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  • Our site provides two approaches for customers to locate the products they're looking for: Brand and Category. Where we're unsure if we're causing confusion for the search engines is when the left navigation filter link anchor text for these pages conflict with one another. For example, let's say we have a Snazzy Brand Type A widget, Blue, Squared. The nav links from a category approach could be: Widgets > Blue > Squared > Snazzy From the brand approach, we have: Snazzy > Widgets > Blue > Squared Where we have the conflict is in the instances of "Snazzy". From a category perspective, we direct customers down to the Snazzy Widgets page at /snazzy-widgets/ (as it's a filter). But from a brand perspective, we direct to the Snazzy brand page at /snazzy/. This means we have two sets of links with the anchor text of "Snazzy" that are going to two completely different pages. Repeat this across a variety of categories, and you have many instances of "Snazzy" all pointing to different Snazzy-related pages, but not to the Snazzy brand page (/snazzy/, /snazzy-widgets/, /snazzy-whatsits/, etc). So what's the best way to make sure we communicate the right information to the search engines, while still keeping the customer's browsing experience intact and enjoyable? Thanks!

    Link Building | | ShawnHerrick

  • I am writing an article that has 2 links: The fist one is to : The second one is to : The links are with different ancor texts and I am wondering about the link power they will bring to my website. Will both links count? Will the first one send significantly more PR than the second one ? I am asking this because my MAIN objective is the second link. Much Thanks Alex

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | IamSharp

  • What is the correct way to "redirect" a domain if you have multi domain names for the same site? For example if a company has Say my website lived at this location  would I then just forward the other domains to the same place? Do search engines penilize for this? Do search engines view this as duplicated content? Is it even worth having these domains and making the active? Thanks in advance!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | christinarule

  • Hi I'm preparing a confernce in France to explain Google Places & Maps to an audience interested in promoting local businesses but mainly hotels and other tourism related. As you know, searches such as Hotel + City are giving a lot of visibility to Google Places results. Being in the top results is as important if not more important than organic ranking. I'm going to be looking into the new presentation of Google Places results in the SERPs and maybe underlining a difference in results between Places and Maps which I've just recently spotted. Can anyone recommend some good ressources online to explain the changes that came about with Google Places  and ranking factors I should be talking about ? If you have a pet theory on what triggers the different presentation of Places results in the main SERPS or what factors make one local business rank better than another in Google Places then please discuss below too 😉 Ah ! Almost forgot, any feedback on Google Boost use also interesting for us ; although it isn't in France yet Thanks Neil

    Image & Video Optimization | | NeilInFrance

  • I have a competitor that apeears first place in Google with a certain keyword, i explore their site, and they have a lots of forums poiting to their page. What they do is, just go to a random forum, comment some threat and they put the anchor in sig, with that keyword, linking to their page. Well, from what i read in SEOmoz articles, Google its no supose to penalyze this pages? Because thoose are pages (forums) that dont have nothing to do -subject- with the page that apears in first place? Its a good practise? Should i do the same (x2) to get the first place in google? (Sorry for my English) Thank you.

