The Keys to Online Success in Simple Equations and Links
The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.
There's really no introduction necessary. This is one of those posts that will appeal to some people quite nicely and make others yell "linkbait" - which happens pretty much anytime SEOmoz publishes something in a list format. Hopefully you'll enjoy the break from our usual:
Basic Equations
- Great Writing/Multimedia/Tools + Interesting Subject Matter = Link-Worthy Content
- Link-Worthy Content + Solid User Experience = Great Website
- Great Website + Proper Optimization Techniques = High Rankings
- High Rankings + Proper Keyword Targeting = Tons of Traffic
- Tons of Traffic + Effective Monetization Strategy = Successful Business Model
- Succesful Business Model + Physical & Emotional Health = (Most) Everything You Ever Wanted
The Links
Some of these are examples, others are compendiums or resources that can illustrate what folks on the web are talking about, linking to and visiting and some are simply how-to articles or explanations.
Great Writing:
- The Elements of Style (Strunk & White)
- A Guide to Writing Well (Fire & Knowledge)
- Plain Language (The Federal Government - of all places...)
- The Copywriting 101 Series (Copyblogger)
- Ten Mistakes Writers Don't See (but can easily fix when they do) (Pat Holt)
- What is Good Writing (Writing Center at Emory University)
- Politics and the English Language (George Orwell)
- Writing, Briefly (Paul Graham)
Great Multimedia:
- The Most Interesting Photos from the Last 7 Days (Flickr)
- The Most Linked-to Videos this Month (YouTube)
- Popular Video Content (StumbleUpon)
- Movers & Shakers in Video (Google Video)
- Popular Music Content (StumbleUpon)
- Music Charts (Last.fm)
- Popular Books (Technorati)
- Top 50 Books (Powell's)
- Creating Multimedia: A Novice Shows the Way (Poynter Online)
- The 10/20/30 Rule of Powerpoint (Guy Kawasaki)
- The Best Presentations Ever (Squidoo)
Great Tools:
- Google Maps Mania
- Popular Mashups (ProgrammableWeb)
- 30 Amazing Things You can do with Widgets (MicroPersuasion)
- Widgipedia
- SexyWidget
- Awesome Forms (Wufoo)
- Popular Slideshows (Slideshare)
Interesting Subject Matter:
- Popular Tags (Del.icio.us)
- Popular Tags (Technorati)
- Popular Blogs, Searches & Content (Technorati)
- Popular Tags (Flickr)
- Most Popular Links (Reddit)
- Most Popular Content (StumbleUpon)
- Most Popular Content of the Last 7 Days (Digg)
- Most Bookmarked Links (Del.icio.us)
- Hot Searches (Netscape)
- Top 20 Overall Searches Today (Yahoo!)
- Hot Searches (AOL)
- Top Searches for the Week (Ask)
- Zeitgeist (Google)
- Top 50 Searches this Week + Top Tech Searches (Lycos)
- Movers & Shakers (Alexa)
- Most Popular News (Yahoo!)
- Most Popular Stories (NY Times)
- Most Popular Stories (CNN.com)
- Popular/Important Tech News Stories (Techmeme)
- Popular Product Searches (eBay)
- Popular Feeds (Bloglines)
Solid User Experience:
- Web Style Guide (Louis Rosenfeld)
- Don't Make Me Think (Steve Krug)
- Current Styles in Web Design (Ben Hunt)
- Web Design Tools (People's Toolbox)
Proper Optimization Techniques:
- Beginner's Guide to SEO (SEOmoz)
- Search Engine Ranking Factors (SEOmoz)
- The Basics of Search Engine Optimization (Philipp Lenssen)
- Search Engine Strategies Conferences (Incisive Media)
- Search Marketing Expo (Danny Sullivan)
- SEO Book (Aaron Wall - costs $79)
Proper Keyword Targeting:
- 5 Essential Elements of Keyword Research (Copyblogger)
- AdWords Estimator (Google)
- Keyword Tools (Yahoo!)
- Keyword Generation Tool (Microsoft AdCentet - login req'd)
- Wordtracker (subscription req'd)
- Keyword Discovery (Trellian)
- Keyword Intelligence (Hitwise)
- SpyFu (VelocityScape)
- KeyCompete
- Google Trends
Effective Monetization Strategy:
- Create/Employ a Product/Service-Based Business Model or...
- Go Freemium (A VC)
- Google AdSense
- Yahoo! Publisher Network
- Quigo
- Federated Media
- BlogAds
- TextLinkBrokers
- Text-Link-Ads
- AzoogleAds
- ReviewMe
- PayPerPost
Please do add your own relevant links - we're smarter together, and there's no way I've come close to being comprehensive with my lists.
p.s. Expect to see more blogs from Scott, Rebecca, Jane & Jeff over the next week. My dad had emergency surgery last night and will be in the hospital for another 5+ days; Gillian and I will, thus, both be out of touch much more than usual.
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