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  • Hi, Setting up a blog for a new website. What affects will hosting a blog on a sub-domain ( vs. have on SEO? Also, would having a separate blog domain be beneficial or detrimental ( Thanks, Shane

    Content Development | | notarynow

  • My Blog Entries appear in Google with a date, do those dates matter ? Will people stay away from an older date, say 2009 ?  Is it worth removing the dates ?  Or should I update the entry and change published date ?

    Content Development | | jp_cp

  • I'm looking, for an affiliate network solution, that can provide not only conversions through affiliate marketing alone, but also as linkbait.  What kind of tools do we have available? i remember reading a SEOMoz Blog about the best SEO tools of 2010, and i saw some affiliate options there. Looking to hear SEO community opinions on options like this.

    Affiliate Marketing | | Blargh123

  • Hello SEOMOZ, As you know, the SERP results change constantly. I want to have a better gauge of what new links are moving the my sites/other sites up. I would like to run Linkscape data on a more regular basis. When I try to do this, I receive this message: You have an existing saved Advanced Link Intelligence Report, run on Wed, Mar 9th 2011, 15:31 for this URL with data on the Subdomain Domain How can I run this to get a real time report?Thank you,GRC

    Link Building | | GRC

  • My site crawl diagnostics are showing a high number of duplicate page titles and content.  When i look at the flagged pages, many errors are simply listed from multiple pages of product category search results. This looks pretty normal to me and I am at a loss for understanding how to fix this situation.  Can I talk with someone? thanks, Gary

    Technical SEO | | GaryQ

  • I have read many conflicting articles on this topic. I understand that running a PPC campaign at a launch phase of a site can get a lot of insights such as exact traffic patterns etc. But the question is: is there a correlation or not with increased rankings position for new site as search engine are forced to crawled that given landing page to give your ad a score? Thanks in advance for your answers and opinion

    Paid Search Marketing | | OlivierChateau

  • The majority of the products I sell require lengthy product titles, I have 600+ items that have titles over 70+ characters. In the interest of reducing the character count (Product Feeds) I'm trying to eliminate unnecessary "stop words" in the titles, such as "and", "with" etc.. I've listed an example of a current product listing below, followed by two different formats to reduce the character count. Which one if any is better for SEO or should I leave my titles alone and stick with my original format? Current Listing Example: DeWalt Dual Comfort Safety Glasses with Black Frame and Clear Anti-Fog Lens Suggested Listing Example: DeWalt Dual Comfort Safety Glasses-Black Frame-Clear Anti-Fog Lens DeWalt Dual Comfort Safety Glasses/Black Frame/Clear Anti-Fog Lens

    On-Page Optimization | | MEldridge

  • Short, Sweet and easy for you guys!! How important is keyword density??? Cheers

    On-Page Optimization | | wazza1985

  • I had a bunch of URLs on my site that followed the form: There were several million pages, each associated with a different site_id. They weren't very useful, so we've removed them entirely and now return a 404.The problem is, they're still stuck in Google's index. I'd like to remove them manually, but how? There's no proper directory (i.e. /abcdefg/) to remove, since there's no trailing /, and removing them one by one isn't an option. Is there any other way to approach the problem or specify URLs in bulk? Any insights are much appreciated. Kurus

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kurus

  • Is there any issue with adding multiple clients websites/locations to our Google Places account?

    Image & Video Optimization | | cottamg

  • I wonder if somebody had an experience with alexa's audit. What kind of information they provide? Is it completely useless?

    On-Page Optimization | | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Anyone have any insight or comments? We’ve been negatively impacted by the last Google algorithm update - not by a penalization of our site but because another site is now grabbing the top 3-4 search results for long tail physician name searches thereby pushing us lower in the rankings.  Being that we’ve never seen this happen with unbranded search terms, we’re not sure how to address it. To see an example, click  You’ll notice that the top 4 results are all from 1 site - HealthGrades - with 2-3 of the 4 pages being canned, pre-written templates without any unique content (see malpractice & sanction pages).  It seems that they are doing this by paginating their information into separate pages, thus appearing in multiple search results, instead of putting all the information on 1 page, as we do and Google’s best practices suggest. Any advice or comments would really be appreciated.

