Search Engines

Understanding how search engines work, Google in particular, is important when working in SEO. The basics of crawling and indexing are amazingly useful to understand if you want to rank your own content.

Additionally, Google updates its algorithm several times a year. Understanding the more significant updates, and how they work, can help you to craft content and SEO strategies that are up-to-date.

We've written extensively about how search engines work, and included some of the top resources here. You can also browse the latest posts on search engines from the Moz blog below.

How Search Engines Work : New to SEO? Start with the basics of how search engines operate with our free beginner's guide.

Search Engine Ranking and Visibility : Learn the fundamentals of how search engines rank content on search engine result pages.

Google Algorithm Update History : A complete history of Google algorithm updates since 2000. This includes important links and references for understanding how Google works.

How Search Engines Value Links : Search engines work off a number of signals, but two of the most important are content and links. In this video, Rand Fishkin explains the basics of link evaluation.

MozCast : Is Google updating it's algorithm as we speak? MozCast is the Google algorithm weather report, so you can see how much Google results are changing each day.

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New Article Listing 93 Ranking Factors
Rand Fishkin

New Article Listing 93 Ranking Factors

With the help of some friends from SEOChat, I've compiled a list of 93 metrics that may play large or small roles in determining how search engines rank documents in a query. This list is by no means comprehensive, but it does offer a great deal of information about each factor, as well as a relative measure of each factor's perceived importanc...

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The Wrong Ip Address
Rand Fishkin

The Wrong Ip Address

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Rand Fishkin

Revisiting On-Topic Analysis

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Accuracy of Yahoo! Linkdomain
Rand Fishkin

Accuracy of Yahoo! Linkdomain

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Did Search Engines Ever Use Keyword Density
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Did Search Engines Ever Use Keyword Density

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