    Link Building | | comercialroldao

  • Hi there, First Q&A question 🙂 So I understand the problems caused by having a few secure pages on a site. A few links to the https version a page and you have duplicate content issues. While there are several posts here at SEOmoz that talk about the different ways of dealing with this issue with respect to secure pages, the majority of this content assumes that the goal of the SEO is to make sure no duplicate https pages end up in the index. The posts also suggest that https should only used on log in pages, contact forms, shopping carts, etc." That's the root of my problem. I'm facing the prospect of switching to https across an entire site. In the light of other https related content I've read, this might seem unecessary or overkill, but there's a vaild reason behind it. I work for a certificate authority. A company that issues  SSL certificates, the cryptographic files that make the https protocol work. So there's an obvious need our site to "appear" protected, even if no sensitive data is being moved through the pages. The stronger push, however, stems from our membership of the Online Trust Alliance. Essentially, in the parts of the internet that deal with SSL and security, there's a push for all sites to utilize HSTS Headers and force sitewide https. Paypal and Bank of America are leading the way in this intiative, and other large retailers/banks/etc. will no doubt follow suit. Regardless of what you feel about all that, the reality is that we're looking at future that involves more privacy protection, more SSL, and more https. The bottom line for me is; I have a site of ~800 pages that I will need to switch to https. I'm finding it difficult to map the tips and tricks for keeping the odd pesky https page out of the index, to what amounts to a sitewide migratiion. So, here are a few general questions. What are the major considerations for such a switch? Are there any less obvious pitfalls lurking? Should I even consider trying to maintain an index of http pages, or should I start work on replacing (or have googlebot replace) the old pages with https versions? Is that something that can be done with canonicalization? or would something at the server level be necessary? How is that going to affect my page authority in general? What obvious questions am I not asking? Sorry to be so longwinded, but this is a tricky one for me, and I want to be sure I'm giving as much pertinent information as possible. Any input will be very much appreciated. Thanks, Dennis

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dennis.globalsign

  • Hi all, I'm working for a new company which has several websites built on the Miva Merchant 5.5 platform. I'm new to SEO and trying to improve one specific category of products. With Miva the URL structure is set to: "category/" or "product/". I would have liked to have the ability to create URLs like "bike/beach-cruisers/mens-red-hawaiian.html". Since I cannot do that I'm trying to determine the best product name and page titles. Currently all of our titles have the word "bike". So when a category page is displayed, which shows over 100 products I get flagged in my campaign for over using the keyword "bike". However, if I take the work "bike" out of the page title I'm concerned that it would hurt us in the SERPs. Another factor that I'm getting flagged for on my campaign is the fact that our navigation uses the same key words repeatedly in each link. I'm not sure if it's really hurting us or not. Below is an example. I'm looking for some input on recommendations for product names and page titles. Below are some examples of what I'm working with. Any input or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Menu Sample: Bikes-Street-Blue-Mens Bikes-Street-Blue-Womens Bikes-Street-Blue-Kids Bikes-Street-Orange-Mens Bikes-Street-Orange-Womens Bikes-Street-Orange-Kids Bikes-Beach-Cruiser-Blue-Mens Bikes-Beach-Cruiser-Blue-Womens Bikes-Beach-Cruiser-Blue-Kids Bikes-Beach-Cruiser-Orange-Mens Bikes-Beach-Cruiser-Orange-Womens Bikes-Beach-Cruiser-Orange-Kids Current Page Titles/Name: Mens Bike Street Blue | XYZ Bike Mfg. - product/mens-bike-street-blue.html Mens Bike Street Orange | XYZ Bike Mfg. - product/mens-bike-street-orange.html Womens Bike Street Blue | XYZ Bike Mfg. - product/womens-bike-street-blue.html Womens Bike Street Orange | XYZ Bike Mfg. - product/womens-bike-street-orange.html

    Technical SEO | | Technical_Contact

  • Hi There- I am looking to optimize sites serving the UK and Austrailia markets. I feel like I have a good handle on how to go about doing that, but what I am fuzzy on is, what's the best way to monitor the SERPs for the keywords I am targeting. I know based on experience that if I just search from here in the states, my results will be 'americanized' and may/probably won't accurately reflect what someone would see if they were search from Austrailia. Are there any good tools or tactics for seeing what searchers in the countries I am focusing on woudl see? Thanks! Jason

    International SEO | | phantom

  • Hi, I've noticed that when looking at this site I cannot view their souce data: All that appears is this: |   | |
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    |   | | Am I just doing something wrong here? Is this an alternate way of setting up a website and how does it work with regards to SEO? Thanks, Ross

    Web Design | | rossmawd

  • I have read the blog posts by Rand and other community members at YouMoz but i still have a question on trageting and domains / sub-directories usage. Suppose, my business is located in France but my prospects are in US and UK as well. The issue is, they are not English speakers but French. If i use ccTLD, i don't think it will rank well in US and UK. gTLD will not be a good option for prospects in France. What should i do? Regards, Shailendra

