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  • Hey guys, Recently (approx 1 month ago) did a migration from the version of our site to .com/en. We've been doing a migration every few months to get everything under our .com. Previous migrations haven't had any problems at all, and hreflang tags detected correctly. For this new UK migration (that was done 1 month ago) google is saying that it doesn't detect any hreflang tags. We place our hreflang tags in our sitemap and so far we haven't had any problems with it. Here's the sitemap: Any thoughts on what could be happening? I really appreciate your input and help 🙌

    Technical SEO | | mooj

  • I've been doing some keyword research and i've found a few gems. My site is currently sat at a 18 domain authority up from 12, so it's great to see the improvement. Although I was wondering, if my domain authority is sat a 18, can I compete with keywords that have a difficulty of 50-60? Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Sam

    Keyword Research | | sammecooper

  • amp mobile first indexing

    I am considering developing a new site monetized with Adsense. I am wondering if it's still worth bothering with AMP, it will take some work to get the functionality I have in mind working on these pages due to the inherent limitations. Has anyone got any insights in terms of current and future benefits of AMP in terms of ranking benefits and Adsense earning potential?

    Web Design | | GrouchyKids

  • One of my clients has come into the possession of a competitor's website. They sat on it for a while (other things going on) and because the company ceased trading the GMB listing seems to have been removed by Google and the leads have dropped off since this loss. The links are OK, so am considering 301 redirects, if the links still pass any value.
    Linking Domains 98
    Domain Authority 23
    Spam Score 2 % Are the links likely to still pass value? Also in terms of updating the WHOIS info what's the best approach?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | GrouchyKids

  • Currently i can only download 50K links, but we have around 350K links, how can i download all the inbound links.

    Link Explorer | | ITWEBTEAM

  • Is there a tool (in MOZ?) that lists all the links on our website that point to external links (vs internal links)?

    Link Explorer | | analytics-moz

  • I have a section(no. of webpages with content) on my site with display ads. The site is mainly for UK visitors. I want to show ads to UK visitors but not US visitors. Rest of the content will be the same for UK and US. There will just be 1 page with same UrL for US and UK. Hence, no href lang tags are being used.
    Is there any correlation between display ads and SEO? Would not showing ads in US cause any issues for bots or do bots consider display ads and SEO as two completey different aspects. Asking as Google bot crawls from the US.

    Technical SEO | | Kohliharleen
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hey all! Someone I work with recently redirected one of their site pages via Squarespace. They used Squarespace-provided code to make a 301 redirect. Following this, the primary keywords for the page that was redirect to have dropped pretty significantly. Any Squarespace pros out there who can help me figure out what's going on?

    Technical SEO | | kelseyworsham
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello! Do the v1 API endpoints provide fresh data, or do I need to use the v2 endpoints for fresh data? According to the v1 API docs "This guide outlines the endpoints for now archived Mozscape API endpoints." Does this mean that the v1 API only serves archived data? Thanks!

    API | | peterkovacs

  • Hi everyone, I was recently hired as Content Lead for a SaaS company. We are based in Germany with plans to expand into the UK, Ireland, Spain, and the Netherlands. All of our website content is entirely in English and we don't have plans to localize content for any of the new markets. At least not yet.
    One of my responsibilities will be to expand our organic reach through, mostly through SEO content. Though I'm comfortable with the fundamentals of SEO, I'm no expert and I certainly don't have experience with international SEO. I consulted a couple of resources like this guide to international SEO from Moz and this video from Semrush. In a nutshell, this is what I gather: if you want to expand organic reach in foreign countries/markets, you need to 1) decide what kind of domain you want to use and then implement the necessary technical configurations and 2) create localized content in the target market's language. As I mentioned, we won't be localizing any content at first. My question, then, is can we go about creating content in English and hope to gain any kind of meaningful organic exposure in non-English speaking markets? If so, what's the best approach? I apologize in advance if any of this isn't clear or if the answer is super obvious. Happy to provide further details upon request. Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | localyze_mason

  • Hello, We are trying to rank for keywords locally. We are on the edge of four zip codes in our area and are competing with businesses in those zip codes. Should we track each keyword separately for each zip code, or just one zip code we're in?

    Keyword Research | | ifixcars

  • I have a problem and i have a question on that. Many important keywords and long tail keywords are ranking with the home page url.
    How can i enrich the home page content without having a bad result and should i try to make the google spider send to more specific page?

