About two weeks back I set up a new website called www.gamsatsamplequestions.co.uk. It's a blog where, once a day, I post a set of verbal comprehension-style questions to help students prepare for the GAMSAT (the graduate entry to medicine exam used by universities in UK, Ireland and Australia.)
Along with rising traffic, I've recently started to receive spam comments. Before going ahead and activating Akismet or some other spam-blocking app I thought I might have a bit of fun with them..
I took my favourite spam comment (one allegedly about SEO) and wrote up some questions to turn it into a sample GAMSAT reading comprehension
It's not the most efficient way of moderating spam comments, and my not-so-subtle bitter rantings are unlikely to deter any future spammers, but I nonetheless had a little bit of fun doing it..
So, my question is, has anybody else experimented with interesting or unique ways of dealing with comment spam?
E.g. created a directory of all the people who spam commented you / donated their email addresses to hordes of email marketers / replied with a kindly worded email expressing concern for their well being..
Has anyone stumbled upon anything more fun/efficient than the akismet-style plugins?