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  • We are redeveloping our website, and have the option to amend URLs (with 301 redirects from old URL to new), so my question is: Would '' achieve superior rankings than '' for the search term 'golf clubs' if all other factors were the same? Should the URL reflect the intended search term wherever possible?

    On-Page Optimization | | swgolf123

  • I am currently using Wordpress and am looking for php examples on how to find interlink suggestions from other posts/tags/categories while writing. Do you know of any?

    Link Building | | ldestrooper

  • Hello,
       I am trying out your SEOMOZ and I quite like it. I've managed to remove most of the errors on my site however I'm not sure how to get round this last one. If you look at my errors you will see most of them revolve around things like this: These are essentially the same pages because the category for Dead Locks does not contain enough products to view over more than one resulting in the fact that when I say 'View all products' on my webpage, the results are the same. This functionality works with categories with more than the 20 per page limit. My question is, should I be either: Removing the link to 'show all products' (which adds the PageSize query string value) if no more products will be shown. Or putting a no-index meta tag on the page? Or some other action entirely? Looking forward to your reply and you showing how effective Pro is. Many Thanks,
    James Carter

    Moz Pro | | jcarter

  • Hi i'm a new guy around here, but i'm having this problem in my website. Using de Seomoz tools i ran a camping to my website, in results i get to many errors for duplicate conten, for example, http://www.mysite/blue/ http://www.mysite/blue/index.html, so my question is, what is the best way to resolve this problem, use a 301 or use the rel canonical tag? Wich url will be consider for main url, Thanks for yor help.

    Technical SEO | | NorbertoMM

  • Hi, I was thinking: If I had 4 pages, each of them optimized for an especific keyword, but set a canonical url to another page, would this another page rank for the 5 specific keywords? Ex: Page 1- Shoes
    Page 2- Snickers
    Page 3- Socks
    Page 4- Feet
    All set the canonical url to Page 5 Page 5 will rank for all this four keywords?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PedroVillalobos

  • Hi SEO Mozers, As I structure my link building campaign I come across alot of directories some of which are located on the same server. If I am to place links on these sites is this is negative signal for big G? The reason I ask is because I see that a competitor has used these various directories and is ranking on the no 1 spot for a moderately competetive keyword. I am able to place links on the sites with almost no effort at all therefore even if it does not pass alot of link juice is it still worth it for me. But if this is seen as a negative I would not persue it. What is your thoughts on this? Thanks in advance, Ross

    Link Building | | rtavs

  • Hi, Up until yesterday my main role was to implement & create SEO strategies and analytics for varying clients, and our own agency. Going forward I have been tasked with sourcing and managing SEO partners for our existing and future clients. This is totally a new concept for me, and I was wondering if any mozzers out there have been tasked with similar roles and could give me some ideas on what questions I should be asking, or maybe have an SEO matrix to rank agencies to help match to clients? Your help as always is greatly appreciated. Many thanks Sean

    Industry News | | Yozzer

  • Hello, On my site ( we had a lot of duplicate page issues as reported by the Seomoz site report tool - this was due to database driven URL strings. As a result, I sent an excel file with all the duplicate pages to my web developer who put rel canonical tags on what I assumed would be all the correct pages. I am not sure if this is a coincidence, or a direct result of the canonical tags, but a few days after (yesterday) the amount of pages indexed by google dropped from 1,200 to under 200. The number is still declining, and other than the canonical tags I can't work out why Google would just start de-indexing most of our pages. If you could offer any solutions that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Robert.

    Technical SEO | | 87ROB

  • Hello, Please let me know what are the exact right steps in order to get rid of the duplicate content issues related with: same as  without creating an infinite loop. Do you have a step by step guide posted within seomoz including 301 redirect for non www to www for all urls and index.whatever to main domain name without going into a infinite loop ? btw how to you spot the loop ? is it obvious like never ending refresh of the home page ? thanks a lot !

