
Applying On-Site SEO to Website Templates (Or Why Separation of Code and Content is a Good Thing)

Applying On-Site SEO to Website Templates (Or Why Separation of Code and Content is a Good Thing)

There are lots of people who would class themselves as a developer and would say they can code in any given language. Often the difference between a good developer and a great developer isn't anything to do with the program, how well it works, and how few bugs there are. The great developers make programs that work but they make them in a way that isolates the various components from each other...

Collaborative Web Development: Early Input for Success

Collaborative Web Development: Early Input for Success

Search Engine Marketing - it's only as good as the underlying website you're promoting. I often ask marketers how the development process works for them. Do they have visibility into the project to make sure the website meets their goals? Are they satisfied with the speed and results of the development process? Frequently the answer is no. From e...

8 Innovative Design & UI Elements That Make Sites Better
Rand Fishkin

8 Innovative Design & UI Elements That Make Sites Better

It's been a long time since I've blogged about design & usability topics, but I think we're overdue for a revisit. Luckily, in my recent web browsing, I stumbled across some remarkably innovative (as well as several old-school) uncommon design elements that made me take notice. #1 - News via the Logo Sites like Google, Yahoo! & Reddit are famous for...

Let's Talk Landing Pages
Rebecca Kelley

Let's Talk Landing Pages

Chapter 4 of Web Design for ROI is all about landing pages, and it's the best and most valuable chapter thus far. The chapter starts off with this little gem of a quote: Enter the custom landing page. It's a web site's stand-in for ambassador, concierge, and superstar salesperson rolled into one. It's been carefully crafted to meet, ...

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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Web Site Design and Hosting: Pros and Cons

Web Site Design and Hosting: Pros and Cons

Web presence has become a must for businesses, irrespective of their size or reach. Given its wide expanse, ubiquity and cost-effectiveness, the Internet has become a favourite with buyers and sellers alike. Web sites have to cater to a wide range of aspects in order to make an impact on their users. Design, content, links, search-engine friendliness, hosting, etc. are just some of the factors ...

Why Should You Get Your Site Reviewed?

Why Should You Get Your Site Reviewed?

Site reviews are a great tool in order to check how well your own site was/is being crafted. It can help you enhance some of the bad points and keep you going on the good ones. A reviewer usually lays an eye on everything that's on your site, be it on the front or hidden in the back alleys. One can also check how well your site is doing outside of itself, that is: on directories, article si...

URLs & Domains Made Fun and Interesting
Jane Copland

URLs & Domains Made Fun and Interesting

I'm actually serious with the title here. This session was great. Honestly, I've been to more informative sessions here at SMX West than I've been to since Pubcon 2006, where I knew nothing about SEO and everything I heard was new. Unraveling URLs & Demystifying Domains had some good speakers who each provided...

Designing to Make Customers

Designing to Make Customers

Consider one of the most compelling and confusing parts of online economies -- once someone finds your website, what exactly will they choose to do with it? With a little clever planning the answer is: whatever you want them to.Let's say you've have visitors flocking to your website. They're looking everywhere, at all your pages. Now what? You need to create a clear Action Pa...

Which Do YOU Need: Traffic or Customers?

Which Do YOU Need: Traffic or Customers?

Doing business on the Internet means you have an unlimited audience -- it also means you have many competitors. Thankfully you also have numerous options to build your personal path to success on the web. They fall into two rough groups: Traffic and Customers.Building TrafficTraffic is all the people that ...

To Search or Not to Search: That is the Question

To Search or Not to Search: That is the Question

Recently I've been pondering one of the most basic principles of website usability: people don't use my site like I do. No, that's not quite it. It's more accurate to say this: people don’t use my site like I think they should. I've put a lot of time into making it easy to navigate, and yet still I'm surprised by the way people choose to get around my st...

Browser compatibility - what really matters?
Anthony Kirlew

Browser compatibility - what really matters?

Let me start by saying I am not a web designer. I am an SEO consultant, and as such, I have been a part of many site redesigns. Recently, while working on a new launch for an existing site, the discussion of browser compatibility came up. Of course, the designers all weighed in with the Mac / Safari votes (no ill intent, just making the Mac / design connection) and the lead designer...

Confessions of a Former Flash Evangelist

Confessions of a Former Flash Evangelist

Like many in the web-design field, I was a conscript as opposed to a volunteer.My html was limited, my javascripting was poor, and the concept of LAMP sent me running away from the light. Okay, I'll be honest. I had no idea what LAMP actually did or how it worked. I wasn't going to try to find out, either. The one ace-in-my-pocket was a basic Flash/Actionscripti...