
Blogs are one of the most popular forms of content marketing. That's probably because adding a blog to your site can be an extremely successful way to add timely content, attract engagement, and naturally increase your keyword relevance. You can even take this tactic off your site and use guest blogging as a way to earn links.

Whether you're a beginning blogger or have been blogging for years, there's always something new to be learned. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.

Is Content Marketing Right for My Business? : When marketing your business, you have several choices to invest in. What sets content marketing apart from other channel?

Blog Post Ideas: Maximize Your Reach with the Right Topics : How do you come up with the best topics for new blog posts? Here we explore different paths to great topic ideas.

When Is a Blog the Right Form of Content Marketing? : Blogging isn't for everyone. In fact, should you explore other types of content marketing first?

10 Simple Steps for Creating a Blog Your Readers Will Adore : You're blog is going nowhere if your audience doesn't love it. Here are tips for creating content that actually engages people.

Most Recent Articles on Blogging

Aaron Wall and I Debate the Open Discussion of Webspam
Rand Fishkin

Aaron Wall and I Debate the Open Discussion of Webspam

In years past, I'd occassionally post about various aspects of webspam - manipulative links, cloaking, thin content, etc. In these posts, I'd use examples I'd seen - sometimes particularly egregious ones, other times more subtle offenders - both to help illustrate the points and to provide concrete evidence. It's hard to say "link spam is a big problem and Google's su...

Protect Your Website From Becoming a Doorway Page - Google Patent Style
Sajeet Haridas Nair

Protect Your Website From Becoming a Doorway Page - Google Patent Style

I have a confession to make. I hate patents as I simply do not understand them and probably never will. Maybe it’s the lingo or maybe it’s the plain formatting or maybe it’s the unbelievably complicated language and words that are used to describe the simplest of statements or even worse, it is written in a language which is not English and I have not yet realized it.

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White Hat SEO: It F@$#ing Works
Rand Fishkin

White Hat SEO: It F@$#ing Works

I hate webspam. I hate what it's done to the reputation of hardworking, honest, smart web marketers who help websites earn search traffic. I hate how it's poisoned the acronym SEO; a title I'm proud to wear. I hate that it makes legitimate marketing tactics less fruitful. And I hate, perhaps most of all, when it works. Here's a search for "buy propecia," which is a drug I actua...

Spam Tactics and How They Rank
Joel Rush

Spam Tactics and How They Rank

I am getting constantly frustrated with bad SEO not necessarily pure black hat, but bad linking and bad habits. It also seems like it’s not just me. I would not be getting frustrated if it did not get you results but it does, lets prove that and see which search engines are...

A Recommendation for Google's Webspam Team
Rand Fishkin

A Recommendation for Google's Webspam Team

First off, let me just say that there are a lot of people smarter and more experienced in scalably attacking web spam than I am working in the Search Quality division at Google and specifically on the Spam team. However, as a search enthusiast, a Google fan and an SEO, it seems to me that, all due respect, they're getting played - hard.Word is, the Spam team's key personnel had some time...

Beyond Good and Evil in SEO

Beyond Good and Evil in SEO

I recently heard a story about a local SEO shop whose customers, overnight, almost ALL lost ranking in Google. Apparently, the shop had been engaging in “black hat” techniques. I’m pretty sure the teller of the tale made a “tsk tsk” sound at the end to help emphasize this as another instance where people who do evil get their just desserts.

The Danger of Overdoing SEO
Rand Fishkin

The Danger of Overdoing SEO

During my first few years in the SEO field, half of the sites I'd visit - those my SEO brethren in the forums or over email owned - were what today we'd call "over-optimized." They tended to have features like:Keyword after keyword stuffed into the title element of every pageOverly-lengthy and keyword rich URL stringsPage filled with "SEO'd" con...

I'm Getting More Worried about the Effectiveness of Webspam
Rand Fishkin

I'm Getting More Worried about the Effectiveness of Webspam

For a long time, if you asked me about spamming the search engines, whether with hardcore black hat tactics or merely gray hat link acquisition, I'd say that in the long run, neither was the right move. Building a great site and a great brand through hard work, white hat links, solid content and marketing strategies has always been my path of choice. It still is today, but my faith is definitel...