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10 Reasons You Must Attend SMX London

Rand Fishkin

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Rand Fishkin

10 Reasons You Must Attend SMX London

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

I haven't promoted an SMX event on SEOmoz in a long time, but the agenda and opportunity in London (May 18 and 19 - just 2 weeks away) is too good to miss. If you have search marketing personnel anywhere in the UK, the expenditure (£890 with a 10% discount for SEOmoz PRO members) will undoubtedly bring a high ROI. I'll explain why:

  1. This is an Advanced Conference
    Go look at the lineup for the two days. The sessions, the speakers and the material are high level. I think Chris Sherman recognized that attendees are increasingly savvy and seeking the edge of knowledge and tactics from the field. He's prepared a show where I guarantee even someone like myself is going to come away with a decent amount of new information. As we all know, just one right tip can pay for the entire conference.
  2. Clients & Networking Abound
    London is going to have a lot of in-house attendance, and a high number of very talented, accomplished, powerful people from the world of search. If you're seeking to get noticed, get a job, find new prospects or meet some of the industry's top people, go - if you engage socially, you'll get value on this front.
  3. Ben Jesson from Conversion Rate Experts
    He's speaking on the Landing Pages & Multivariate Testing panel on day one. Working with CRE has increased our conversion rate by more than 50%. Listen, take careful notes, apply and you'll make back your conference fee in no time. Ben's that good - and he shares really top notch stuff at shows like this.
  4. Blow Your Mind Link Building Techniques
    I'm speaking on this panel with some exceptionally talented link acquisition folks. Patrick Altoft, Lyndon Antcliff & Pete Wailes know their stuff. My topic is exposing how the websites who've earned the most links in the shortest amount of time have done it - I'm going to be working hard to impress.
  5. Will Critchlow vs. Rand Fishkin
    Will & I will be putting on boxing gloves and fighting to a knockout at 1:15pm on May 19. OK, maybe not physically fighting, but I am formally challenging Will to a presentation-off. Whoever delivers the worse show (as voted on by the audience) will be forced to buy the other's wife the present of her choosing (and Will, I'm warning you, Mystery Guest's taste in shoes will make your wallet run in fear).
  6. Give It Up with Dave Naylor
    Again, this single session will more than earn you back your conference fee. If you've seen Dave Naylor "Give it Up" in the past, you know what I'm talking about and if you haven't, you're in for a hell of a treat. Go watch these videos if you don't believe me.
  7. The City of London Rocks
    The people, the pubs, the networking, the food (yes, London has managed to become a foody haven in the last decade) and the quality of SEO talent is tough to match in any market.
  8. SMX & eMetrics Together
    The folks at SMX & their counterparts at eMetrics have banded together to offer a single pass to both events for one price (£1,295). eMetrics alone costs £1,095, so this is a massive discount.
  9. The LondonSEO Party
    Few events are as notorious, as well-attended and as valuable from a networking and learning perspective as the infamous London SEO series, put together by Rob Kerry of Ayima. It's a "can't-miss" experience.
  10. Because @#$%! the Recession
    Lots of economic indicators are suggesting this recession is going to be a short one, and that's great. But in the world of search, and particularly in SEO, things have been booming. Companies are fleeing from marketing investments that aren't trackable and can't prove ROI, and those dollars/pounds are going straight to search. Invest in the knowledge and capability of your organization now, while your competitors are paralyzed, and you can reap the rewards for years to come.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at SMX London and I'll be joined by Si Fishkin (my grandfather), who'll be making sure speakers bring their A material (or else). See you there!

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