    Technical SEO | | mazzamz
  • This question is deleted!


  • We have thousands of Missing Description issues but most of them are account/login pages. i.s. /customer/account/ etc... We tried to de-index them through the Configuration using the instructions here - But they're still appearing as issues in the Site Crawl. Even without the site crawl issue, we don't really want these to appear in the SERPs. Does anybody know how to properly de-index these login pages in Magento? Thank you!

    Technical SEO | | LASClients
  • This question is deleted!


  • We're seeing a couple of temporary redirects. One for the http pointing to https. Another for /checkout pointing to/checkout/cart. We don't have an internal dev so not sure how to remove these. Would anyone know? I've set up the 301s but they're not overriding and I'm still seeing the issues in the crawl. Thanks in advance for your help!

    Technical SEO | | LASClients
  • Solved

    generate pdf report not working

    Product Support | | V2G

  • Hey guys, I’m somewhat new to SEO, but I’ve caught on a lot these past few years. Recently I’ve started working with a web dev who is one of those types that ‘doesn’t believe in SEO’ whatever that means. I’m a content guy myself, but I know enough about SEO to recognize when something is fishy, especially since this particular case has to do with my job. Here’s the gist of it. The dev wants to keep the main site on a custom CMS, but run the blog on a separate WordPress platform. In other words, would be on a custom CMS, but would be on a separate WordPress setup. I’ve never seen this done before. I’m wondering how this might affect technical SEO down the road. Will the site be penalized in any way because there are essentially two CMS running on the same domain? I was thinking of escalating this further up the chain, but I wanted to check with you guys first. Let me know if this dude is a complete hack or am I just not familiar enough with this subject.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | woddyisland

  • This one has sort of been asked already but I cannot find an answer. When we evaluate a new SEO client, previously with Majestic we would review the root domain vs sub domain (www) for which had the higher Trust Flow and Citation flow, and if there was a major difference, adjust the Google indexed domain to the higher peforming one. Is there a way to do this with Moz, Domain Authority, and Sub Domain authority are always returning the same DA for me. Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | practiceedge1

  • HEY EXPERTS, My website page speed is not increasing. I used the wp rocket plugin but still, I am facing errors of Reduce unused CSS, Properly size images, and Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers. you can see in the image Screenshot (7).png I used many plugins for speed optimization but still facing errors. I optimized the images manually by using photoshop but still, I am facing the issue of images size. After Google Core Web Vital Update my website keyword position is down due to slow speed. Please guide me on how I increase the page speed of my website Thanks

    Technical SEO | | frazashfaq11

  • hey guys - a new member here, and huge issue i can't seem to wrap my head around where i could really use yalls help! I oversee about a couple firemen in my local neighborhood - however the issue lies in this: Lets say theres 50 firmen total if i look up lets say his name is 'john james fireman' on google then him and his GMB appears - great awesome, right?
    Well then, if I search a second employee lets say her name is jill jansen and i look up 'Jill Jansen fireman' what happens is that john james GMB appears when i search her name then lets say i search another employee - calling him "jake bo" - if i look up "jake bo fireman" john james GMB STILL shows up - even though no where are there names related THEN the confusing part is that he only appears for select employees, not all of them. I don't know if this a metatagging issue, i went through his content seo and nothing seems to trigger it, so im at a loss - Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Local Listings | | Johndavisx

  • What keywords should I choose if I have 3 similar products, only the value differs?
    It is recommended to use the same keyword, and change the value? Example: Product 1: $ 100 discount coupon
    Keyword: $ 100 discount coupon Product 2: $ 75 discount coupon
    Keyword:? Product 3: $ 50 discount coupon
    Keyword:? Any advice? Thank you, Sergio K.

    Keyword Research | | Voucherstore 0

  • This is not a new campaign. It updates every Thursday but this week did not update some sections like:
    Search Visibility
    Desktop vs. Mobile Search Visibility
    Top National Keywords
    Top Local Keywords

    Product Support | | alliancehvac
  • Solved

    I am having issues just exporting any kind of PDF reports. Is there something going on or some glitch? I have tried 3 different browsers and still have the same problem. All I get is the ajax wheel spinning and then it times out.

    Product Support | | TriforceMedia
  • This question is deleted!

