I Love Being Wrong About Digg
The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.
Brandon Hopkins, who runs a blog on search & webmastering, emailed me earlier this week to ask for my opinion on an article of his. Here's what I wrote back:
I doubt you've got a shot at Digg-bait; it's too SEO focused and will get buried instantly. I'm not sure I'd even submit it as the Digg folks might give your account a bad association :)
How wrong I was! Brandon's article - 66 Ways to Build Links in 2007 - got Dugg, didn't get buried, and sent him lots of great links and traffic. It's little more than a straight list, but it obviously took a good bit of care and attention. There's a lot of great points on there, and the relevant links off-site make the article a 5-minute skim or a 2-hour slog depending on your mood. Great work, Brandon, and congrats on the Digging - I'm very happy to be proven wrong on the bury brigade.
p.s. I think it's a bit odd to see a How to Get Dugg from people who get one or two posts to the homepage (Brandon's definitely not alone here). Though, he does offer some good advice, there, too.
p.p.s. I also liked his How to Comment to the Top post.
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