    International SEO | | IM_Learner

  • I understand the need for fixing 404's but I have yet to have a serious walkthrough of how to set up a 301.  From all the talk on the forums and such I'm pretty sure this is easy but I've just never done it before and I could really use a walk through. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | BenRWoodard

  • If i make, modifications in my paget title and sescription, it's possible to will decrase my page visits? If yes, when will increase my page visits? thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | rejja

  • Hi, On our website we are now targeting one combination of keywords " flights + destination". We are working on a new website and we are rewriting texts for the launch. Our idea is to target again on the combination " flights + destination", but also target other combinations. Our intention is to have a first introduction text targeted on " flights + destination" and have lower parts of texts (descriptions) targeted on the long tail, with use of keywords like  flight / fly to / cheap tickets to etc. Our page will be divided like this: 1. introduction text max 150 words (h1 + h2) targeted on " flights + destination"
    2. box 2 Cityguide snippets / content in context of destination - targeted on city name
    3. box 3. Question: target on new generic keywords + combination of destination What is your point of view on box 3? Is it the right way to target a broader range of keywords? Should we use these long tail keywords (fly to / flights / cheap flights...) also in meta title / meta description / strong kwds, etc? Or will it be sufficient if we target on one combination and use those synonyms in a lower density? Or is it best to keep the focus on one main combination and other pages on other keyword combinations? Best regards,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vliegticketsnl

  • Hi, We do have a consistent url structure like
    etc. Now marketing wants to include each URL in our yearly printed catalogue.
    Out of marketing reasons (I agree with that), they think the URLs are too long and should be for example:
    etc. Our brochure is very important for direct customers and we have a target group that actively uses the internet and social media and therefore will pick up these links. Even if we do correct redirects in the background - couldn't we have the problem
    that we have a double set of urls? What do you think about that?

    Link Building | | ecnic

  • Hi, I implemented custom search code on my website which is on a test url It is working perfectly fine on all the browsers except on IE6 and IE7. Can anyone please let me know the solution to this problem. Thanks & Regards

    Web Design | | IM_Learner

  • My site is getting crawl errors inside of google webmaster tools. Google believe a lot of my links point to index.html when they really do not. That is not the problem though, its that google can't give credit for those links to any of my pages. I know I need to create a rule in the .htacess but the last time I did it I got an error. I need some assistance on how to go about doing this, I really don't want to lose the weight of my links. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | automart

  • I don't know if the title makes sense, but here's my question... Our newspaper website has multiple categories like World, Sport, Entertainment etc. Now, a story, belonging to the entertainment section maybe published on the entertainment page but is likely to have a slot somewhere on the Home page as well as other pages. The same goes for stories in sport etc. However, the url displays the date folllowed by the post title and thats it, no category name. Now, a user may end up going to a detailed story that belongs to the entertainment section (from the home page or any other page) without actually having visited the entertainment page. However, for tracking purposes, we want to see how many hits we got on the entertainment page and any story belonging to that particular section. So, my question is how do I go about creating filters that can help me track category page and detail story hits as one? Or, should I ammend the url structure (keep in mind we are using wordpress for our news website) to include category after the date and would this solve my problem of tracking? I asked a similar question recently but maybe I did not explain myself clearly. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | RishadShaikh59

  • Hi, Currently, page A is redirecting to page B. I am in the process of developing new site for the same domain and this time page B will be redirected to page C. This is gonna happen on many pages. Is it correct or should i adopt some other strategy? Will it have adverse effect on the speed of my site? Page A -----> Page B ------> Page C Regards, Shailendra

    Technical SEO | | IM_Learner

  • Thought experiment... All other things being equal (content, inbound links, etc), which will rank better: a Facebook Page or a regular website?  Why?

