Blog Posts
Has your business considered sponsored content? Research says it can be a worthwhile addition to your business's marketing efforts.
This article was inspired by Geoff Livingston’s poignant post “8 Myths of the Zombie Content Apocalypse," published on copyblogger as a reaction to the recent buzz around a phenomenon called “content shock.” It’s a principle that introduces basic economics to content marketing — there are only so many eyeballs, and they can consume only so much content. What’s ironic is that there is a real relationship between the content shock concept and the pervasiveness of scaled guest blogging for links.
Chad Pollitt, a decorated veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and former Army Commander, is VP of Audience and Co-founder of Relevance, a digital magazine, agency and events company dedicated to content strategy, promotion and marketing.
He’s also an Adjunct Professor of Internet Marketing at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business and an Adjunct Instructor of Content Marketing at the Rutgers University Business School.
A member of a Forbes Top 100 list, Chad authored “The Native Advertising Manifesto,” “The Content Promotion Manifesto” and “51 Things Your Mother Taught You About Inbound Marketing.” He is a regular contributor to industry media outlets, including the Huffington Post, Guardian and Social Media Today.
He has been creating profitable online campaigns for over 14 years for some of the World's most recognizable brands. All while delivering tens of millions of dollars of tracked return on SEO alone.
Named a top five content marketing thought leader and top 20 CMO influencer, he continues to innovate by leading the emerging industry of online content promotion and distribution