Public Relations

SEO Industry Survey Results Released

SEO Industry Survey Results Released

We've been working pretty hard on pulling together the numbers from the roughly 2700 responses to the SEO Industry Survey, graphing the results, and writing up some thoughts in an article on the SEO Industry Survey. Being the new guy at SEOmoz, the gang thought it would be a good idea for me to pull myself out ...

Reflections on the Industry: the Hot Tub, the Economy, and SEO

Reflections on the Industry: the Hot Tub, the Economy, and SEO

I was at my neighborhood hot tub last night enjoying a glass of wine and conversation with my husband when a stranger appeared. This is always an awkward moment. You don’t want to be rude and leave, but you also don’t want the stress of engaging in what will most certainly turn out to be meaningless conversation. That was not the case this evening…. Introductions...

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

Moz Academy Training

Complete courses to master SEO basics

Keyword Research Master Guide

Learn Keyword Research like the pros

Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

Win rankings and traffic from your competition

The Brash SEO's Antifesto
Rand Fishkin

The Brash SEO's Antifesto

One of SEOmoz's former regular blog contributors, Michael Martinez, posted his "Thoughtful SEO's Manifesto" this week. After reading it, I thought it would be fun to highlight some of the differences in how he and I think about, write about, and perform SEO for our clients. Let me just preface ...

Why the Vast Majority of SEOs No Longer Target Individual Search Engines
Rand Fishkin

Why the Vast Majority of SEOs No Longer Target Individual Search Engines

A long time ago (at least, in web years), search engine optimization required specific targeting practices for each of the engines. For Hotbot, you'd need to place two repetitions of every keyword side-by-side in your meta keywords tag, while for Northern Light, a picture of at least one dancing baby in the bottom right-hand corner made all the difference ...

Who's Tedster? If You're an SEO, You Should Know

Who's Tedster? If You're an SEO, You Should Know

He's arguably the most well-known poster at He's cited by some of the most reputable SEO minds in the industry. He has likely influenced hundreds if not thousands of enterprising webmasters. Who is this veritable titan of SEO that I speak of? Why Tedster of course. I know, I know. Many of you are probably asking yourselves, "Who the heck is Ted...

The Problems Faced by SEOs from the Outsourcing Hub of the World
Mani Karthik

The Problems Faced by SEOs from the Outsourcing Hub of the World

I want to introduce you all to a new perspective of outsourcing. So you thought it's all a flowery business out there right?You set up a small office in your bedroom, sit in your pajamas, and take orders on Skype from your UK/US partners, not to forget the hefty amounts on Paypal you recieve to pay your bills.Well, it's a nice picture but honestly the reality is not anythi...

Moz Community News
Gabriel Goldenberg

Moz Community News

SEOmoz has one of the best communities around and I want to invite my fellow Moz members to get together at SMX. Besides that, I've also got some cool things to share with you about your fellow members here. The calendar already has SMX West marked (albeit for a single day?), but only a few people seem to be attending besides the moz staff. So he...

Humour - Does it Help or Hinder SEOmoz?
Peter Newsome

Humour - Does it Help or Hinder SEOmoz?

There are many great things about SEOmoz and it's diverse cross-section of contributing members... things like:Being a fantastic resource that covers topics which aren't being discussed by every other SEO in the blogoshpereAll the tools and easy-to-follow articles which range from beginner to advancedHaving members from all over the world contribute guest p...

How Can SEs and SEOs Work Together to Improve Understanding and Fight Spam?
Gabriel Goldenberg

How Can SEs and SEOs Work Together to Improve Understanding and Fight Spam?

A lead came to me with a site that was using hidden keywords in the same colour as its background. He also stuffed other pages on his website full of keywords in the serious hope that this would enable him to rank for each of those keywords (i.e. a few hundred keywords per page). Imagine the blackhat spam circa 1997 and you would get an idea of the site I was looking at. Besides wanting to know...

Vanessa Fox is One Smart Cookie
Rebecca Kelley

Vanessa Fox is One Smart Cookie

Yesterday Sarah, Christine, and I went to Ignition (the VC company who gave us funding) to attend an SEO seminar taught by Vanessa Fox (who recently got scooped up by Ignition). The room was packed full of folks from various Seattle startups and tech companies, and after we all stuffed our faces with pizza and beverages, the learnin' began. Va...