    Social Media | | fideaux64

  • Our website is a continuing education website that is linked to a large university, and our URL is a subdomain of that larger university domain. We offer degrees as well, but because of the modifications we'd like to make to the degree webpages, our content management system won't let them be a part of our website. Now we're trying to figure out if we should create a separate subdomain for all degrees, and put the individual degrees in separate folders (so, all degrees' URLs woudl be, or if we should give each its own URL, which would be completely separate from ours (degree urls would be So our question is, how well do subdomains carry the value of the domain? Is it better to have twenty websites that are all separate subdomains of a strong domain, or one subdomain in a subdomain that houses all twenty websites in folders? And, as a side note, will housing the degrees in pass value to us ( Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | UWPCE

  • Hi, I'm just getting familiar with all of the cool tools on SEOMoz PRO. There's a lot to use on the pro members area of the site! What are the best tools,etc.? Or is it more about just joining the community and participating? What is your favorite part of SEOMoz PRO? Thanks! -Erica

    Moz Pro | | ownlocal

  • I realy don't understand how Google could posibly devaluate a link because the site displays the same content with www and without www. I mean did somebody recently saw a devaluation of a domain because of this isue? I somehow can not belive this because it is the standard when geting a new webspace that the new website display the same content with and without www. Is a redirect realy necessary?

    On-Page Optimization | | MichaelJanik

  • Hello, Some pages of my clients website are removed from Google Index. We were in top 10 position for some keywords but now I cannot find those pages neither in top 1000. Any idea what to do in order to get these pages back? thank you

    Technical SEO | | besartbajrami

  • I'm running purely CPA campaigns at the moment and I'm wondering if my Quality Score is at all relevant. My understanding is that Quality Score is closely tied to clicks, so if I'm not targetting that (but conversions instead) then the Quality Score is not something I need to pay any attention too. In fact, it seems kind of irrelevant. Do any experts out there agree or disagree? I would love some clarity! I've never seen Google refer to conversions or CPA when it talks about Quality Score.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | rfjc

  • For php pages youve got Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
    Header( "Location:" );
    ?> Is there anything for html pages? Other then Or is placing this code redirect 301 /old/old.htm in the .htaccess the only way to properly 301 redirect html pages? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | shupester

  • If I have a subdomain (a blog) that is having tags and categories indexed when they should not be, because they are creating duplicate content. Can I block them using a robots.txt file? Can I/do I need to have a separate robots file for my subdomain? If so, how would I format it? Do I need to specify that it is a subdomain robots file, or will the search engines automatically pick this up? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | JohnECF

  • Got a debate raging here and I figured I'd ask for opinions. We have our websites structured as site/category/product This is fine for URL keywords, etc. We also use this for breadcrumbs. The problem is that we have multiple categories into which a category fits. So "product" could also be at site/cat1/product
    site/cat3/product Obviously this produces duplicate content. There's no reason why it couldn't live under 1 URL  but it would take some time and effort to do so (time we don't necessarily have). As such, we're applying the canonical band-aid and calling it good. My problem is that I think this will still kill our crawl budget (this is not an insignificant number of pages we're talking about). In some cases the duplicate pages are bloating a site by 500%. So what say you all? Do we just simply do canonical and call it good or do we need to take into account the crawl budget and actually remove the duplicate pages. Or am I totally off base and canonical solves the crawl budget issue as well?

    Web Design | | Highland

  • Hello - I have a client who is a realtor and changed agencies. I edited their Google Places entry and the new name of their agency and address are showing - but so is their old listing. The agency they left is now trying to sue them for showing up in a number one position with Google Places under their agency name. Is this an indexing issue with Google? Their name shows up under both agency names. The corrected one shows most often, but the old one is still popping up on occasion. Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | seoessentials

  • I know this can be a "it depends" answer so I'll try to explain. Qualifications on your answers would be great. I use the Wordpress architecture for myself and clients on sites and blogs. Almost every business site we create has a blog and I'm always working to improve results on them. My strategy has been the following: Categories: General, main content types, general keywords. Index, follow Tags: Very specific, post specific, may only be used once for one post. My categories have descriptions that are displayed on the category pages with excerpts. Tags rarely have a description but are displayed with excerpts on the page. My idea has been to index the categories to crawl the content and they have unique content by showing the category description. Tags shouldn't be archived because they may be all over the place and may have only 1 post with no tag description. I'm trying to reduce duplicate content but I don't want to limit results for my clients and myself. Should I set tags to noindex, follow or should I have them indexed? The only thing I'm thinking with having the tags indexed is that I may be able to get additional traffic through the more specific tags (i.e. tag = meta tags, category = SEO).

