Moz News

What does the moz in SEOmoz mean?
Rand Fishkin

What does the moz in SEOmoz mean?

I think I get asked this question on average 4X per week, more during conferences and after we've been in the press and less when I hide in the cupboard and make Brandon answer the phones. It's certainly a valid one, though and deserving of a definitive answer. Here's what the "moz" in SEOmoz means: We're building off the history of organizations like DMOZ, ...

Help Give SEOmoz a Tagline
Rand Fishkin

Help Give SEOmoz a Tagline

Currently, SEOmoz has the dismally boring and horribly generic tagline, "a search engine optimization resource." With all the tagline and article headline writing we do for clients, you'd think we could do better, but sadly, we're suffering from the same disease as the cobbler's children. Thus, it's with great hope that we turn to you, our most stalwart fans, for ideas. ...

London (and Worthing) Calling
Rebecca Kelley

London (and Worthing) Calling

I'm pleased and excited to inform you all that Rand is sending me to England for 18 days to participate in Ammon Johns' SEO Intern Training Program. I'll be leaving October 31st and will arrive in London on November 1st. After five days of sightseeing (including celebrating ...

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A Few of My Favorite Web Games
Rand Fishkin

A Few of My Favorite Web Games

The weekend here in Seattle is dark, foggy & wet so it's a perfect time to share some of my favorite games from the web. Some of these you can play online, others you'll have to download, and all are guaranteed to sap your productivity. Fancy Pants Adventure ...

Ten Sad Signs Your Writing is Web-Influenced
Rebecca Kelley

Ten Sad Signs Your Writing is Web-Influenced

For a little Friday fun, I came up with ten sentences you may read in an email from someone whose writing has clearly been influenced by the Web: "I really digg that noob girl that Accounting hired." "Whoever pwns a blue Dodge Stratus needs to move his car because it's parked next to a hydrant." "Did you notice the lig...

Switching to Partial Text RSS Feed - Vote Your Opinion
Rand Fishkin

Switching to Partial Text RSS Feed - Vote Your Opinion

For a long time, SEOmoz's RSS feed has been full text - the entire content of every post (minus images, polls & embedded video) has gone out to readers that subscribe through a feed format. According to Feedburner, a majority of our blog readership accesses the blog in this manner - we average a bit over 4,000 feed subscribers, get about 5-600 clickthroughs from feed listings and have only ...

SEOmoz Welcomes Jane Copland!
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz Welcomes Jane Copland!

It's with great pleasure that I introduce our newest SEOmoz team member, the incredibly talented Jane Copland. Jane's tenure at SEOmoz has only been a week, but she's already a valuable addition to our team - poring through tomes of websites, blogs and books to catch up on the fast-moving world of search. ...

Our Day with Andy Beal
Rand Fishkin

Our Day with Andy Beal

Andy Beal spent the day with SEOmoz, consulting with us on how to grow our business, take advantage of our strengths and shore up areas of weakness. Andy's experience with WebSourced, a giant firm in the field and Fortune Interactive, a mid-size player, has given him the ability to take a close look at a firm in SEO and immediately identify strategi...

SEOmoz Has a Pen Pal!
Rebecca Kelley

SEOmoz Has a Pen Pal!

Snail mail is dead, right? Apparently not! Recently SEOmoz received a written letter from a well-meaning entrepreneur at a federal correctional institution, asking us if we could send him any information about SEOmoz's services. ...

Rand's on Video
Rand Fishkin

Rand's on Video

I was recently interviewed on video (in a t-shirt) at our offices here in Seattle by for their Salary Stories blog. I'm not sure if I'll ever be fully comfortable with how I look on video, but it might be something to experiment with. ...

Entry #1: Generating Our Stuff on Their Space
Rebecca Kelley

Entry #1: Generating Our Stuff on Their Space

User generated content seems to be a pendulum-swing against the 1980s and ‘90s-style elitism that had all aspects of the media, including the web, tucked away in the firm grasp of a small, skilled group. Now, the opposite is true: In no other public way can the regular folks you see promoting themselves on Bebo or dishing out ...