    Competitive Research | | irvingw

  • If a user runs a search that returns no results, and the server returns a 204 (No Content), will Googlebot treat that as the rough equivalent of a 404 or a noindex? If not, then it seems one would want to noindex the page to avoid low quality penalties, but that might require more back and forth with the server, which isn't ideal. Kurus

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | kurus

  • Hey Guys, I am currently doing article marketing for one of my terms on my dads site (I will not publicly post the url). We have been working to rank for this term for several years and are on the second page near the top, we want to be in the top 5 for the term and we are willing to spend any ammount of money it takes to learn this thing! We were introduced to article marketing not to long ago so we have hired content writers to write articles on our niche and then we are manually (I MYSELF) am going into article sites and listing the articles with a link back to our site with the anchored keyword txt (1 link per article). We have been doing 10 articles per keyword (there is several keywords we want to rank for) so we are spreading it out slowly building these article links. Is this the correct process or are we missing something? These are real UNIQUE articles only being put on 1 article site never being posted anywhere else.

    Link Building | | shandaman

  • I'm doing some work on an ecommerce website which appears as I'm just curious about the relevance of the forward slash at the end when I'm linking to the website.  Should I link to or or does this even matter? Thanks

    Link Building | | BelfastSEO

  • I'm all for letting Roger crawl my site, but it's not uncommon for malicious spiders to spoof the User-Agent string. Having a whitelist of Roger's IP addresses would be immensely useful!

    Moz Pro | | EricCholis

  • Hi, I've got a question here that is more about learning than about rectifying this specific situation, as it is a low traffic (low dollar) situation.  I would appreciate your help. Thanks, Ken The targeted long-tail is:  carrollton ga internet marketing The targeted site is: Yet, when I run the keyword search I get this other site of mine, which is older, but has much worse metrics.  On this site, all I did was put a in-text link on it and added the keywords to my title tags. Open Site Explorer shows these metrics: 34, 23, 18, 98 vs. BreemaWellness 27, 15, 7, 10. Both are on the same server. Note: -Until two months ago the was only partially about Internet Marketing- mildly so, actually- and it was a 2-3 page iWeb not-optimized site.  But BreemaWellness has never been about Internet Marketing, and those words were just added two months ago for the first time. gets regular content changes, to the blog. almost never gets touched. Thoughts?

    Moz Pro | | ken-lewis

  • Hi, I have a domain that is 10 years old, this is the old domain that used to be the website for the company. The company approximately 7 years ago was bought by another and purchased a new domain that is 7 years old. The company did not do a 301 redirect as they were not aware of the SEO implications. They continued building web applications on the old domain while using the new domain for all marketing and for business partner links. They just put in a server level redirect on the folders themselves to point to the new root. I am on Tomcat, I do not have the option of a 301 redirect as the web applications are all hard coded links (non-relative) (hundreds of thousands of dollars to recode) After beginning SEO; Google is seeing them as the same domain, and has replaced all results in Google with the old domain instead of the new one..... My questions is.... Is it better to take the hit and just put a robots.txt to disallow all robots on the old domain Or... Will that hurt my new domain as well since Google is seeing them as the same? Or.... Has Google already made the switch without a redirect to see these as the same and i should just continue on? (even the cache for the new site shows the old domain address) Old Domain= New = *****Update after writing this I began changing index.htm to all non relative links so all links on the old domain homepage would point to fixing the issue of the entire site being replicated under the old domain. I think this might "Patch" my issue, but i would still love to get the opinion of others Thanks Shane

    Technical SEO | | Jinx14678

  • Hello Dear SeoMoz, I would like to ask your help with something that I am not sure off. Our ecommerce web site is built with Magento. I have found many problems so far and I know that there will be many more in the future. Currently, I am trying to find the best way to deal with the duplicate content that is produced from the layered navigation (size, gender etc). I have done a lot of research so far in order to understand which might be the best practice and I found the following practices: **Block layered navigation URLSs from the Google Webmaster Tools (**Apparently this works for Google Only). Block these URLs with the robots.txt file Make links no-follow **Make links JavaScript from Magento *** Avoid including these links in the xml site map. Avoid including these link in the A-Z Product Index. Canonical tag Meta Tags (noindex, nofollow) Question If I turn the layered navigation links into JavaScript links from the Magento Admin, the layered navigation links are still found by the crawlers but they look like that: | instead of: | Can these new URLS ( ) solve the duplicate content problems with the layered navigation or do I need to implement other practices too to make sure that everything is done right. Kind Regards Stefanos Anastasiadis