    On-Page Optimization | | eyepaq

  • Hi, I have been doing SEO on my business website for about 4 years now. And it ranks #1-3 for my desired keywords and i always try to add new backlinks and keep uploading new content to a blog on the site as this is where nearly 100% of our customers come from so its important to me to rank high for the keywords related to my industry. However the last few months a competitor has taken over me for a certain keyword, i have researched their backlinks and site and from what i can see they have less content, and less backlinks, onpage seo isnt that great, and alot of the backlinks arent even related where all mine are in the same industry and i always research my backlinks to make sure that site has good backlinks also (i currently have about 48 root domain and 12,000 page backlinks for various pages of my website). The only thing they have over me is domain age, their domain is about 10 years old. I am also trying to target another hard to get keyword that im currently on Page 3 for, im sure over time i will rise to the top and its something i have to keep working at however i feel i wont get to where i want to be because im running out of ideas on where to get backlinks. After 4 years of building backlinks i feel like i have hit a brick wall, i started out by directory submission, then just links from other related sites, then i did a few article submissions and then i started finding it hard to get links so i started buying related links, however i seem to just keep buying and buying because im running out of ideas and it feels easier just to buy them, the only problem is its getting expensive and im now probably spending $80/month on paid backlinks! Although considering im not paying an SEO company its still a lot cheaper! I have gotten to the point where im researching sites that arent even in my industry (however still automotive related) and getting links on sites their on which was going really well,  but now even that feels like its coming to an end and im back to submitting to directories their on. So other then directories, paid links, articles etc. what else could i be doing to build quality backlinks? I stopped doing articles because they were so time consuming and i felt like i was only getting backlinks from them that were worthless and held no authority. I have about 4 blogs (all on different IPs) would it be worth blogging on them and building content and dropping links from those to mine or is it not worth the effort when i could just submit articles to article websites?

    Link Building | | defyet

  • I need to redirect a ton of duplicate content, so I want to try redirect 301 /store/index.php /store redirect 301 /store/product-old /store/product-new redirect 301 /store/product-old1 /store/product-new1 redirect 301 /store/product-old2 /store/product-new2 redirect 301 /store/product-old3 /store/product-new3 redirect 301 /store/product-old4/file.html /store/product-old4/new4/file.html and then a whole bunch of old dead links to homepage. So we've had /index.php redirected to / on other parts of the site for awhile, and for the most part /store is a friendly URL, but then we have tons of dup content and work arounds that preceded my job here. I'm wondering if those redirects above would be considered a redirection chain? Since the all the redirects below the /index.php -> /store count on that one redirect. Thanks for any insight you may be able to give!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Hondaspeder

  • Hello you suggest in your pro tipps but I wonder why you are not using it for your own blog under I noticed that when somebody copy and paste something form my blog a strange code is added to the link: Expample: Is the #ixzz1FQvadWNV maybe not that good in a seo view of point?

    Technical SEO | | MichaelJanik

  • A few weeks ago I ran the SEOMoz On Page Optimization Reports for one of my sites. At the time, the site homepage was duplicated .com/ and .com/index.html (I know!). The On Page Optimisation Reports I ran at the time obviously included both as individual pages. I've now corrected the duplicate issue with a 301 but the On Page Optimization Reports are still looking at the rankings for .com/index.html and therefore showing "not in top 50" for keywords where I'm actually ranking 1st - any idea how I can get the reports to update so they don't continue to look for .com/index.html? Thanks!

    Moz Pro | | trbaldwin

  • Hello, We have a clients site who we are trying to rank for 10 keywords accross 20 towns so a combination of 200. What would be the best way to tackle this. Their url is Thanks Shehzad

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gareth_Cartman

  • Hello, I currently run a Wordpress site that has a large guides section. I've reached the point where a lot of the larget guides need to be split into smaller posts which then link to each other. As we all know, long guides are not always user friendly. I've taken this oppurtunity to revamp the guides section and I am considering using Media Wiki to turn the Wordpress posts in to a full Wiki Knowledge Base. However this raises some questions for me.. 1. Will doing this impact my sites SEO? 2. Does Media Wiki use internal nofollow links? 3. Are there dangers of duplicate content? 4. Do you have any experience using Media Wiki, and what are your thoughts? I'd appreciate your views on this problem. Thanks Joe

