Blog Posts
One thing that have bothered me for some time, is how Google treat websites that buy and/or sell links. Not that I am a fan of buying or selling links. I'm proud to say I've never done either. But I cannot understand why Google chase black-hat link-builders, when they could make the algorithm take care of most of the link-building problem themselves.
I studied cybernetics at the univers...
Around one year ago Google announced that sitelinks could be added to Google AdWords ads. What effect has this had?
A company I have been working with activated sitelinks in their AdWords ads on search for CompanyName. They also ranked #1 organically on this search phrase. From experience it is smart to advertise with the company name as long as the paid clicks are cheap and give the Ad...
I work at Metronet, a Norwegian company that specializes in search and social media. We work with organic search, paid search, web analytics and our team of web developers specializes in Facebook applications, customized fan pages and pretty pictures.