Re-Building My Firefox Sidebar (and Ranking the SEO Blogs)
The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.
In November of last year, I updated my Firefox Sidebar to contain all the sites and tools on the web I regularly need. Today, I've done that again and, in the process, re-compiled and re-ordered my list of search-related blogs according to my personal preferences. Since I'm heading out of town for 2 weeks starting Tuesday (getting married, then a short vacation), this should give anyone who's in need of more to read a solid solution.

Download Rand's Firefox Sidebar
Let's start with the SEO/M Blogs. Remember that the ordering is based on my personal preference of where I visit most often and get the most value. Unless you're exactly like me, you'll probably have your own opinions about what to put where:
- SearchEngineLand
- SEO Book
- Search Engine Journal
- Search Engine Roundtable
- Small Business SEM
- Gray Wolf
- DaveN
- Marketing Pilgrim
- Matt Cutts
- Greg Linden
- SEO By the Sea
- Webmaster Central Blog
- MindValley Labs
- Grokdotcom
- Stephan Spencer's Scatterings
- Eric Enge
- Vanessa Fox
- Distilled's Online Reputation Management Blog
- Jon Mendez
- SugarRae
- On Startups (Dharmesh Shah)
- Seth Godin
- Traffick
- Shoemoney
- Ian Lurie
- Fred Wilson (A VC)
- SEO Theory
- Joost De Valk
- SEO Scoop
- SEO Black Hat
- John Mueller
- Resource Shelf
- Dennis Mortensen
- Avinash Kaushik
- Bill Hartzer
- CornwallSEO
- Palatnik Factor
- Blue Hat SEO
- Techipedia
- Yahoo! Search Blog
- MSN Search Blog
- Guy Kawasaki's Blog
- Performancing
"Social Buzz" is a critical category for me. Since so much of SEO work revolves around social media, linkbait and trend-watching, I try to keep abreast of as much as I can in the world of viral content. It's tremendously valuable to see not only what sorts of viral content techniques are working, but also to stay abreast of the tech/online world's general interest levels around given topics.
Bookmarklets - I honestly don't know how I'd survive without them. The SEOmoz bookmarklet to plug in any URL to the PRO tools dashboard and run any type of report I want is a great one, but the basics like Yahoo! link checking and the Google site command are equally useful. You can take the links below and drag/drop them into your sidebar to use.
- SEOmoz PRO Dashboard
- Y!SE Linkdomain
- Y!SE Links to Page
- GG Blogsearch Links
- Y! Linkdomain -Site
- Pages Indexed on Google
- SEOmoz Check Rankings
Reputation monitoring and link growth tracking is essential to our business. I'm constantly monitoring any trackable mention I can find of the SEOmoz brand to help inform our strategy, figure out where we're going right and wrong, and watch to see how our content performs from a link growth perspective.
- Google Blogsearch Links
- Twitter Search
- Google Blogsearch Mentions
- 24 Hour Google Search Mentions
- Google News
- Technorati Reactions
- Technorati Search Mentions
- BlogPulse
- Serph
In my SEO Tools folder, I've got links to the sources I use most frequently. These don't include a lot of SEOmoz's own tools, because it's so much faster to use the SEOmoz Tool Dashboard bookmarklet (above). Our newest tool - Trifecta - isn't in that system yet, so I've got it here.
- SEOmoz | Trifecta Tool
- SEO-Browser
- W3C Link Checker
- DaveN's KWD Tool (although I abhor keyword density as a metric, this tool is very useful for on-page analysis)
- GG AdWords: Keyword Tool
- Google Insights for Search
- MS AdCenter Labs Tools
Web Resources could easily be grouped in with SEO Tools, but I like to separate the two simply because they serve somewhat different functions. The web resources include some automated analysis tools, but they also have web services like Wufoo and ObjectGraph, which I find valuable.
- ObjectGraph Dictionary & Thesaurus
- Wufoo
- DomainTools
- Google Trends
- Who is Hosting This?
- Online Non-Linear Regression Tool
I'm not active in a ton of different social sites, but I'm trying to get a bit better about logging in and contributing more than once every few months. Right now, I'm just using:
I admit that in recent months, my forum activity has fallen off even more dramatically than in years past. I grew up in the SEO forums, first as a spectator (starting in 2002) to an active member (in 03-04) and finally as a moderator at several forums. However, my role at SEOmoz took away the time I once had to devote to those arenas and I now find that I only perform a few activities at forums, such as looking for blog post ideas and answering the occasional question about SEOmoz.
- Cre8asite Forums
- Digitalpoint
- HighRankings
- SERoundtable
- SEORefugee
- SEW Forums
- V7N
- SitePoint
- WebProWorld
News is where I go during lunch. Typically, I run outside, grab something from a nearby restaurant and eat in front of my computer, where I browse the latest in science news, the tech field, politics, and more. Once again, these are in order of how much I read/value them:
- Slate Magazine
- Polymeme
- BBC News
- Electoral Vote
- The Stranger
- Newsvine
- International Herald Tribune
- National Geographic News
- NY Times Technology Section
- Wired News
I'd love to hear from everyone out there if there are sites or resources I should really be reading/using or that you find terrifically valuable outside of the ones I've detailed above.
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