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Throw that tired pageview-and-bounce-rate-heavy report right out the (virtual) window — we can do better than that! Dana will peel back the layers on measuring content success. You'll learn which metrics will actually tell you if your content is doing what it's supposed to be doing, and how to link these metrics to your SEO strategies and tactics.

Let’s cut to the chase: there are a million ways to win online today. You can create amazing scalable landing pages. You can create a backlink empire. You can create a bunch of pillar assets and clusters. The options are endless. But how do you determine what’s the best investment for your brand to make to generate organic traffic? Ross will share a framework that will help guide your thinking along with some tactical techniques and case studies you can steal.

Learn why E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) has taken a front seat in SEO discussions in recent years, the numerous places where Google focuses on E-A-T, and how the growing emphasis on surfacing authoritative content has drastically changed the organic search landscape across search, News, Discover, YouTube, and

Every single piece of content your brand creates is an asset. So why do we view them as an expense? In this session, Ross Simmonds will talk about the parallels between content marketing/SEO and the world of investing. From the techniques that take blog posts and landing pages to the moon to the fundamentals of content investing to create a competitive advantage, learn how an investment mindset can drive results.