  • Solved

    I am trying to run a MOZ scan against a staging URL which happens to be a PWA (progressive web app). It only returns a depth of 1 page, but there are several links on that site. Is there some parameter or way to scan PWA's below the first page?

    Moz Pro | | RickMiller_EY
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi. We recently created a Christmas category page on our eCommerce website ( Earlier today, I Googled ‘Christow Christmas Silhouette Lights’ (Christow being the name of our website and Christmas silhouette lights being one of the sub-categories we recently created). I was curious to see how the page appeared on search. Bizarrely, the page appeared multiple times on search (if you click on the link above, it should show you the search results). As you can see, multiple meta titles and descriptions have been created for the same page. This is something that is affecting a number of our Christmas category pages. I don't quite understand why this has happened. We recently added filters to the category. Could the filters be responsible? Any idea how I can prevent this from happening? How I can stop Google indexing these weird replica pages? Many thanks, Dave

    Technical SEO | | Davden

  • seo wordpress

    Hi all, For context, I'm trying to Silo my content more efficiently. I've just moved all content into their own SILO'd categories and removed them from duplicate categories. As such, posts now sit only in 1 category. My question here is: Should my posts be showing in both the parent category and its sub category or just the sub-category? I've currently got this only showing in the sub-categories it's relevant to. For example:
    Post name: Shimano Fishing Rod Review
    Parent Category: Fishing Rods
    Sub Category: Shimano And the post only shows inside the Shimano Category

    On-Page Optimization | | xtrapsp

  • Hi,
    I'm looking to add some external links to a website. The homepage has a section showing the logos of clients the company has worked with. Is it worth making these logos links to the clients websites? Some of the clients are household names. However, I've noticed that very few websites do this. Would it add any value?

    Link Building | | LisaBabblebird
  • Solved


    i am not using the tools , and I'm not interested in them in the future... how can i get a refund ...

    Product Support | | alexx1212

  • Hi all, For context, I'm trying to Silo my content more efficiently. I've just moved all content into their own SILO'd categories and removed them from duplicate categories. As such, posts now sit only in 1 category. My question here is: Should my posts be showing in both the parent category and it's sub category or just the sub-category? I've currently got this only showing in the sub-categories it's relevant to. For example:
    Post name: Shimano Fishing Rod Review
    Parent Category: Fishing Rods
    Sub Category: Shimano And the post only shows inside Shimano

    On-Page Optimization | | xtrapsp

  • help canonical

    We are hosted by visual soft and it is a proprietory platform so we dont have full control of our site.
    in comparison, 3 of our main competitors, two of which are way way bigger than us have 1.4m & 4.7m - another one still probably double or perhaps triple our size is @ 2.5m Should i worry?
    Should i post my website url on here?
    I would like to start working on canonical links on my site but not sure where to start, does moz pro have some sort of check or rating, i have no idea if even the basics mentioned in the tutorials have been done....

    On-Page Optimization | | Russell-Gorilla
  • Solved


    I was charged after cancelling my account that is not being used. What should I do? Cancel with my bank?

    Product Support | | ValFulton
  • This question is deleted!


  • magento 302

    Hi all, I'm assigned a site in Magento. After the first craw, we found almost 15k 302 redirects. A sample URL ends with this /stores/store/switch/?SID=qdq9mf1u6afgodo1vtvk0ucdpb&___from_store=default&___store=german&uenc=aHR0cHM6Ly9qdWljeWZsdXRlcy5jb20vP19fX3N0b3JlPWdlcm1hbg%2C%2C And they are currently 302 redirecting to the homepage as well as other main pages and also product pages it seems. Some of these point to account pages where customers log in. Probably best for me to de-index those so no issues there. But I'm worried about the 302 redirects to public pages. The extension we have installed is SEO Suite Ultimate by MageWorx. Does anyone here have experience here specifically and how did you fix it? Thanks, JC

    Technical SEO | | LASClients

  • I recently carried out an internal link audit on our site and added around 100 links to other pages over relevant anchor text. One week later, Moz shows our internal links are up by 11k. Why?

