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SEO Training Series - First Day Wrap up

Jennifer Sable Lopez

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Jennifer Sable Lopez

SEO Training Series - First Day Wrap up

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

We just wrapped up the first day of our Pro Training Series 2009, and what a day it was! I think most people would agree with me when I say that the speaker line-up was absolutely amazing! Every single one of them brought their A-game and provided attendees with wickedly awesome information. I know, I know I'm a little biased eh? But I've seriously been in awe all day long, watching some of the best presentations I've ever seen.

Throughout the day I've had my eye on the Twitter stream, responding, retweeting and keeping people up to date one what's coming next. Almost every single tweet has been positive except for the fact that it's freezing in here (but really, what conference isn't cold?? I freeze at every single conference I go to). As with SES San Jose, I've put together a compilation of all the amazing information that attendees have been coming away with and tweeting.

The sessions and tweets are listed in descending order, in other words: select * from session order by session.time desc. Also you may be wondering where the Q & A session is... I felt it needed a post of it's own, so stay tuned!

(Please excuse my horrible images, I had to use my cell phone.)

Good Vs. Great: Why Some Startups Make the Leap and Others Don't

Dharmesh Shah

Dharmesh Shah - Startups at SEOmoz training

this was the best "startup" presentation I've ever seen... congratz @dharmesh and @seomoz


we (SEOs) are web ninjas and maniacal about data - said @dharmesh xD #seomoz


@dharmesh "successful entrepreneurs try things and fail very rapidly" iterate CONSTANTLY #seomoz


@dharmesh has our attention at #seomoz. talkin' startups.


if you aren't completely embarrassed by your new product,you waited too long - @dharmesh #seomoz


an entrepreneur's goal is to take their awful idea and make it suck progressively less over time, says @dharmesh at #seomoz


"You will have many chances to screw things up." #seomoz


Financial Risk: 100% of $20 million VS 10% of $200 million (by @dharmesh) #seomoz


@dharmesh the best feedback 4 startups is when people start paying you money. The second best feedback is when they STOP paying you. #seomoz


@dharmesh "Write a blog, not a business plan". #seomoz


Listening to a great presentation from @dharmesh about building a successful tech startup @ #seomoz. "Recruit superheros in the making"


From @dharmesh, the best startups grab the customers that are sitting on the sidelines and not yet in the game to sell to. #seomoz

The Pacman Chunk of the Piechart: Getting Links

Tom Critchlow

Tom Critchlow - Link Building at SEOmoz


#SEOmoz Seminar. Tom Critchlow covers link bldg w/your Unique Selling Proposition... + pic of Rand as Dr Evil.


Good points on how small brands can beat big brands - by @tomcritchlow at #seomoz seminar


good point by @tomcritchlow - "identify successfull strategies" - you can begin by using SEOmoz Top Pages tool! #seomoz


Competitor Analysis: There are basic links in each niche Get them all. Reverse Engineer your competitors! #seomoz


Great Phrase "Competitors are people who rank" by @tomcritchlow #seomoz


Good tip by @tomcritchlow - Investigate the links to sites already listed in niche directories #seomoz


Just realized Will and Tom Critchlow are not the same person. Thought Will reverse aged somehow since last year. #seomoz


@tomcritchlow is killing it with linkbuilding tips... love the idea of broadening link sources across niches #seomoz


@tomcritchlow is blowing my mind with all fast tips he is giving at #seomoz seminar


Use Google's Content Network to find companies open to linking back to you. Great tip from @tomcritchlow #seomoz


Linkbuilding Requires Resource: Business Development Managers, Community Managers, Developers #seomoz


uma das melhores palestras de seo que eu já vi. Estratégias avançadas de lkb em inglês britanico e em 45min hehehe #seo, #seomoz

Sustain Verticality for 3 Rounds

David Mihm - Local Search

David Mihm - Local Search at SEOmoz Training

Google local business center (LBC) best to approve listing manually to maximize Google's trust. By David Mihm at #seomoz.


@davidmihm & Google Local. Check out his incredible Local Ranking Factors for the complete details: #seomoz


you should use microformats to improve your local search rankings - by @davidmihm #seomoz


Location Page Optimization Tips-> Submit your location page for each location as your LBC Url, use geographic kwd in Titles #seomoz


Per @davidmihm Link out from your contact page to main citation sources and YouTube videos to increase rankings & reviews. #seomoz


David Mihm e Matt Brown falando sobre busca local e universal search: ambos falam da importância dos microformats. #seo, #seomoz

Matt Brown - Image & News Search

Matt Brown - Image Search at SEOmoz training
Ack! twitter glitch... no tweets coming through. Matt's giving us awesome information! Tips for optimizing news - which is easier than image optimization. How do you get image search to turn into money?
  • Alt attribute is the highest ranking factor.
  • Keyword in the filename
  • Differentiate alt text - don't want all the pictures on a page with the same alt text

Arrrgh. Twitter down right in the middle of the #seomoz conference.


Optimizing your image alt tags can help your search engine rankings #seomoz (via @matthewjbrown)


News search mistakes to avoid: registration walls, changing URLs, changing headlines to update story, bad relateds #seomoz

Make SEO Tools Work for You

Nick Gerner - Linkscape and other SEOmoz tools

Nick Gerner - Linkscape at SEOmoz Training

At the #seomoz seminar. @gerner totally rocks. He's one smart freakin' dude.


Woot! @gerner talks about the value of #seomoz Q & A and how to find answers to questions already answered plus get specific answers


You Want to Be here ->mR = mT! #seomoz


@dannydover citou o como ferramenta para monitorar links de competidores... #seomoz

Tools from Across the Web

Danny Dover
Danny Dover - SEO Tools

@dannydover presenting @seomoz 'how to make seo reporting sexy' obviously step one is to grow KILLER facial hair #mozinar


Add a "+" to the end of any link to get almost real time analytics. "Sweeeeeet!" #seomoz


SEOs need to better understand the web developer world to improve overall campaigns from @DannyDover at #seomoz

First you Get the Keywords, Then you Get the Money

Ken Jurina

Ken Jurina - Keyword Research

Enquisite mentioned as tool for long-tail keyword research. It's a good anlaytics tool. Worth checking out. #SEOmoz #mozinar


Use Google Insights, Trends, and AdWords tool & IceRocket, ScoutLabs and Twitter to find low-competition keywords #seomoz


Usando O Google Keyword Tool, Volume alto de busca, e pouca competicao, eh hora de atacar! #seomoz

SEO is Nothing without Content

Structurally Sound: SEO for Site Architecture

Rand Fishkin - Begins the SEOmoz training
Jeremy Dearringer

@Rand at @seomoz training "Links, Links, Links!"


SEOmoz Pro Training Seminar Word of the Day: "automagically"


Se o nofollow esta funcionando em seu site, para que remove-los? #seomoz


At SEOmoz training - let your privacy policy get crawled - don't block in robots.txt, use rel="noindex, follow" instead.


SEOMOZ Rand Fishkin notes that for content-driven sites, sharing is your most important call-to-action. make is a priority in your design


How to earn links to UGC -Make it Easy to Share -Reward Links with Trackbacks -Make Sharing functions a Call To Action #seomoz


SEOmoz 2009 Tips & Tricks Seminar Kicks Off #seomoz

See you all tomorrow for more great tips, tricks and information!
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