(Almost) A Year In SEO
This YouMoz entry was submitted by one of our community members. The author’s views are entirely their own (excluding an unlikely case of hypnosis) and may not reflect the views of Moz.
I'm relatively new to SEO. I started about 10 months ago, with no knowledge of search engine marketing at all.
The week before I started my internship, a co-worker emailed me a "Basics of SEO" PDF and told me to read up. I did, and I even took notes. (Sidenote: I didn't actually read the entire thing. But don't tell.)
My first day was spent researching the basics of search marketing. That's the day I found SEOmoz.
For me, much of what I've learned about SEO has come from hours of reading blogs. I'm a huge fan of Alltop SEO and dedicate a good forty minutes to reading various blogs each day. In the beginning, I was hesitant to leave comments on blogs when I had a question or found a particular post especially informative, but then I finally bit the bullet and started commenting. And it was GREAT to check back and see that a blogger had answered my question or thanked me for my comment (still waiting on Matt Cutts to give me a shout-out, however). I've subscribed to several blogs via RSS feed - SEOmoz, Rae Hoffman (freaking hilarious), Dev Basu, Avinash Kaushik, and SEO Chicks (note to self: order SEO Chick hoodie, stat). I read every entry, every day, and often forward them to co-workers, who grumble whenever they see an email from me in their inbox and make fun of me for trying to become a "student of SEO."
I have a background in English (I wanted to be a high school English teacher. I claim temporary insanity), so I've spent much of the last 10 months developing content for our clients' websites and writing news stories and press releases. I love the content aspect of SEO, especially because my co-workers often depend on me to generate some useful content for link bait purposes. And that usually means that I have to generate said content fast. It's a challenge, seeing as there are only two content developers in the office - myself included - but it never gets boring.
The reason for mentioning my background is because initially, I thought that a background in English had nothing to do with SEO. 10 months later, I can safely say that a strong background in writing/communications is absolutely an advantage, if not a necessity.
I recently attended a job fair and spent an entire day explaining what I do to prospective hires. Some were familiar with the basics of SEO, and most were not. One guy even claims to have a private tutor from Google. This fascinated me. How do I get one of those?!
The job fair got me thinking - after 10 months in SEO, I still have a lot to learn. However, I've also learned a LOT - more than I could have imagined. I mean, last year, I couldn't even insert a hyperlink. I've clearly come a long way.
Some of the things that I've learned, in no particular order, include:
- The unbelievable value in establishing good client relationships.
- That without great content, building links is pretty darn hard.
- Eventually, you will become immune to caffeine, and when you do, it will be a sad, sad day. Not to mention unproductive.
- Networking is essential. Get on Twitter, get on Facebook, etc. You'll meet prospective clients and helpful people in the industry. I mean, even Shaq is on Twitter.
- No one loves cats as much as Matt Cutts.
- There IS a way to request a link from an organization without sounding spammy.
- Blackberry phones are a necessary evil.
- Blogging can be lucrative.
- Page Rank isn't everything. But it helps.
- Google is like their own country. The power and influence of Google never ceases to amaze me. And I want to visit their campus and ride one of their community bikes around the courtyards. I also hear they have hot dog vendors. Sold.
- In a tough economy, SEO is - knock on wood - kind of recession-proof. It's a good industry to be in during these difficult times.
So I'm asking other SEO newbies - what's the most important thing that you learned in your first year or two of SEO work? I'm very interested.
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