Blog Posts
The Christmas period can be make-or-break for many in the retail business, regardless of whether they are online only, or also have a presence on the high street. As marketers, we should all see it as our duty to try and have as much of a positive impact at this time of the year for our clients or our bosses and by encompassing as many forms of Online Marketing into your strategy as possible, you’ll have the best chance of doing so.
If you're working on the behalf of a client, or as an in house SEO, like any area of business it's vital to get your relationship off to a great start. After all it is a lot easier to keep a good relationship if you get off to the right start, compared to the difficulty of getting it back on track should things begin to get a little bit sour.
Getting a starting point for your keywords is often very straight forward as they should relate to the area of business you are in, products you sell, or services you provide. For the purpose of the example, we’re conducting keyword research for a company that is selling....Halloween costumes!
With that example, what keywords have you thought of? I imagine “Halloween Costumes” is one of them right? Perhaps “Halloween Costumes Shop” is another?
Although I am not an advocator of breaking Google’s guidelines, there are times when many SEOs (and myself included) will either give in to temptation, or if the niche is particularly competitive, simply have no choice but to divulge into a little bit of link buying to stand a chance of competing with websites that are ranking highly on the basis of an aggressive link buying strategy....
Unfortunately for us SEO’ers, our industry is both generally misunderstood by the majority of the public and bursting at the seams with “crafty so and sos” who are seemingly intent on exploiting this!Image Source:...
I became interested in Search Engine Optimisation in early 2005 and began working on private websites to experiment and test theories. I then began working on commercial websites, gaining top rankings in extremely competitive sectors and also work as a freelance SEO.