Blog Posts
I love you, Really Simple Syndication. And I love you too, Atom. And if you are a social media marketer, an SEO or just someone who is tracking a company's online presence, then you probably feel the same way. Using RSS feeds to consolidate sources of information is nothing new to most marketers, but I figured I would write this for those who have not yet discovered the power of RSS.
One of our sales people asked me recently, “What do I say to clients who don’t trust SEO’s?” For those potential clients who are jaded, who have been scammed by various companies claiming to do search engine optimization, it is difficult to talk to them about ‘improving their rankings’. They have heard that line many times before, often spoken with a thick, foreign accent.
I read a lot about what sort of advice to give to SEO clients, how to educate them about what SEO is really about, generating interesting content, etc...but how helpful is that to a client once you are no longer providing them with SEO services? If a client does not have the means with which to perform all of the tasks that you just advised them on, then they will continually need to rely on you for all on-site SEO edits they may wish to make later down the road, once your SEO contract is through. Give them SEO tools that will put their knowledge to good use.
I make sure that the phone never stops ringing at Blue Fountain Media. Otherwise, I am a world-traveler, long-distance cyclist, and muay thai beginner.