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10 SMX West Survival Tips

Ian Lurie

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Ian Lurie

10 SMX West Survival Tips

This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.

SMX West Rocks! But you might need a few tips to get the most out of it:

  1. Do not let your staff and clients spam you into Search Bowl unless you like beer and humiliation.
  2. Bring an outlet strip or spare battery. Electrical outlets are few and far between. The internet access, however, is excellent. [Note from Rebecca: I hear whichever company sponsored the free wifi is pretty super duper...]
  3. Don't use the men's room next to A3. For some reason, it's possessed by gremlins who do unspeakable things in there, and it smells like Elizabeth, NJ.
  4. Fat Tire is the best beer at the bar.
  5. Twittering with someone who's one row in front of you is surreal - stand up slowly or you'll get dizzy.
  6. Don't sweat liveblogging every session. There are already 50 other people doing it.
  7. If you want to say 'hi' to Rand, bring a snowplow. He's surrounded by Randkins (Rand Fishkin Fans) everywhere he goes.
  8. DO NOT EAT THE CROISSANTS. There is a horrific aftermath.
  9. Bring lots of business cards.
  10. Don't be shy. Folks want to meet you, and talk to you, and learn about you.
  11. (bonus) GO. This may be the best internet marketing event I've attended in years.
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Ian Lurie
Ian Lurie is CEO at Portent, an internet marketing agency he started in 1995 on the honest belief that great marketing can save the world. At Portent, he leads and trains a team that covers SEO, PPC, social media and marketing strategy. Ian writes on the Portent Blog and speaks at various conferences, including MozCon, SMX, SES, Ad::Tech and Pubcon. He recently co-authored the 2nd Edition of the Web Marketing All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies.

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