    On-Page Optimization | | Fubra

  • So we have a client who is a plumbing franchise with about 150 franchisees across the country. Because its a plumbing franchise the businesses don't have street addresses (apart from the franchisee home addresses but we don't want to use those) We used to have bulk uploaded listings for the franchise locations and used the GPO address is the suburb/city as the address and got away with this fine for years. Google has copped onto this and asked for reverification of the listings by post now. So my question is what's the best way to optimise places for 150+ locations. As a quick fix, we're going to add a new places location as the master franchise HQ office (address exists). We can then add all the suburbs/areas serviced into this location which may or may not show up for local searches in those areas. We could potentially verify all listings by mail by using private mailboxes but mail verify on a mass scale like that is likely to be flaky not to mention an admin nightmare. Does anyone have an experience with this and how they got around it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Brendo

  • I know basic SEO factors and i understand On Page SEO title/meta/content optimzation and Off Page backlinking factors. Yet we see different ranking on both SEs so I want to know what are those? Thanks.

    Algorithm Updates | | NiceGuy

  • Do you have any recommendations for tools that scan an entire website and report broken inner links? I run several UGC centered websites and broken inner links, and external, is an issue. Being that these websites are several hundred thousand pages large, I am not really all that excited about running software on my desktop (xenu link sleuth for example). Any online solutions you could recommend would be great!

    Technical SEO | | uderic

  • Hi, After the last week Google algotithm update, my web site index appears on 4th position when I search for If I make a simple search for domain or it ranks on first position. Is this a sign of a penalty ? What would be the cause ? Thanks

    Link Building | | tranquilito

  • Hi, we've got multiple domains that point to the same website and same content. The only difference is the currency and some text, you could say only about 5% difference in each domain's content: Will Google penalise us for having 95% similar content for each domain (they sell the same products but in different currencies)? We shoudn't really put canonical link, should we? Because 5% of the content is different, which means they are not identical. What would be the best solution if this is a problem? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Essentia

  • Hi, We regularly write articles on our website and then submit them to different websites with link backs or sometimes without link backs. If google crawls these websites and our website, will it penalise us for duplicate content? Does it make a difference if we put link back to our site or not? If Google sees it as duplicate content, what should we do as a solution? Thanks

    Link Building | | Essentia

  • Hi guys, I am planning of setting up a blog within a client's website, due to limitations to their server environment, I can only setup the blog in a subdomain, I have read in some articles saying subdomains don't pass value as well as subfolders. My questions are: Is it true that subdomains can't pass SEO value? For example, if I set up a blog (say, will that improve long tail searches for my website ( What are some recommendations for subdomains so that it passes more value back to the root domain (for example, internal linking from subdomain back to root domain) Thanks guys.

    On-Page Optimization | | NextDigital51

  • Did you delete my first question? where is it? I cant find it on My Questions.... And if it is deleted i NEED to know why, i am currently on trial for PRO MEMBERSHIP, and getting my question deleted without any news is definitely not a good idea.... If i did something wrong, i need to know what is it.... (i dont understand , how on this green earth asking a question would be wrong though) Please responds, PS : My Last question was posted on "On-Page / Site Optimization" It asked 3 questions, all related to Search Engine Visibility, and the primary question is about "If i used php script to detect google bot / yahoo bot / bing bot, and then redirect them to page that have EXACTLY same content, but a much more SEO Friendly one, will this effect my seo standing" The website in question is In which case that website is full flash BUT it can be opened through any phone (I have built a php that detected IF you are coming from any mobile devices, it will redirect you to the right HTML version of that page) arghhhh i have asked the question, and have not got any responds for 6~7 days, and it got deleted??!

    On-Page Optimization | | M4G1C14N

  • Can you tell me if we've implemented rel="canonical" properly? We want this to be our primary: while this would be duplicate and refer robots back to the URL above: We've added the following to both pages: <link rel="canonical" href=" "/> Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | jonesatl

  • Hi, We launched tmart 60 days ago and submitted to google, bing, yahoo 20 days later. But google had never indexed our website still when yahoo indexed it in one week. What we have checked or tried: 1.  We got 20~50 inlinks in one month and now 81 inlinks via yahoo site explorer. 2.  This domain has registered for 13 years and we purchased it from sedo last year. We
    did not find any problems from domain archive pages. 3.  Page similar: the homepage is 50% similar to one of our competitors when we just launched.
    So we adjusted the page structure and modified the content one month later and decreased the similarity to 30% (by tools from 4.  Google Robots: googlebot crawled our website every day after we submitted for indexing.
    We opened GWT account for it and added the xml sitemap last week. GWT said nothing
    was wrong except the time of page loading. Our questions: Why google did not indexed our website? What should we do? Thanks, wu

    Technical SEO | | zt673

  • Hello, Seomoz did a crawl of my whole page, but under in page analysis grade rankings there have been no crawls? how can I initiate one?

