4 Things That Are Getting Me Rankings, Right Now
The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.
Despite my love for SEO and my presence in the industry for almost 5 years, I have to admit that I barely followed the latest trends over the last 12 months. 95% of SEO related feeds disappeared from my Google Reader account and I stopped manually checking some of the biggest resources in this niche.
The main reason for this is that I no longer work with clients so new tactics and many advanced SEO methods didn't matter to me that much. I was also at the point where I felt I was getting overloaded with the same information or bad advice, instead of sticking with the basics and going with what I know.
Instead of reading 30+ SEO feeds per day and watching every Matt Cutts video like it was a direct message from God, I shut out all the noise and just started building websites around things I love. In the 12 months since going solo I've had more success than the previous four years and I've gained rankings for a large number of very competitive keyphrases.
I'm not suggesting that you ignore the industry and try everything yourself, as there is a lot of good information out there (especially from the likes of SEOmoz, Aaron, Sebastian, Rishi and David).
What I do suggest is that you go with what works and stick to it consistently, rather than constantly looking for magic-bullets to increase your rankings. Today I want to share four things that have been working very well for me in increasing my own rankings.
1. Get People "Googling" Your Brand
Many people may disagree that this is useful in improving your rankings, but I've seen far too many examples of this tactic working well to dismiss it. I stumbled upon this idea when I released a free eBook which received thousands of downloads, and mentioned a website of mine while mistakenly forgetting to link to it.
Because the site in question was an integral part of the guide, people started "Googling" the phrase. Within the first 30 days of launching the site there had already been 500 people searching for it in Google and landing on the domain.
The reason I say this is because this website ranked 2nd in Google for its main keyphrase very, very quickly, without the link juice to usually grant such a high ranking. The site literally had 5 links compared to the hundreds that competing websites had which were also much older.
Thinking about this logically, it makes sense that Google and other search engines would want to rank a page highly when people are searching for the brand name directly. I believe that because so many people were looking for the site and having to go to page 3 or 4 to find it, the rankings improved because Google want to show the best results to their users.
Google have said that this does play a part in the algorithm, but I was surprised at how big an effect it had. I don't recommend you do this for all sites, but if you release something or mention a product, try just mentioning the name and not linking to the site (not always, of course). Get people searching for your brand / domain directly and see what that does to your rankings.
2. Monitor Repeat Sellers on Flippa.com
I was contemplating whether or not to reveal this as it has given me some ridiculously awesome link ideas, but I try to provide as much value as I can, so here goes. If you head on over to Flippa you can find people buying and selling a lot of successful and high ranking websites.
What I've noticed is that some people are selling a lot of content websites that are ranking for great phrases very quickly and very easily. If you look hard enough you can find sites making $5,000+ per month from rankings they've achieved in just 2-3 months.
Instead of buying these sites in all cases, I've simply looked at where the backlinks are coming from and figured out how the seller is able to duplicate them so easily. I've seen sites ranking with nothing but spammy chinese blog links and other sites ranking with freely available link sources and making a lot of money.
If you have the time to look around, there are some real link gems to be found.
3. Utilise Guest Blogging in Your Niche
In 2009 I wrote more personal development related guest posts than anybody else and in return built a blog with over 6,000 subscribers. I recently sold the site for a mid five-figure fee, but still use this tactic for a number of other sites. (I know Youmoz links are nofollow, so I'm not using this as an example).
Apart from ranking number one in Google for "Guest Blogging" (;)), the tactic allowed me to rank on the first page of Google for two phrases which each get over 30,000 exact searches per month. One of which, was the phrase personal development.
I've wrote a 2,000+ word post on guest blogging over here so I'm not going repeat everything I said there, but utilising this method is very simple:
- Find the top blogs in your niche and see if they have clear opportunities for guest posting. If not, contact them. If so, contact them.
- Perform Google searches like niche "guest post" or niche "write for us" to find more sources for your content
- Once you get an opportunity, write an excellent article and send it off to the editor / site owner. I prefer to send my posts as text files with HTML inside so it's easy for them to paste into Wordpress and keeps your links intact.
- Put a non-spammy, anchor text link in the bottom of the guest post which will not only be great for rankings but also send traffic to your site
- You get links and traffic, and the site owner gets excellent, free content for their community
I have noticed a few big name SEO's abusing this already (I won't say who) so I don't know how long this tactic will remain effective, but it's working well for now and is probably hard to algorithmically block in all cases.
4. Dirty Bookmarking Links
I don't know why, but social bookmarking links (even automated ones) are helping some of my sites massively. I don't love using this tactic as it feels kind of dirty but I can't deny that it is working well.
The two instances I find it working best are:
- 1. On authority sites that have tons of links but need links with more specific anchor text
- 2. On new sites in small, fairly uncompetitive niches
Trying this for competitive phrases on sites that are either new or don't have many links doesn't seem to be doing much, but for the two examples above I'm amazed at how useful this has been.
I know this won't be for everyone and I would not recommend doing it on a high-profile client site, but definitely test it for yourself. You can buy software that automates the process or you can find people on Digitalpoint who are willing to do it for a small fee.
Now I'm going to spend the next month catching up on the major changes in the SEO industry, so if you have any recommended links, please do share them in the comments.
Glen Allsopp writes for ViperChill which is a blog about viral marketing. He helps people build websites that others naturally want to talk about.
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