Steps to Set Up API Access

Log in to your Moz API account
Log in to your Moz API account

Don't have one? Sign up for a free or paid Moz API account to get started.

For the Classic Moz API
For the Classic Moz API

Generate and manage your Moz API tokens from the Moz API dashboard. You can have up to 5 Moz API tokens active at a time and authenticate your API requests by providing any active token in the custom x-moz-token HTTP request header, as described in the Help Hub documentation.

If you are using a third-party connector that uses the legacy HTTP basic authentication pattern, you can click “Show Legacy Credentials” for any of your tokens to extract its corresponding access ID and secret key.

Start using the free version of the Moz API
Start using the free version of the Moz API

Visit the documentation in the Moz Help Hub to learn how to make requests and understand responses.

For the new Moz API endpoints

Start using the newly available endpoints Keyword Metrics , Keyword Suggestions , Search Intent , Ranking Keywords and Brand Authority now fully accessible with no more beta restrictions. Explore the NEW Moz API method documentation for detailed instructions, sample code, and all the information you need to get the most out of these new features.