    Moz Pro | | AdamGymyGym

  • I deal with primarily small businesses in the construction and maintenance industries and I'm looking for some advice. Traditionally in these categories you find absolutely awful websites with the below attributes, all ranking 1-5 in the SERPs. Weak/Limited content No blog Awful title tags Minimal backlinks Poor on-site optimization Ect. In most cases I am going to assume that these sites have been indexed for the last ten years, and that is why they are retaining such high rankings. My issue is trying to compete with them! So far I have worked to have my client's website submitted to and accepted by all of their competitor's backlinking site (which didn't take as long as you might think). I've also listed my client in several of the top paying and free directories (dmoz, joe ant, ect.) and still I see limited results. Lastly and most annoyingly my clients website, according to SEOmoz is currently leading the domain authority race in every category. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what is going on.

    Technical SEO | | calin_daniel

  • Basically my question is as follows, what's better: (this would fully match the breadcrumbs). or (cutting out the first level folder to keep the url shorter and the important keywords are closer to the root domain). In this question I was consulted to drop a folder in my url because it may be to long. That's why I'm hesitant to keep the bradcrumb structure the same. To the best of your knowldege do you think it's best to drop a folder in the URL to keep it shorter and sweeter, or to have a longer URL and have it match the breadcrumb structure? Please advise, Shawn

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Romancing

  • I don't know if these two scenarios are any different as far as SEO is concerned, but I wanted to ask to get an opinion. On my website: you can see there is a top menu with "About" "Info" "Questions" etc.  Some of these links lead to further pages that are essentially a indeces for multiple further links. My question is: in terms of SEO, is it better to A) have all links (that are now on the pages that the menu links lead to) displayed in a drop down menu directly from the top menu (and bypassing an intermediate page) or B) to have it as it is now where you have to click to an intermediate page (like "rain chain info") to get access to the links (and not have such a large drop down menu) Is there a difference in terms of SEO?  In terms of useability it almost seems like a toss up between the two, so if there were better SEO value to one of the other, then I would choose that one. By the way, I know that the way it is structured now is strange, where there is only one drop down that leads to the same page as the top menu item, but that will be fixed, fyi. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | csblev

  • I am new to SEO and absolutely fascinated by the whole process.... this is fun! I am a newish photographer, and I am bringing together my blog with my static page to one URL, and am going to be using wordpress. My goals are a little different than typical.  What I am looking for in my web site is not sales, but viewership.  I want people to find my site, then keep coming back to my blog to follow what I do. Hopefully I get lots of people put my feed in their reader, or sign on to my email list. In looking at keywords, I found the below info from google as far as global monthy searches: photography blog 110,000
    photo blog 823,000 black and white photographers 135,000
    black and white photography 110,000 fine art photographers 60,500
    fine art photography 49,500 abstract photographer 14,800
    abstract photography 14,800 erotic photographer 60,500
    erotic photography  3,600 editorial photographer 12,100
    editorial photography 6,600 Questions: Photo blog is where the big numbers are, and this is eventually what I would like to be known for ... but the competition here is much stiffer than that for lets say 'fine art photographer'.  The top listing in photo blog has a domain authority of 78 as opposed to 47 for fine art photographer.  Given the importance of being high in the rankings, would it be better to try to dominate some of the long tail first?  But if I do, is it then hard to switch to photo blog and come up high because I have all the link and keyword 'baggage' on my domain from the old attempts at optimizing for 'fine art photographer'? 2)  How would people suggest handling photographer and photography, in terms of keywords, and using the terms in directories, etc?  Pick one or use both? 3)  Is this too many keywords to focus on at first?  General thoughts to approach? Thanks! Brent

    Keyword Research | | teknari

  • In your opinion, is it worth paying for sponsored links in directories like, rather than the standard free links? I'm also curious about sponsored posts on Blogs (such as where links are dofollowed, but clearly marked as sponsored. Will Google penalise me for purchasing these links? Are the links de-valued in any way?