    On-Page Optimization | | alexandalexaseo

  • When displaying data using a table, and a tab format to seperate different options, for example - under Standard Excel Training Course Levels / Training Details / Locations / Schedule - at the bottom of the page. Would search engines pick up the keywords from each of the tabs, or are they hidden?? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | jpc1004

  • Hi All, I know there was a recent post on this subject but I'm wondering if someone could take a look at these links and tell me if there is any SEO value in them at all and if not, what would be a way to improve them that might not be too much trouble for the affiliate? This URL: has a Purchase button that passes product data (price, quantity, etc) directly to the basket of the host site (the site we want SEO benefit to). Using a form method to this URL: <form method="GET" action="<strong></strong>">                                                                                        Qty <select id="add" name="add">                          <option value="1" selected="selected">1</option>                          <option value="2">2</option>                          <option value="3">3</option>                          <option value="4">4</option>                          <option value="5">5</option>                          <option value="6">6</option>                          <option value="7">7</option>                         <option value="8">8</option>                         <option value="9">9</option>                         <option value="10">10</option>                      </select>                    15ml                    £16.25                                                                                       </form> My question is, does G see that form GET action as a followable link? If not what would be a better method? Any feedback much appreciated.

    Affiliate Marketing | | lovealbatross

  • Hi All Our website identifies a list of search engine spiders so that it does not show them the session ID's when they come to crawl, preventing the search engines thinking there is duplicate content all over the place. The Seomoz has bought a over 20k crawl errors on the dashboard due to session ID's. Could someone please give the details for the Seomoz bot so that we can add it to the  list on the website so when it does come to crawl it won't show it session ID's and give all these crawl errors. Thanks

    Moz Pro | | blagger

  • What would you suggest is the best route for providing a website with extra traffic quickly?

    On-Page Optimization | | wazza1985

  • The following scenario:
    We have a domain with .info (good Domain Authority) which ranks well in, but not in
    We want to rank well in, too
    (same language in .at = Austria + .de = Germany though). The paths of the websites are:  --> so we do use the path for Germany already to target that country. What strategy you suggest?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | petrakraft

  • Hello all, I've found a exact match keyword domain that I'm able to buy. Problem is that I'm under the impression it might have been banned by google, currently it is only showing adsense without content. The site can't be found using the cache: or site: parameters in Google and the PR is 0. What are your experiences on buying a banned domain and how can I double check if the domain is banned? This blogpost suggests I should not buy it, any other opinions? Thanks. Hellemans

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hellemans

  • Hi guys, in order to get rid of our very old-school captcha on our contact form at, we would like to use a honeypot captcha. The idea is to add a field that is hidden to human visitors but likely to be filled in by spam-bots. In this way we can sort our all those spam contact requests.
    More details on "honeypot captchas": Any idea if this single cloaked field will have negative SEO-impacts? Or is there another alternative to keep out those spam-bots? Greets from Austria,

    Technical SEO | | Troteclaser

  • I am doing a lot of the niche partnership link building but I am looking for a company to compliment some of my work in other related areas. Need some advice from the group. A couple of questions: 1. I'm looking for a company to acquire around 20-30 links per month. Not talking about easy directories or social links, but good (PR 3+) sites that are somewhat related to my business. Is that a reasonable request? 2. What should I expect to pay for this each month? 3. Any good suggestions on companies in the US. I am a small startup with a fairly limited budget, at least for now? Thanks everyone!

    Link Building | | paddlej

  • Say the site is a 2 year old eCommerce company that has this awesome clever infographic but not many blogger connections.  What would be the best ways to get that content syndicated?  What agencies are still left that do actual viral marketing now that Rand and Todd Malicoat have moved on the greener pastures?

    Social Media | |

  • I found this website: Is it a good idea to join? Apparently I need to upload a 1kb file into my website that contains links out to some other relevant websites. Not sure if they will increase SEO rank of decrease it?

