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SERPs are becoming more diverse and interactive, making any CTR study out there much less reliable, because no two sets of search results are ever the same. So, how much control do content creators have over how their work is represented in search? As it turns out, quite a bit!

For those in the B2B world, you’ve probably heard B2B referred to as “Boring 2 Boring.” It’s time to end that perception and spice things up a bit by exploring marketing storytelling techniques that can take your B2B marketing strategy to the next level.

In this case study, walk through the steps the Tao Digital team took to achieve increased leads, impressions, and clicks for their client. By making strategic content optimizations at the right time, you can do the same.

Keyword clustering is the SEO tactic to use if you want to seamlessly optimize your SEO content and streamline your workflow at the same time. The best part? It’s fairly simple, and SERPs give you all the information you need to make an informed decision on exactly how to do it.

Long-form content can often be overshadowed by other forms of execution that may be considered more visually engaging. The truth is that the value of long-form content shouldn’t be overlooked because it can do so many things for a brand, including driving traffic, building authority, and building links.

If you’re an SEO in the e-commerce space, it’s important to learn how to work with Magento. Today, Chris walks you through seven areas for SEO adjustments that are unique to the Magento platform.

With the growth of conversational search intent, pillar page strategies have entered the scene to fulfill those queries. Like anything in the SEO space, pillar page strategies take time and a great deal of planning to do correctly. Let’s break down this process.

A content audit done once to highlight current website issues will have a short shelf-life of usefulness. However, a content audit that is continuously updated offers multiple uses for analyzing and reporting on strategies. Here’s how to conduct that ongoing audit.

It’s not easy to write content that ranks in Google and drives conversions, but if you follow a few simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to ranking, and to engaging customers on all types of devices.

A great way for B2B companies to fill a top-of-funnel content gap is by creating pillar pages. To help get you started, guest host Carly Schoonhoven of Obility walks you through a simple strategy for implementing pillar pages on your website.