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A-List vs. Blue Collar Blogging

Rebecca Kelley

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

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Rebecca Kelley

A-List vs. Blue Collar Blogging

The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Poor Jason Calacanis. He seems to want to be the Ann Coulter or Bill O'Reilly of the SEO sphere, where he'll say stupid, outrageous things just to get noticed and blogged about. (And yes, I'm blogging about him...shut up.) In a recent post he authored (I'm not going to link to it because I think he's an idiot), he talks about how there is no such thing as "blue collar blogging" and "A-List blogging":
Give me a break... there is no A-List in blogging. Just people who've been blogging longer than others and who are smarter or better writers--or all of those things.
So, aside from the bloggers who have more experience, are smarter, and write better, they're the same as every other blogger, and there's no such thing as "A-list" vs. "Blue Collar" bloggers. Okay...

This part really made me laugh:
What a joke... a couple of years ago Scoble, Jarvis, and I were the blue collar bloggers! We were hustling trying to get our voices heard and a couple of years later--after blogging daily/hourly--the supposed "A List" got some traction and attention.

Here is a tip: THEY EARNED IT!!! They busted their butts for years blogging in an intelligent way. They were not given their seats at the table--they took them!

There is no "A List" -- it's a myth.

There are people who blog every day, have something intelligent to say, and who get linked to more than the folks that are some combination of a) new, b) have little to say, and c)are not hustling.
If you want to be part of the A List you can do it in < 90 days:

1. Blog intelligently. Think about your post for a day before you hit publish. Do research--do primary research in the real work. Write something with insight, and include links to other folks ideas.
2. Go to 2-3 events or conferences a week.
3. Get a great domain name that is easy to remember and spell (i.e.
4. Go to TechMeme and write an insightful piece daily about one of the top stories.
5. Start emailing other bloggers with feedback on their stories. (don't beg for links)
6. Be smart.
7. Don't be an idiot.

That's it... you're now A-List.
Jason, you moron. You said that "A-List" blogging is a myth, and then you go over the "simple" steps that you think will make you an A-List blogger. The bottom line is that not every "blue collar blogger" can become an "A-lister." It's just not going to happen. Some people are good writers and storytellers, some people are good researchers, some people can take the time to travel to conferences and do a damn good job of offering insightful coverage, and some people can dedicate a good chunk of their day to blogging.

Some people, on the other hand, simply can't do all of those things. There are just some people who are not inherently good at it. It's like saying that anyone can be a best-selling author--all you have to do is be a good, intelligent writer, write something insightful, and "be smart" and not "be an idiot." TADA! Best sellers' list, here we come!

Eating healthy and exercising daily isn't that hard, either, right? Thus, everyone should be trim, fit, muscular, and gorgeous! No, it doesn't work that way. Some people can have that dream body with little effort, but others have to follow a daily routine and have enough discipline to keep at it. The same goes for blogging. While some people can naturally do it well, others (such as those who maybe aren't great writers but can tell a good story and have the passion to blog) have to work hard in order to do it and keep doing it well, while still others aren't very good at it and only do it infrequently, meaning they'll never achieve the coveted, so-called "A-List" status.

So there you go. Another "SEO is bullshit, anyone can blog and be great at it (just look at me!), I'm Jason Calacanis and I'm a massive tool" post from SEO's favorite whipping boy. I can't wait to read his "Puppies Should Be Killed!" post...

Added by Rand: To get a good background on this topic, read A-List Types Refuse To Acknowledge Blogging’s Blue Collar Class by Tony Hung (who's incredibly likeable), then the offending piece by Calcanis (appropriately link-condomed), The Dumbest Argument in the Blogosphere, and finally Tony's cogent response - Yes, Mr. Calcanis, the A-List Exists.
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Rebecca Kelley
Rebecca Kelley is the content marketing manager for Intego, a Mac software company. She also guest-blogs/freelances at various places and runs a couple hobby blogs for shits and giggles.

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