    Link Building | | cmaddison

  • Hello We have an opportunity to get a link from a very large traffic site.  It comes with a price tag, and Im wondering if it is worth it.  Is it ok to mention the page and cost? It is the 5th largest internet site. Would be on their benefactors page. There are many other sites linking from the page, and its obvious they are on there for the link value. I know sometimes one link can do wonders for rankings, where thousands of others can not. But wondering if there is any way to quanitfy this. Is it worth it for the value of the backlink? If we link to the home page, the link juice (alot I hope) would pass through to the deeper pages, and increase their rankings for their target keywords? Thanks for your advise. Sam

    Link Building | | Impact-201555

  • It has been about 3 months since we made some new pages, with new, unique copy, but alot of pages (even though they have been indexed) are not ranking in the SERPS I tested it by taking a long snippet of the unique copy form the page and searching for it on Google. Also I checked the ranking using
    Which may no be accurate, I know, but would give some indication. The interesting thing was that for the unique copy snippets, sometimes a different page of our site, many times the home page, shows up in the SERP'sSo my questions are: Is there some issue / penalty / sandbox deal with the pages that are not indexed? How can we check that? Or has it just not been enough time? Could there be any duplicate copy issue going on? Shouldn't be, as they are all well written, completely unique copy. How can we check that? Flickr image details - Some of the pages display the same set of images from flickr. The details (filenames, alt info, titles) are getting pulled form flickr and can be seen on the source code. Its a pretty large block of words, which is the same on multiple pages, and uses alot of keywords. Could this be an issue considered duplication or keyword stuffing, causing this. If you think so , we will remove it right away. And then when do we do to improve re-indexing? The reason I started this was because we have a few good opportunities right now for links, and I was wondering what pages we should link to and try to build rankings for. I was thinking about pointing one to /cast-bronze-plaques, but the page is not ranking. The home page, obviously is the oldest page, and ranked the best. The cast bronze plaques page is very new. Would linking to pages that are not ranking well be a good idea? Would it help them to get indexed / ranking? Or would it be better to link to the pages that are already indexed / ranking? If you link to a page that does not seem to be indexed, will it help the domains link profile? Will the link juice still flow through the site

    Technical SEO | | Impact-201555

  • Hi seomoz, This is not quite a SEO issue, but I have a feeling you may be able help. English is a second language to me and copywriting is not my favorite sport. So, I've decided to find a copywriter. But have no clue how to look for one. I have hired ton of programmers, designers, and other technical resources in the past. People that have concrete skills - programmer where I could say do X, Y & Z and I can check if X, Y & Z were done - are no problem for me to hire. It still takes a long time, but that's not an issue. I know I want the copywriter to write in certain style (style of, or How do you define writing like that? Can writing like that can be defined? And put into requirements? Do you need 'customer avatar' or 'marketing voice' document or something similar? How do I find a kick ass copywriter? Optimisticly hoping there is a better answer than just 'test bulkload of them'! Thank you,
    Your big fan!

    Content Development | | AverageJoe

  • Google advises that sites should have no more than around 100 links per page.  I realise there is some flexibility around this which is highlighted in this article: One of Google's justifications for this guideline is that a page with several hundred links is likely to be less useful to a user. However, these days web pages are rarely 2 dimensional and usually include CSS drop--down navigation and tabs to different layers so that even though a user may only see 60 or so links, the source code actually contains hundreds of links. I.e., the page is actually very useful to a user. I think there is a concern amongst SEO's that if there are more than 100ish links on a page search engines may not follow links beyond those which may lead to indexing problems. This is a long winded way of getting round to my question which is, if there are 200 links in a page but many of these links point to the same page URL (let's say half the links are simply second ocurrences of other links on the page), will Google count 200 links on the page or 100?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SureFire

  • During the crwal SEO moz found duplicate title problems with quite a good number of pages. This was because my site has test questions like and when user does next or previous, they can traverse to different pages but the title and descrition would remain same. How can this probkem be resolved ?

    Technical SEO | | skill-guru

  • I know and use very often SEOmoz OSE. My question is about non-SEOmoz tools wich can detect a specific domain backlinks and all kind of parameters especially the IP of the backlinks. So: what do you use/recommend?

