E-Commerce SEO

E-commerce is a special category of SEO, in part because Google treats queries that involve selling or financial transactions with extra care, and also because these can be extremely competitive verticals.

E-commerce SEO also faces unique challenges due to product catalogs, out-of-stock items, site architecture, trust issues and more. You not only need a solid baseline SEO strategy, you typically need to excel in all of these other areas as well. Here, we've included some of our top resources on E-commerce SEO, as well as the latest blog posts on the subject below.

How to Craft the Best Damn E-commerce Page on the Web : E-commerce pages are a dime a dozen, but if you want to stand out, Rand Fishkin shows you how to win your category.

Pruning Your eCommerce Site: How & Why : In a very tactical post, learn why bloat in your e-commerce store is your biggest enemy to ranking higher, and learn how to clean the cruft.

Easy Marketing Investments to Improve Your E-Commerce Store : Even before working on organic traffic, it's important to put your best foot forward with your online storefront.

How to Do a Content Audit : For e-commerce stores, content audits are essential to SEO success.

Most Recent Articles on E-Commerce SEO

Slick Ways to Drive eCommerce Revenue in 2013
Kyle Sanders

Slick Ways to Drive eCommerce Revenue in 2013

As Amazon continues to grow market share and more new sellers try their hand at running an online store, strategies to stand out in the cut-throat eCommerce space are increasingly crucial. Fortunately, most store owners aren't implementing the kind of savvy techniques that increase their visibility and more importantly, techniques that boost average order value and conversion rates. Here are the solutions we implemented that tripled our sales in less than three months.

How to Sell More during the 2012 Holiday Shopping Season - A Practical Crash Course for Online Retailers
Pancham Prashar

How to Sell More during the 2012 Holiday Shopping Season - A Practical Crash Course for Online Retailers

The 2012 holiday season is just around the corner. Ask any online store which gets bulk of its sales during this season, and they'll vouch for the increased traffic, excitement and business possibilities during these months. Now is the time that you gear up for the busiest time of the year; especially people who earn their bread & butter (perhaps more) from e-commerce.

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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I Want To Be Like Rhea Drysdale
Sarah Bird

I Want To Be Like Rhea Drysdale

May It Please the Mozzers, I haven't written on the blog in months, but I simply couldn't let today pass by without acknowledging the courage and perserverance shown by Rhea Drysdale in her pursuit of justice. She's my hero and I want to be just like her--A woman of action and humble fortitude. ...

Use Whois - A Cautionary Tale

Use Whois - A Cautionary Tale

It started simply enough - and that should have made me suspicious. It was a small job - a friend of my business partner wanted to redo their website. It was a small business website, and a quick search on Google showed ma a great SERP. All the site needed was some updating to improve the design. They were also looking for an easier way to update the site. So, a content management system was to be added. And, the site needed to be added to Google Local search. Easiest things first - Local Search, and the first indication there was a problem.

Blurring the Boundaries Between Fair Use and Copyright Violation: NYTimes and GateHouse Media Settle
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Blurring the Boundaries Between Fair Use and Copyright Violation: NYTimes and GateHouse Media Settle

May It Please the Mozzers, Content aggregators should pay attention to a recent settlement between the New York Times and GateHouse Media. According to Online Media Daily, the New York Times agreed to remove headlines and first sentences of GateHouse articles referenced by the New York Times on one of its content aggregator sites, Boston.com. Is this case part of a trend?

Collecting Past Due Payments From Clients
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Collecting Past Due Payments From Clients

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Washington State Sues SEO Company Visible.net
Sarah Bird

Washington State Sues SEO Company Visible.net

May It Please the Mozzers, The Washington State Attorney General announced in a press release yesterday that it was suing a Redmond-based SEO company, Visible.net. According to the Complaint, Visible also does business under the name WebMarketingSource.com, Caputures.com, and Captures.com (that's not a typo). The AG...