefox. Am wondering if this has anything to do with the fact that I changed my email address within the past few weeks. KQXxN.gif

    Moz Pro | | gregalam

  • I posted this as a reply on my other question, but never got another responce... I am basically moving ecommerce platforms to answer your question. I am keep the same domain ( If you want to get even more specific i am moving from storesonline to corecommerce. Here's some more info: All meta tags, URLS, content is virtually going to be the same except my product pages and normal pages will end with .html, however my category pages will still be /categoryname (like a directory). My category URLS seem to build in a mod re-write fashion, which I hear is better for SEO (like /sweatbands/head-sweatbands/). I have set all my pages to use the rel=cananical tag, so if you are on the category  /sweatbands/head-sweatbands/  it cananicals back to /head-sweatbands The images are changing names as I upload them on a product because it auto creates new sizes. This differs from our old host and may affect our vertical image rankings. Should I 301 the image URLS? I am keeping the www. in my domain name, as opposed to just to keep everything the same. CoreCommerce automatically seems to make my products uppercase in the URL as they are in the title, but the url works both lowercase and uppercase so its not case sensitive. This is just an overview of some things I think I have most of my bases covered, but i'm aiming for a april 1st launch / move for the new site.  Do you guys have any other pointers / suggestions?

    Technical SEO | | Hyrule

  • I have two architecture related questions. Fewer folders is better. For example, should rank better than, all else constant. However, to what extreme does it make sense to remove folders? With a small site of 100 or so pages, why not put all files in the main directory? You'd have to manually build the navigation versus tying navigation to folder structure, but would the benefit justify the additional effort on a small site? I see a lot of sites with expansive footer menus on the home page and sometimes on every page. I can see how that would help indexing and user experience by making every page a click or two apart. However, what does that do to the flow of link juice? Does Google degrade the value of internal footer links like they do external footer links? If Google does degrade internal footer links, then having a bunch of footer links would waste link juice by sending a large portion of juice through degraded links, wouldn't it? Thank you in advance, -Derek

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dvansant

  • I am changing ecommerce platforms. For my internal linking on the old site there was a lot of old links written like this: But now i am writing links mostly like this: /page-name Will that make a difference to search engines? Is one easier than the other for them to interpret?

    Technical SEO | | Hyrule

  • Hi, I have a question regarding our client's site, on Google has indexed both and creating a duplicate content issue. We have added
    to the default.aspx page. Now, because and are the same page on the actual backend the code is on the when I view the code from the page loaded in a brower. Is this a problem? Will Google penalize the site for having the rel=canonical on the actual homepage...the canonical url. We cannot do a 301 redirect from to because this causes an infinite loop because on the backend they are the same page. So my question is two-fold: Will Google penalize the site for having the rel=canonical on the actual homepage...the canonical url. Is the rel="canonical" the best solution to fix the duplicate homepage issue on ASP. And lastly, if Google has not indexed duplicate pages, such as, is it a problem that they exist? Thanks in advance for your knowledge and assistance. Amy

    Technical SEO | | flarson

  • Prob the most n00b question of all, but once I understand this I will be able to research on my own from here: If a search engine produces results by the keywords from individual website posts/pages, then how are the keywords I choose for my homepage so important if the general homepage meta-tag keywords are essentially ignored by the search engines? Should I repeat my primary keywords on EVERY post, in addition to the ones that relate to that individual post or am I misunderstanding something fundamental? My new site is and I want to be at the top of the results for anyone wanting to watch music vlogs, album reviews, music lessons, funny music-related videos, new non-major label music videos, and all kinds of other concert footage, etc.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEOsolver

  • Hi mozzers! How to optimize really a rich index.php of a page,with a keyword example: " mobile " what kind of things to include,video,comments,images,how many words,manually meta-descriptons or to leave it empty to take automatically the googlebot a snippet! Tell us more on this, because we forget sometimes the rich-content-optimized and only concentrated on the link-building. Thanks,

    On-Page Optimization | | leadsprofi

  • With web3.0 results with microfrmatting showing in google, yahoo etc through reviews, instock, events, sales, pricing etc.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RampUpInteractive