    Technical SEO | | JaredDetroit

  • We have a relatively new site (re: August '10) for a plastic surgeon who opened his own solo practice after 25+ years with a large group. Our current url structure goes 3 folders deep to arrive at our tummy tuck procedure landing page. The site architecture is solid and each plastic surgery procedure page (e.g. rhinoplasty, liposuction, facelift, etc.) is no more than a couple clicks away. So far, so good - but given all that is known about local seo (which is a very different beast than national seo) quite a bit of on-page/architecture work can still be done to further improve our local rank. So here a a couple big questions facing us at present: First, regarding format, is it a given that using geo keywords within the url indispustibly and dramatically impacts a site's local rank for the better (e.g. the #2 result for "tummy tuck" and its SHENANIGANS level use of "NYC", "Manhattan", "newyorkcity" etc.)? Assuming that it is, would we be better off updating our cosmetic procedure landing page urls to "/albany-tummy-tuck" or "/albany-ny-tummy-tuck" or "/tummy-tuck-albany" etc.? Second, regarding structure, would we be better off locating every procedure page within the root directory (re: "/rhinoplasty-albany-ny/") or within each procedure's proper parent category (re: "/facial-rejuvenation/rhinoplasty-albany-ny/")? From what I've read within the SEOmoz Q&A, adding that parent category (e.g. "/breast-enhancement/breast-lift") is better than having every link in the root (i.e. completely flat). Third, how long before google updates their algorithm so that geo-optimized urls like don't beat other sites who do not optimize so aggressively or local? Fourth, assuming that each cosmetic procedure page will eventually have strong link profiles (via diligent, long term link building efforts), is it possible that geo-targeted urls will negatively impact our ability to rank for regional or less geo-specific searches? Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | WDeLuca

  • Hi, we are having some issues on our video site so I don't think we will be able to host them for a while, I think we will be uploading them to YouTube, so is there a tool/software that can help me make video sitemaps for my videos in YouTube? Thank you all!!! PS. I think I saw Rand or Danny a while ago in a video taking about a great tool for YouTube sitemaps, but I just can find it.

    Image & Video Optimization | | andresgmontero

  • Designed my website with one keyword, one page adage.  Wondering if i am creating an issue with internal anchor text and use of plurals for keywords.  For instance, say I want my index page to rank for keyword exotic vacations, and an inner page to rank for exotic vacation.  I do this as i notice there is a major discrepency with google when calling both the singular and plural term of certain keywords (like the example above, for instance).  I see in yahoo it views singular and plural as essentially the same word, but google appears to rank them separately.  Anyways since google is where the majority of my search traffic comes from, I separated my most competitive keywords for both singular and plural usage and created external links with anchor text that reflects this separation. I am concerned though that I may not be handling the Internal anchor text properly.  What i have done is take a keyword l want to rank for (for example "exotic vacations") and attach it a page (for example index page) and use the anchor text "exotic vacations" on this page and link it to the inner page "exotic vacation." Reason: I want to rank for the term exotic vacations on the main page, but have a relavant page to link to this term so the closest would be the keyword exotic vacation on an inner page. I would appreciate any feedback on this.  I think I am running into a problem with this strategy especially on the main index page/inner page keywords (plural to singular).  I also notice google will find an inner page for a time then switch it to the default domain name index page when searchign for a keyword.  Kinda keeps going back and forth. I never see any indent search results.

    Technical SEO | | oxygenretreat

  • I've never considered this as a good practice, but is there any benefit to submitting a press release to one PR source, then going to other PR sources and submitting the same content? My main goal, currently on one project, is the soul purpose of link building and backlinking. I see this as duplicate content, although I am seeing competitors submitting the same press release multiple times trying to reap some sort of benefit from it. In my honest opinion, I would rather submit 1 different press release each week throughout the course of a month to a quality site like PRLog or PRweb. Comments? Opinions? I would really like to hear them.

