Retailer Expectations at Online Marketing Conferences
The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.
Yesterday I spoke at the Shop.org Online Marketing Workshop. I had previously spoken at a Shop.org summit in Las Vegas last September, and Larry Joseloff invited me and my fellow panelists back for another session. Our topic was "Keeping the Customers in Focus: Customer-Centric Search and Affiliate Marketing." Allan Dick from Vintage Tub and Bath moderated, Alan Rimm-Kaufman talked about keeping paid search ads consistent with user expectations, Ken Jurina discussed how to do keyword research, I covered some on-page recommendations that are good for both users and search engines, and Todd Friesen went over reputation management. We all crafted our presentations around a common product, an Under Armour cross trainer shoe. I personally thought the session was pretty solid, with all of the speakers doing a good job of segueing their advice with common retailer issues.
However, this session, much like the one I spoke at for the last Shop.org event, was met with a quiet, blank-faced audience, polite applause, and one question during the Q&A. It's a weird sort of vibe, especially since I'm used to speaking at search-centric conferences (SES, SMX) where audience members pack into the room, furiously type or jot down notes, pepper off several questions, and rush the stage afterwards to further pick the panelists' brains.
I enjoy going to the Shop.org conferences--it's a different atmosphere, there are different attendees, a different focus, etc. But I can't help but feel like a fish out of water when I'm there. I'm not sure if the audience is disinterested in SEO, doesn't understand what it is, understands what it is but doesn't get how it can benefit their site, doesn't place any importance on SEO, or what. Either way, I get the impression that SEO tracks are met with a resounding "meh."
So, here's where I ask you guys your input. Are any of you retailers? If so, what are you hoping to glean from attending Internet marketing conferences? How could SEO be incorporated in a way that would grab your attention? If you're not a retailer, try putting yourself in one's shoes. How could an SEO track be interpreted as relevant and useful? I mean, we all know the importance of SEO, but that's because we do it for a living. I just want to get to know a retailer's mentality so that if I speak at a conference like this again in the future, I can deliver a presentation that will really capture the audience's attention and be relevant for them.
However, this session, much like the one I spoke at for the last Shop.org event, was met with a quiet, blank-faced audience, polite applause, and one question during the Q&A. It's a weird sort of vibe, especially since I'm used to speaking at search-centric conferences (SES, SMX) where audience members pack into the room, furiously type or jot down notes, pepper off several questions, and rush the stage afterwards to further pick the panelists' brains.
I enjoy going to the Shop.org conferences--it's a different atmosphere, there are different attendees, a different focus, etc. But I can't help but feel like a fish out of water when I'm there. I'm not sure if the audience is disinterested in SEO, doesn't understand what it is, understands what it is but doesn't get how it can benefit their site, doesn't place any importance on SEO, or what. Either way, I get the impression that SEO tracks are met with a resounding "meh."
So, here's where I ask you guys your input. Are any of you retailers? If so, what are you hoping to glean from attending Internet marketing conferences? How could SEO be incorporated in a way that would grab your attention? If you're not a retailer, try putting yourself in one's shoes. How could an SEO track be interpreted as relevant and useful? I mean, we all know the importance of SEO, but that's because we do it for a living. I just want to get to know a retailer's mentality so that if I speak at a conference like this again in the future, I can deliver a presentation that will really capture the audience's attention and be relevant for them.
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