    Link Building | | AndrewStarlike

  • Hey guys, I'm not too sure if I'm over-thinking this, but I've seen no-follow being used with SEOmoz and I'm looking to implement this  myself.  Most of my links point to my root domain (yes I'm working on building links to deep pages) so would it make sense to 'limit' or 'no-follow' links on my root domain so that only the most important pages are being passed link juice? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | reegs

  • Hey guys, First of all, a big thanks to SEOmoz and the community.  I've been an avid reader for about a year now and have seen some great improvements. I'm always focusing my efforts on strategies that work well for my niche.  Although I've come accross one of my competitors that doesn't seem to have much going for him, although he ranks very well.  His root domain is ****E and the URL where (seemingly) spammed links point to is ***.  If you do a site: command he has 1000+ pages although most consist of "events calendar" (empty).  Also, I ran some of his content through copyscape and there seems to be multiple versions of it throughout the web. After all this, he ranks very well for money keywords in our niche, although his on-page is horrible so there are many opporunities I've capitalized on. Is there something I'm missing?  I'm trying to find the value in his website but its not very clear to me since his backlink profile is (seemingly) junk and his on-page goes against all I was told to implement.

    Technical SEO | | reegs

  • We have a high volume e-commerce website with over 15K items, an average of 150K visits per day and 12.6 pages per visit. We are launching a new website this spring which is currently on a beta sub domain and we are looking for the best strategy that preserves our current search rankings while throttling traffic (possibly 25% per week) to measure results. The new site will be soft launched as we plan to slowly migrate traffic to it via a load balancer. This way we can monitor performance of the new site while still having the old site as a backup. Only when we are fully comfortable with the new site will we submit the 301 redirects and migrate everyone over to the new site. We will have a month or so of running both sites. Except for the homepage the URL structure for the new site is different than the old site. What is our best strategy so we don’t lose ranking on the old site and start earning ranking on the new site, while avoiding duplicate content and cloaking issues? Here is what we got back from a Google post which may highlight our concerns better: Thank You, sincerely, Stephan Woo Cude SEO Specialist [email protected]

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | STPseo

  • 1.Does anyone know where google pulls that anchor text for the organic site links?  -- Is there a way to manipulate the anchor text of the  sitelinks to get our more important pages to stick out more (capitalization, punctuation etc.) 2. If i block a few of my sitelinks from showing will goolge replace it with a new sitelink or will i be left with fewer? Thanks! Srs

    Technical SEO | | Morris77

  • What is the best SEO page/link structure for a blog with, say 100 posts that grows at a rate of 4 per month? Each post is 500+ words with charts/graphics; they're not simple one paragraph postings. Rather than use a CMS I have a hand crafted HTML/CSS blog (for tighter integration with the parent site, some dynamic data effects, and in general to have total control). I have a sidebar with headlines from all prior posts, and my blog home page is a 1 line summary of each article. I feel that after 100 articles the sidebar and home page have too many links on them. What is the optimal way to split them up? They are all covering the same niche topic that my site is about. I thought of making the side bar and home page only have the most recent 25 postings, and then create an archive directory for older posts. But categorizing by time doesn't really help someone looking for a specific topic. I could tag each entry with 2-3 keywords and then make the sidebar a sorted list of tags. Clicking on a tag would then show an intermediate index of all articles that have that tag, and then you could click on an article title to read the whole article. Or is there some other strategy that is optimal for SEO and the indexing robots? Is it bad to have a blog that is too heirarchical (where articles are 3 levels down from the root domain) or too flat (if there are 100s of entries)? Thanks for any thoughts or pointers.

    On-Page Optimization | | scanlin

  • Hi, I’m writing you because we have noticed in Google Analytics account, a huge fall in the SEO traffic of mywebsite, starting suddenly in one precise day. The difference between this day and the previous one is: -46,36% . Traffic has fallen in all parts of the site in the same way. Some details: -       we did not make any relevant change to the website -       we haven’t been banned by Google (or we don’t have any message about it in GWT) -       the number of the landing pages remains approximately the same -       the number of indexed keywords falls from 9.000 to 4.000. -       around 2 weeks ago we found out around 120 pages with 404 error, but the error now is solved and the pages are currently working we open the content to Google about 4 months but still we have not published our Site Map. I know that the 404 error could could affect the indexation, but do you have any other idea, apart of this, of what could have happened? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | bodaclick