  • Hi there! Some doubts are confusing my head and need some assistence from you to get on the right track. I'll explain my situation and want to hear from you what do you really recommend for med/long term permanent results. 1 - I have a PR2 ( domain; 2 - I'm talking about little/med competition micro-niche keywords; 3 - I got all pages I want to, indexed (I have a well SEO constructed website with internal link building); 4 - If a keyword has average competition, I'll already start ranking in page #3 on the SERP's; For a few low competition keywords I start on page #1; 5 - I do a little whitehat link building, 1 or 2 backlinks on authority sites and then like 15 days later I came to page #1, generally on position 9/10; And then I got stucked 🙂 No more authority sites where I can get backlinks... I do some posts on the company twitter/facebook page's, but they are no follow, so I don't really now if this can help. (never see a SERP result). I did some "blackhat" stuff to see if it really work: I can say for sure the "profile backlinks" that we can buy from some sites doesn't work (maybe it's just for me). I can't see it on webmaster tool and neither my ranks changed since I bought a pack of 100 links (the links are working, I see it one by one) to test. Maybe the problem is about the domains, cause my site is and I'm buying .com profile links. I guess google understand backlinks from more valuable for my sites. Back to whitehat: I wrote some articles and posted it the right way, of course on articles sites, got it indexed and can see the backlink on webmaster tool, but no change on SERP's. (maybe this can be a long term result and I'm not seeing it yet). I'm really "scratching my hand" to do some blackhat stuff, but I don't want to lose what I already have done... I heard a lot about scrapebox but doesn't fell confortable to spam as hell a lot of blogs. I really want long term permanent results (my sites are totally whitehat/corporate sites). Can you expert guys give me some point to where I need to "walk" now to improve the SERP's? I never reached top #1 and want to try to rank at least one time to understand how this can be made... I'm thinking now to pay someone to rewrite 20 copies of an article and up it on some sites, to see if 20 can improve something. But still no confident, because it will cost like $100 for a good writer do it for me on my language. Maybe I can do better things with 100 bucks. I guess I did the path right: Internal SEO -> got indexed -> backlinking from authorities -> new articles backlinks to me (is it ok at this position or no?) -> (what next ?) I know SEO is a hard/never ending work, but what I'm trying to get cleaned on my head is the path of the work (if a right path really exists). Every word will be apreciated. What do you can suggest to me to try now? (please give me a hint to see SERP's results 🙂 if I feel that something worked, no matter how it can cost to me, but I'll pay for the work happily) Sorry if I'm a little confusing, english isnt' my first language. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | azaiats2

  • If you go to and click on one of the links in the footer. you'll notice you are presented with an interstitial.  Can you tell me if that hurts our SEO and if we lose any link juice or suffer in any other way as a result of this linking method? my main concern is whether having anchor text that says "bathroom ideas" that goes to an interstitial that doesn't mention bathroom ideas is non-relevant... even if it refreshes 12 seconds to  a page that is.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KaplanSEM

  • There used to be a traffic column on the Rankings page. Now I don't see it. ??

    Moz Pro | | scanlin

  • Hi, I got a question, a main domain from one site that link to me is PR 6 and deeper pages has no PR, i know this occur because the deeper pages are new. I just want to know if this deeper pages give to me a good backlink quality even it has no PR like main domain?

    Link Building | | Ex2

  • AFAICT there's no way to filter questions to the ones that you have answered. Is there any plan to implement a filter like this? I realise there are email notifications available but no easy way to just go back and check on your answers. No doubt I'm just missing something here so if I'm completely wrong, please point me in the right direction 🙂 Thanks very much!

    Moz Pro | | NickPateman81

  • Example: A page has 100 links, 90 internal links and 10 external links. The page has a Google internal PR of 1000. The question is: Is the pagerank that flows to the internal links being calculated taking into account all links on the page (internal + external) or only the 90 internal links? E.g. is the PR that flows to the internal links 1000/100 or 1000/90? Are links to external sites "votes" that do not affect the internal PR flow? Disclaimer: I understand that the maths behind the PR algo are more complex. This simplified example only serves to explain my question.

    On-Page Optimization | | Florakel

  • What is your take on site wide inernal links in the footer, e.g. for the most competitive keywords? Do you think those links are still useful or are those links of little value from your experience? It is an old school tactic but I still see many sites doing it.

    On-Page Optimization | | Florakel

  • I have a client site with thousands of old very low quality links purchased from directories etc over several years - I am certain these are doing nothing for the current rankings and I advised them to stop buying these links 18 months ago when I first started working with them, but do you think pro-actively getting old poor quality backlinks removed will potentially improve the site's rankings?

    Link Building | | simoncmason

  • I have been looking at the SEOmoz redirect guide for some advice but I can't seem to find the answer : I have lots of URLs from a previous version of a site that look like the following: etc etc. I want to write a redirect so whenever a URL with the terms "-c-25.html" is requested it redirects to a specified page, regardless of what comes after the question mark. These URLs were created by our previous ecommerce software. The 'c' is for category, and each page of the cateogry created a different URL. I want to do these so I can rediect all of these URLs to the appropraite new cateogry page in a single redirect. Thanks for any help.

    Technical SEO | | craigycraig

  • Hi Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on the internal links metric in the Linkscape report. I have run the report for a number of sites that I know have internal links in them but often get the result of just 1 internal link when I run the Linkscape report and I am not sure why Thanks

    Moz Pro | | UE-Web

  • The fee does not even guarantee inclusion - and if you are accepted, does that link really add enough value to justify paying an annual $300 fee?

