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In today’s Whiteboard Friday, MozCon speaker and content marketing expert Ross Simmonds walks you through his method for creating a content marketing engine that will ultimately make you money, rooted in four simple steps: research, create, distribute, and optimize.

Relevance is talked about a lot in the context of link building, yet none of us know exactly how Google measures it. When it comes to link building, and specifically the part that relevance plays, the potential answers are a lot more complex than we think. Let’s start by splitting out link relevance and content relevance.

When writing for search engines, should you create content for the algorithm or for your human readers? The answer is both. Here’s how you can do it.

Creating custom, campaign-specific landing pages is resource-intensive, and not every team has the necessary tools, expertise, or personnel to build the content. So, how do you know if you need a custom page, or if you can safely send paid traffic to an organic page and still achieve your KPIs? This three-step, data-driven evaluation helps answer this question.

Inclusivity is about understanding diversity and ensuring everyone can be involved to the greatest extent possible. It's an important consideration for every business owner and content creator, and should be at the heart of your ongoing design efforts — not something you look at after a website or content goes live.

You know it’s important to keep your content up to date, but exactly how much does it matter? Lauren shows you the actual ROI she and her team at Brafton have seen from regularly re-optimizing blog posts over the last several years.

In our fast-paced day-to-day lives, we can often underestimate the power of copy, even though it’s the only thing between our business and our customers. To that end, Marty used SEO Testing to trial different copy types in product page titles, and want shares the results of that test in this blog.

When it comes to measuring the impact of content, you might think of KPIs like “sitewide conversion rate”, or picture an upward graph that shows an increase in traffic. But are those metrics really meaningful? In this piece, Kelly argues that, no, they’re not. Instead, focus on getting actionable insights that can help your content flourish, by measuring its impact in a meaningful way.

Rebecca explains how a relevant digital PR campaign can lead to commercial gain, and takes you through the steps to get there.

The team at Stacker has mastered how to create newsworthy, data-driven stories for their newswire. Contextualizing topics, statistics, and events serves as a core part of their content ideation process. Today, Amanda shares their winning strategy so you can create content that has real news value.