  • Hi SEOmoz community! I would like to try to give a small (well...) case study of a Farmer victim and some logical conclusions of mine that you are more then welcome to shred to pieces. So, I run MANY sites ranging from low to super quality and actually have a few that have been hit by farmer but this particular site had me scratching my head as to why it was torched. Quick background: Sitei s in a very competetive niche, been around since 2004 initially as a forum site but from 2005 also a content driven site. Site is an affiliate site and has been ranking top 5 for many high-value commercial KW's and has a big long-tail of informational kw's. Limk profile is a mix between natural, good links and purchased links from various qualilty sources. Content is high quality written articles, how-to's, blog posts etc. by in-house pro writers plus UGC from a semi active forum (20-30 posts a day). Farmer: After Farmer, this site's vertical is pretty much same as before with the biggest exception being my site. I quickly discounted low-quality content (spider-food) and focused instead on technical reasons. I took this approach since this site isn't the most well kept site I have and I figured the crappy CMS + PHPBB might have caused isseus. I didn't want to waste my time crawling the site myself so I quickly downloaded all the URLs that Majestic had crawled. Too my surprise the result of Majestic's crawler was over 3 million URLs when the real number would likley be 30-40k and Google has about 20k indexed. After scanning through the file with URLs I knew I had issues. Massive amounts of auto-generated dupe pages from the forum and so on. By adding around 20 new lines to robots.txt I was able to block millions of pages from being crawled again. My logic: Ok, so now I think I've found what caused the drop. Milllions of dupe pages and empty pages could have tripped the Farmer algo update to think the site is low quality or dupe or just trying to feed the spiders with uselessness. My WEAK point in this logic is that I can't prove that Google even knew about (or smart enough to ignore them). Google WMT tells me they've crawled an average of around 10k pages the last 90 days. Given this I'm doubting my logic and if I've found the issue or not. My next step is to see if this gets resolved algorithmically or not, if not i feel I have a legitimate case to submit a reinclusion request but i'm not sure? Since I haven't been a contributing member to this community I'm not looking to get direct help with my site, but hopefully this could spark some discussion about Farmer and maybe some flaming of my logic regarding the update 🙂 So, would any of you have drawn similar conclusions as I did? (Sweet blog bro!)

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | YesBaby

  • Hi all, Someone just tweeted how succssful this site has been for them.  Interesting model, but what happens after you stop paying?  Goobye rank?  I was wondering if the group has had any experience with this site. Thanks, Doug

    Link Building | | DougKirk

  • In looking at my latest seomoz crawl, I see that I have a bunch of pages being reported as duplicate content. Turns out a number of my blog tags share the same <title>as pages on my site. I added a couple of images to illustrate my point.</p> <p>Blog:</p> <p>Page:</p> <p>Any recommendations on what I should add to my Tag titles? My pages need to rank ahead of my tags. Should I go w/something as simple as Name of Post I Boarding School Blog Tags?</p> <p>Any help is much appreciated!</p> <p>Thanks,<br />Peter </p></title>

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | peterdbaron

  • Hi all, I'm new to SEO and excited to see the launch of this forum. I've searched for an answer to this question but haven't been able to find out. I  "attended" two webinars recently regarding SEO. The above subject was raised in each one and the speakers gave a polar opposite recommendations. So I'm completely at a loss as to what to do with some domains that are related to a domain used on a live website that I'm working to improve the SEO on. The scenario: Live website at (fictitious) I also have 2 related domain names which are parked with the registrar:, The question: Is there any SEO benefit to be gained by pointing the two parked domains to the website at If so, what method of "pointing" should be used? Thanks to any and all input.

    Technical SEO | | Technical_Contact

  • Right now I train my interns and new hires on 5 techniques: 1. Appropriate blog commenting the right way 2. Saving social bookmarks 3. Submitting a website to a directory 4. Publishing articles with links 5. How to build up, maintain and use a Twitter/Facebook/Digg/StumbleUpon profile for SEO Are there some other lower level link building tactics you have tried to teach interns or new hires?

    Link Building | | DanDeceuster

  • My client has a fishing report that is published weekly on his blog. Would it be wise to syndicate that content on these other services with backlinks baked into each one? Any thoughts?

    Link Building | | AaronParrish

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