SEOmoz isn't perfect. We, like a lot of other websites, do occasionally experience down time. It's part of the the uglier side of running a server. A lot of your time is spent maintaining things that break, tool scripts that get too rowdy and nock over furniture and the sudden influx of traffic that happens with a Digging. The "is the site up?" question can fly ar...
Starting last night in to this morning, we've been getting reports of people who have recently updated their version of Firefox to the new release and now get a blank screen when they come to SEOmoz. We're still working on what the exact issue is with our site and why upgrading Firefox breaks it, ...
Being a developer, I tend to be drawn to the sessions here at PubCon that have more of a product creation and development feel. The search marketing sessions are good too, and I attend them over the entry level developer sessions, but when I go to a session my takeaway is how what I've learned can make me a better developer.
Fighting lack of sleep, I attended the Local a...
Today I'm pleased to announce the release of Private Messaging here at SEOmoz. Starting now, you'll be able to private message other users using the sexy "Private Message This User" butto...
I'm pleased to announce that after many hours of work and testing by SEOmoz, our beta testers and yourself truly, the SEOmoz SEO Services Marketplace is officially launched!
This week, Rand talks about moving websites. Aside from the usual 301'ing of urls, there are a few more steps one should take to make sure that all of their SEO efforts aren't lost when the move is made.
My Whiteboard Friday on 301'i...
This week on Whiteboard Friday, Rand talks about the "war" that happens in the spam game. He discusses how Google looks at link manipulation, how spammers combat this, and how should webmasters should consider a link to be white hat.
Scott's somewhere in eastern Europe right now, so that means I'm fully at the helm of this week's Whiteboard Friday. In a break from the usual fare, this week Rand takes a step back and examines the search industry as a whole. He looks at how its made up, who does what & what questions you should ask yourself to see where you fit in.
So, you think you know your SEO inside and out, eh? Well, now's your chance to show your stuff. SEOmoz is proud to announce the SEO Expert Quiz. 75 action-packed questions designed to test your mettle, covering all corners of the SEO universe from beginner knowledge to sneaky tricks only true Dark Lords of the SERPs will know. Once completed, you'll have the chan...
This week, Rand talks about a topic that has been very prominent in the Q&A lately: geolocation. He talks about what the engines look for when trying to locate where your site is located, and offers some advice on how to optimize your site for your location.
Since Scott had to leave early on Thursday for his extended Labor Day vacation to Idaho, he's entrusted his golden video camera with me to produce this week's Whiteboard Friday. This week, Rand sits down with Lucas Ng, who currently lives in and does in house SEO for Fairfax Digital, in Sidney Australia....
When I'm not furiously writing PHP here at SEOmoz, I built and now maintain the online music store TuneShout.com. It's a pretty small operation right now, but basically we let artists sign up themselves to give away and/or sell their music on our site, while we collect a small royalty. The site also have a large social component where artists' and...
Feed tracking is hard. Jeff explains why, and how Feedburner manages to make it work.
Per some recent suggestions, I've decided to elaborate a little more about some of the specifics I learned in some of the SXSWi panels. Thus, I've decided to elaborate on the keynote given by Kathy Sierra of the Creating Passionate Users blog. She talked about our responsablity as developers to creating the best user experience. If you'd like to listen to Kathy's speech, SXSW has...
Last Friday, I released a piece of linkbait for Drivl that I had been working on for the past few weeks. It was Every Single Mythbusters Myth EVER on One Page, and I was pretty proud of it. I'm a bit of a fan, so this was totally a labor of love.As with any linkbait, I was watching the referal logs like a hawk. I submitted the ...
As a follow up to Matt's How to Hire a Good Web Developer article, I thought I would expand on the subject a little more and discuss common traits good web developers have. These are things I've noticed in working with or talking to web developers at all skill levels -- from someone who still uses Front Page all the way to Google emp...
I've been doing work on a website for one of our clients, and I noticed they followed a trend with their email address that I've seen a lot. They were getting lots of spam at their contact email address, i.e. contact@company.com, so they replaced it with contact2@company.com as a last ditch method to stop the avalanche of spam.While this works, it doesn't get to the root of the p...
Now don't get me wrong, I like YouTube. Being able to show my girlfriend the end of Rocky in order for her understand why I yell "ADRIAN!!!" around my apartment is a nice gift to society. And I applaud YouTube for turning online video, usually portrayed as "Codec Slickers 2: The search for XVID," into a simple thi...
As posted on way too many blogs to count, Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger has decided to fork Wikipedia in to a new project called Citizendium. I know, I had no idea what it was either. Luckily, their "website&qu...
When people ask me what I do, I tell them that I am a "Web Developer". It's more accurate than "Web Designer" and much less narcissistic than "Webmaster." Even still, people have a hard time grasping what I do every day at my job. I'm sure if you asked 3 very important people in my life -- my girlfriend, mother, and best friend -- what I did at work every day...
I've always subscribed to the "content, content, content" philosophy of developing successful web sites. In my former life as a freelance web developer, I've far too often seen clients get neck deep in logo and font choices -- subsequently ignoring the main reason they got on the web in the first place: content. Unless you have useful, reliable and frequently updated content,...