    Link Building | | AntelopeAgency

  • domain authority

    I purchased a domain few months back. At the time of registration, I didn't knew it was a domain that is previously used by someone. When I started adding content to my website, I realized its DA was already 9, after adding some content and sharing it on my social handles, I got a few links and my DA increased to 18, but since last week I am noticing a weird behavior in MozBar. Everyday I see a different DA, sometimes it gets better while sometimes its as low as 10. Can anyone check my site and see if there is something with my website or is it normal. Here is the website :

    Link Building | | MyRob

  • crawl errors 4xx error

    I have a client who sells highly technical products and has lots and lots (a couple of hundred) pdf datasheets that can be downloaded from their website. But in order to download a datasheet, a user has to register on the site. Once they are registered, they can download whatever they want (I know this isn't a good idea but this wasn't set up by us and is historical). On doing a Moz crawl of the site, it came up with a couple of hundred 401 errors. When I investigated, they are all pages where there is a button to click through to get one of these downloads. The Moz error report calls the error "Bot verification". My questions are:
    Are these really errors?
    If so, what can I do to fix them?
    If not, can I just tell Moz to ignore them or will this cause bigger problems?

    Technical SEO | | mfrgolfgti

  • I ran a report through SEM rush and it came back with 174 toxic links ( score 100-60). I have been reading mixed reviews about what to do. Most of the websites are not relevant and appear to be linking to the images. Should I disavow these links? Would it help SEO? Or should I leave it be?

    Link Building | | higherimages

  • How do I fix a 404 redirect chain? I can't seem to find the answer and I'm worried about it effecting my SEO. Any help would be great!

    Technical SEO | | sammecooper

  • Hello fello SEO’s! I’ve got some GMB questions that have been wracking my brain for the last couple weeks and need some ideas. Tl;dr - How should we properly set up service-area GMBs? Create GMBs for every county we serve? Additional context and questions below: I have an enterprise level client who operates in the flooring industry. One thing that separates them from the pack is they don’t have physical locations (service area business) despite serving mostly the entire continental US. Currently, I am working to cleanup the GMB profiles because they have been neglected. My idea/what I think is the norm, was to create GMB profiles for the major markets they served. Within those GMB’s we would target major counties served within that area aka the service areas. However, I was met with some push back on this. Someone mentioned that we should instead be creating individual GMB profiles FOR EACH county that was served. I cautioned against this mainly because of the amount of work it work it would take to create/maintain/drive reviews for/etc if we had a GMB set up for almost every county in the US. Now that we got that boring context out of the way, my question to you is this. 1. How should we properly set up service-area GMBs? Create GMBs for every county we serve? Or Create GMB’s for main markets only and list the counties served in the GMB profile backend? 2. For each GMB profile create, a matching city-page will also be created. What information should be listed on the city page? Obvs, NAP, map, reviews, etc. I’m talking about copy. Is one of our keywords in “laminate flooring installation Los Angeles” should that keyword be optimized in the Los Angeles City page? Or should the LA city page be a hub, and have multiple surrounding pages optimized around keywords. For example, just having a page dedicated to the keyword “laminate flooring installation Los Angeles” Helpful answers appreciated!

    Moz Local | | BryanPhelps-BigLeapWeb

  • title tags

    Hi, We have noticed our home page title tag has now been replaced by our brand name (by Google I'm assuming). We have also noted that the page is dropping off SERPS for our main keywords, I suspect they are related but ofc I cant be sure. I know the recent Google update has impacted titles but I wasn't sure if it would apply here. Has anyone any advice on this and/or having the same issue? We normally rank well for grass seed (UK search) I also noticed some strange mark up in our source code which seems to have been left behind by Sketch - we are getting this removed. <title>Combined Shape</title> <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc> Chris

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Chris_Mc

  • How to I select what dates to report from? I would like a quarterly report - is it possible to compare to the previous year/quarter?

    Product Support | | kaymcgarr

  • Hi Community! I am in the process of updating sitemaps and am trying to obtain a standard for what is considered "strong" crawl budget? Every documentation I've found includes how to make it better or what to watch out for. However, I'm looking for an amount to obtain for (ex: 60% of the sitemap has been crawled, 100%, etc.)

    Technical SEO | | yaelslater

  • Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 19.02.18.png My search visibility dropped from around 13% a few weeks ago to 8.29%. I know that Google launched a bunch of updates in this past few weeks to ignore spam links, and I'm pretty sure that was the reason for the drop - some of the links to my site date back over 10 years and those links were garbage. Confusingly, at the same time, my Domain Authority went up by 1 to 32, then back down a week later. How can I restore my previous rank in the short term? We're designing a new site at the moment with vastly improved page speed, but I'm not sure what effect that will have yet (

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

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