Blog Posts
As of February, the smartphone share in the United States has reached nearly 50%. 2012 is FINALLY "the year of mobile" and this means that you need to invest in a mobile user experience. Check your analytics — that mobile traffic share keeps growing!
At the end of 2011, I spent many nights and weekends creating my first infographic titled Inbound Marketing Ecosystem. I’ve never been involved in infographic creation before and to be honest, I never actually planned to create one. One night, I came across an idea and started sketching it on paper...
In the early days, SEO was about keyword density, stuffing titles and meta keywords, putting misspellings on the page... After that, there were directory listings, paid links, exact match anchor text... Pretty boring! Fast-forward a little, and we’ve got Panda updates...
I've written some posts on online marketing, conversion optimization, and SEO. Check them all out at