    Link Building | | Essentia

  • i would like to target countries like India, UAE AND Brazil for MODERN LIGHTING for the home or business. What is the best way to go about this. I also would like to target the LGBT group with this company another specific group to target and market the great product .

    Moz Pro | | thewatchman13

  • Does anyone know of any software that will build links if I enter the URL in? I know this sounds silly but I had to ask... I know ontolo is good to discover which links you need based on a key word and I know the SEOmoz tools do the same. My question is that is there any software that you can then enter all the links you have found and acquire them, Thank you for your answers. I really appreciate it. Vijay

    Link Building | | vijayvasu

  • Per Matt Cutts video "We will be turning that keyword in domain down." So what will they be turning up?

    Algorithm Updates | | Thos003

  • Hi, I'm really interested in a good explanation of how to control the flow of link juice. Most of my inbound links currently go to my home page, and I was just wondering how to maximise the link juice flow to those pages that I want ranking. Is there any benefit to nofollowing pages in my navigation that I don't need to rank? As above, but with links in my footer, such as privacy policy and the like (can i not waste link juice on these pages?) Does more link juice flow to pages higher up in my code? These are just some of the questions I'm concerned with. Basically, I'd really like to know the best-practices for sending link juice to where it is needed most. Thanks, Matt - No Yelling Driving School

    Technical SEO | | strilliams

  • Does Google take into consideration the number of ad tracking pixels on a page into its ranking algo?

    Technical SEO | | CLee-177996

  • When I look at my Google Analytics code, I see that the same content will show up twice, once with a / at the end of the URL, and once without. My site is at Does anyone know why this would happen? Is it duplicate content?

    Reporting & Analytics | | Paulguy

  • Hello All, I am optimizing three websites for a services based company in the South Jersey Area. Of course within South Jersey there are certain counties, cities and towns I would like to show up for. For example- Pool Cleaning South Jersey Pool Cleaning Cherry Hill NJ Pool Cleaning Burlington County NJ Pool Cleaning Voorhies NJ Pool Cleaning. Do I need to create a page on my websites for every possible county, city and town I want to rank for? This would entail creating thousands of pages targeting these geographic keywords. I have seen other similar sites just list all the counties, cities and towns they service in the footer and it seems to work. Of course this would be beneficial for any business who is looking to not only rank in their home base but a predetermined radius around their home base as well. Thanks so much, Bill

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | wparlaman

  • hello all Please can you suggest the top 5 link building tools that an agency can use? Thank you 🙂

    Link Building | | vijayvasu

  • I've been working on SEO for one of the companies I've designed a website for and I'm confused by the company's lack of Better Business Bureau backlinks. The Company in question does have a BBB account and that account links back to the company's website. However, when I check in the link analysis for the site, the BBB link doesn't appear. My competitors, on the other hand, do have BBB links in their analyses. So, I'm wondering if I somehow don't have the right type of BBB account. The BBB seems to be a pretty good place to have a link from, and the company pays $300.00 per year for the membership, so I'd like to get the most out of it. Here's a link to the BBB page for the company And here's the company's website Now, the company site I've just listed is 301 redirected to, but even when was the main site, the BBB backlink didn't show up. Thank you Blake

    Link Building | | BlakeMcGillis

  • We are developing our mobile site right now and we are using a user agent sniffer to figure out what kind of device the visitor is using. Once the server knows whether it is a desktop or mobile browser it will deliver the appropriate template. We decided to use the same URL for both versions of the page rather than using or so that traffic to either version of these pages would register as a visit to the page. Will search engines consider this cloaking or is mobile "versioning" an acceptable practice? The pages in essence are the same, the mobile version will just leave out extraneous scripts and unnecessary resources to better display on a mobile device.