    Link Building | | mjmorse

  • I'm a developer spending ever more time on SEO for SMBs. I've never had cause to buy links. Not one bit. I've done ok. Until now that is. Now I am getting my arse kicked into last year. By, I think, a top SEO company. Really, you know these guys and they are whiter than white. But what they have achieved seems an impossibilty to me using white hat techniques. Maybe they are from another planet than me. Or maybe something else is going on. In six months they have built 40,000+ links. These are unbelievably high quality links in their thousands. Really top notch. Keyword rich anchors slap bang in relevant content on great, great sites such as newspapers, univertsities, government, corporate, charity etc. Nothing spammy at all. Amazing. I was skimming but I found nothing to question at all until link 800 which was a cloaked link on a well known review site's product page. But generally the high quality sustained. Gradually, some began to feel somewhat worked into the content, although worked very well.  2000 links in and there are still magazine and review sites, still page authority 40+. There are still local government sites at 10,000 links when the export file ends. I go dizzy at the thought of the remaining 30,000. How far down could this quality have gone? Gulp. I am in awe, intimdated...and a little suspicious. How on earth do you do that with a pure white hat on? Actually, whatever colour your hat - how on earth do you do that? Rand's position is clear. He doesn't do it. Other's are less unambiguous. Comments like "I do it, you do it, we all do it" go unchallenged. Even on a recent link buying question here on SEOMoz most comments say don't do it but one advocates "Paid, targeted, individually prospected links". Am I too suspicious - a fool trying to rationalise my relatively pathetic link building? Honestly, you should just see these links. Of course, maybe some of you have. 🙂 Come on, please don't tell these guys simply worked hard. But maybe that's the harsh truth I cannot face. I have to say I cannot see the site generating an income to pay for the man hours needed for 40,000 high-value, white-hat links but then what do I know. Tell me, what do you think: Is it possible to build 40,000 very high value links in six months using pure white hat techniques - or is there another way? Phil

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Phil_

  • We are running several special interest websites in the German speaking market, covering outdoor sports and vacation topics. We are trying to focus on one main landing page for events and keywords, this should be number one für search engines. Besides we are producing numerous content (news, pictures, videos), which are supposed to rank well and to be found on Google News, but not to rank higher for the specific keyword  than our designated landing page. It seems, that we fail with this attempt. Example one: The main page for the alpine Ski World Championships on our skiing portal was supposed to be this one: for the Keywords 'ski wm 2011' in Germany. We missed this goal. Many of our own news articles ranked higher. When searching for 'ski wm 2011' on only directly after the World Championships, the main page was ranked on 33rd position - 32 of our own articles ranked higher. Why does the landing page rank worse than an article like this: ? Another example: Our designated landing page for the Event 'International Mountain Summit' (a major mountaineering and climbing event in Bressanone/ITA) is this: (Keywords: international mountain summit, IMS). We are experiencing that our news articles rank higher, when they are 'fresh', this one still does: Why? It would be perfect, if good content would strengthen the designated landing page. We are linking back to this landing page from each article in the breadcrumb, but this does not seem to be very successful. How can we achieve this?

    On-Page Optimization | | Beatbuster

  • Whats the most effective may of targeting regional visitors, is it really just adding your city name at the end of your keywords? The website i'm trying to optimize is and the target city is aberdeen. I'm new to seo so any views or tips welcome. Thanks

    Web Design | | jpc1004

  • Hi I checked in my campaign to look for errors on my page and i have got a report showing me a lot of 404 broken or dead links error. So how can i view the source of the broken link in order to fix it. Thank you!

    Reporting & Analytics | | DigitalDave

  • Hi Guys, Quick question regarding sitemaps. I am currently working on a huge site that has masses of pages. I am looking to create a site map. How would you guys do this? i have looked at some tools but it say it will only do up to 30,000 pages roughly. It is so large it would be impossible to do this myself....any suggestions? Also, how do i find out how many pages my site actually has indexed and not indexed?? Thank You all Wayne

    On-Page Optimization | | wazza1985

  • This is definitely bit off-topic though could not resist asking it... I am in love with graphics (images) SEOmoz creates for its trainings I would like to know what software/tool is used to create them I am an educator myself and my students will love to learn from such engaging pictures rather boring text.

    SEO Learn Center | | krishrun

  • I would like to rank for words as:
    windsurfing equipment
    windsurfing news
    windsurfing sails
    windsurfing boards etc. Now am I wondering if I should use exact those words in the navigation/titles/descriptions because it seems not user friendly. The whole website is about windsurfing thus naming it just “equipement” instead of “windsurfing equipment” would be clear to a visitor that I am talking about that windsurfing related topic. Here is an example:
    I can even change the URL to What would be the best way of choosing the naming/descriptions when I do on-page optimisation which is good for the engines and for the users and who would you do in my case?

    Technical SEO | | madsurfer

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