    Link Building | | TKIGWebTeam

  • I'm getting a report of duplicate title and content on: Of course, they're the same pages but does this need to be corrected somehow. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | dbaxa-261338

  • New to this and I'm working on a title tag. I was wondering if any one had opinions/input on if this looks good/bad/ugly. I replaced the actual name of the client with "Ranch Name" Guest Ranch Dude Ranch Wyoming Jackson Hole Activities RANCH NAME Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | dbaxa-261338

  • I tried to delete campaigns inside "Settings" on a particular campaign. However, the campaigns still hangs around.. Please assist

    Moz Pro | | freaksh0

  • I'm receiving a duplicate content error in my reports for and Should I put the rel="canonical" on the index page and point it to And if I have other important pages where rel="canonical" is being suggested do I place the rel="canonical" on that page? For example if www.example/product is an important page would I place on that page?

    Technical SEO | | BrandonC-269887

  • Some of our competitors are ranking higher than we are in google places due to a larger variety of review sites.  Google is picking up reviews for them on certain review sites such as or  We have a lot of reviews on those sites also, but google is not picking those reviews up for us.  I checked and verified that the phone number and address is exactly correct and has the exact same formatting on all the sites, but google still hasn't picked up those reviews for us.  I've waited a couple months now and still nothing. Is there anything I'm missing?

    Image & Video Optimization | | DanielLowe

  • I am planning on a new self help site in German language. I almost died from a skin disease and had to learn how to heal myself. I now I teach that to anybody interested. I am tech savvy but internet marketing is new to me and I need some practical help in how to research my market niche and the best keywords. Thank you for your help, Guido

    Keyword Research | | Guidowalter

  • Hi every body, I am doing landing page redesign(s). Does any body know or can refer a content carousel that can rotate video and pictures? The  "site with images" search option result is a compelling reason to showcase pictures if your space competeiveness (showroom, merchandise, etc) can be improved with a strong image presence. here is my main landing page I know there is alot of stuff, and confusing call to action, but I am looking for strategies to clean it up, clear fous on action (get bid, learn more), but allow users to see that they can dig for more content.

    Web Design | | johnshearer

  • I work for a media company that owns 4 magazines.  Our company is constantly producing new content. How do you do Keyword Research when the subject of your content is constantly changing?  Do you need to do Keyword Research or do you simply optimize every article that you write for the web?  Any ideas?

    Keyword Research | | DerekSwanson

  • I learned Google PPC years ago and got certified by Google. Back then and for a long time since I know it was best practice to capitalize words in your domain name. I know Google no longer does this and that words in your domain name of your ad are now all lowercase. I hear recommendations and see them practice that adding keywords in a directory are a good way to still get capitalized words in your ad. When I learned PPC, I was told your display URL and your destination URL had to match. Now I'm seeing ads where that is not the case. If I have an ad that takes someone to my homepage of a coupon site, can I have a display URL that says: Even if the destination URL is just ? I'm seeing conflicting things online and it's hard because I don't know what the current guidelines are after this change.

    Paid Search Marketing | | DanDeceuster

  • Is there a disadvantage/advantage to using commas to separate words in the title tag. Which will be more effective as a title tag: "keyword1 keyword2 - Brand" OR "keyword1, keyword2 - Brand"?

    On-Page Optimization | | Audiohype

  • Hi there, I was wondering if there was a way for me to freeze my account, e.g. make it inactive for some time and then reactivate it later, and keep all of my old info and settings. It would really encourage me to use your services again after a break/vacation/budget cutbacks. best, Rosa

    Moz Pro | | rosa

  • Hi all, I'm starting to make changes to our websites this week.  I need to record every change made so I can compare the affect it had on the performance/ranking of the site. I'm curious to know what methods those with more experience are using to keep track of everything. Thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | Technical_Contact

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