    Web Design | | TahoeMountain40

  • I am int he process of redesigning a home page and wanted to know from our community if anyone had examples on some great Homepage Designs from an SEO perspective. Things I am looking for : 1. Homepage URL/Design 2. Navitagion 3. Call to action Thank you, much appreciated. The home page I am redesigning is Vijay

    Web Design | | vijayvasu

  • Hi all, I'm trying to correct some of my duplicate content errors. The site is built on Miva Merchant and the storefront page, /SFNT.html, needs to be permanently redirected to This is what my .htaccess file looks like: #RedirectPermanent /index.html RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [L,R=301] DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php /mm5/merchant.mvc redirect 301 /SFNT.html RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} Screen=SFNT&Store_Code=MYSTORECODE [NC] When I use this code and navigate to the URL gets rewritten as So I believe this is what's called a "redirect loop".... Can anyone provide any insight? I'm not a developer, but have been tasked with cleaning up the problems on the website and can use any input anyone is willing to offer. Thanks, jr

    Technical SEO | | Technical_Contact

  • Hello, we're working with a corporate client to make changes to their URL structure. We recommended that they use a structure like "". Their IT department is on board, but they just mentioned that all of the state and city info will be pulled from a database where it is all caps. So it would be like this "" I'm concerned that it may be spammy, but I can't find any definitive information online. We usually like to test issues like this on our own sites before advising clients, but we're working up against a quick deadline. Any help with this issue would be great, especially real world experience, not just theories. Thank you.

    On-Page Optimization | | interactivek

  • OSE is an amazing tool, but do you guys at SEOmoz have any plans to develop it so we can track numbers of links over time. I need to demonstrate to clients how the link building is going, and this would be a great quick report to see how many links you found on a given day, month, year, etc. A bit like magesticSEO backlink history graph, but better 🙂

    Moz Pro | | timwills

  • Here is the scenario I often wonder about: My client's  tree removal service is ranking in #1 in local search for
    "tree removal  town state." His Google Places account is set for a 30 mile radius. He has lots of directory listings and positive reviews. Some inbound links as well. The same client is ranking #1 in organic listing for "tree removal county state" ...I chose to target the county for organic listings because the client was dominating local search for the town. My reasoning: I thought, Google local search would bring all of the local specific searches for "tree removal town state" and organic listings would bring the broader searches for "tree removal county state." That is exactly what's happening and stats show there are some visitors coming to the site searching with the county name. Not a ton of traffic but a lot of keyword variations using the county name. The bulk of the traffic comes from the his Google Places listing for the town the business is located in which is great. Dilemma: My client is not ranking in local search results for neighboring towns just a few miles away and certainly not ranking in organic listings for neighboring towns either because we are targeting the county. He has a long list of town names he services in the footer area and this does seem to help for organic search in neighboring towns with little competition. Broad Question: How can I optimize pages for the same services in neighboring towns without duplicating content. For example, the home page title tag and H1 reads:
    Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Stump Removal, County State It would be very easy to create identical pages with title tags and page headings for the different towns but that would undoubtedly create duplicate content and would look weird to someone browsing the site. Specific Questions: Should I put the town name where the business is located in the title tag even though the site already ranks #1 for that town in local search, without having the town in the title tag? Why not use this importunity for an area that we are not ranking for? Do I nix the county and state and try to insert another town or two in the title and H1? Ideally I would like to have this site rank well in local search for all of the neighboring towns. This may be too broad of a post, (it is my first one) but perhaps there are a few of you out there that can outline strategies that work for service industries like, lawn care, tree removal, landscaping, etc. Thanks for reading.

    Reporting & Analytics | | MozMan2

  • Hello, I am in the process of updating my website (hopefully to improve SEO). It is a major update as we are going from 20,000 product line to 200,000 product lines and hiring two marketing people to work on more content. Unfortunately, I think my domain isn't the best i.e. Some of the parts have long part numbers and I am worried that my URLs will be too long i.e. I will lose link juice from the search engines. typical url I am thinking of launching the new site with a shorter domain name rather than updating the old site.  My site doesn't have that many backlinks but generates a decent level of business for my company. Not sure if it would be worth setting up another brand or not Anyone got any advice?

    Web Design | | DavidLenehan

  • Does anyone know of any guest blogging websites that offer a good (white hat) service? We're looking for websites that website owners may subscribe to that actually are pursuing guest bloggers to post on their site. We're looking for white-hat only websites. Thanks,

    Branding | |

  • At the moment I my blog is paginated like so: /blogs > /blogs/page/2 > /blogs/page/3 etc What are the benefits of paginating with dynamic URLs like here on SEOmoz with /blog?page=3

    Technical SEO | | NickPateman81

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