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Are there technical issues plaguing your site beneath the surface? Learn about some of the most common and damaging technical SEO problems and how to begin fixing them.

It's incredibly important to consider SEO when launching a startup. In this Whiteboard Friday, Rand shares how to kickstart a comprehensive SEO audit for your new business's site.

Search Console is one of the most powerful tools we have for diagnosing website errors. Learn how to prioritize and resolve your site's crawl errors in Google Search Console — those hundreds of 404 errors may not be so daunting after all.

SEO comes with a lot of "whys" that can be difficult to answer. Jo Cameron is here to remove some of the mystery and level up your site audit skills with the help of ace tips, Bonnie Tyler, and a hefty toolkit in the newest installment of our Next Level educational series!

Robots.txt, meta robots, and the nofollow tag are all ways to tell search engines how to crawl and index your site. In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand covers four common use cases of these tools, offering guidance on when you should use one over another.

Should we use relative or absolute URLs on our sites? It's a simple question with a nuanced answer, and in today's Whiteboard Friday, Ruth Burr Reedy guides us through.

Are you looking to dominate local search? This guide is all you will need to learn how to perform The Ultimate Local SEO Audit for your business or your clients. Learn what key areas you need to pay attention to, which ones carry the most weight, and determine what you need to do to start beating your competition today.


Every time this website owner 301-redirects their site to a new location, traffic disappears almost completely. This Q&A post troubleshoots the cause of these traffic drops and looks at a few potential solutions.


How does "noindexing" a page impact how duplicate content is crawled? This Q&A post explores hypotheses and a few other solutions to preventing content from appearing in Google's search index.

This step-by-step guide aims to help users with the link auditing process relying on own judgment, without blindly relying on automation. Because links are still a very important ranking factor, link audits should be carried out by experienced link auditors rather than third party automated services. A flawed link audit can have detrimental implications.