E-Commerce SEO

E-commerce is a special category of SEO, in part because Google treats queries that involve selling or financial transactions with extra care, and also because these can be extremely competitive verticals.

E-commerce SEO also faces unique challenges due to product catalogs, out-of-stock items, site architecture, trust issues and more. You not only need a solid baseline SEO strategy, you typically need to excel in all of these other areas as well. Here, we've included some of our top resources on E-commerce SEO, as well as the latest blog posts on the subject below.

How to Craft the Best Damn E-commerce Page on the Web : E-commerce pages are a dime a dozen, but if you want to stand out, Rand Fishkin shows you how to win your category.

Pruning Your eCommerce Site: How & Why : In a very tactical post, learn why bloat in your e-commerce store is your biggest enemy to ranking higher, and learn how to clean the cruft.

Easy Marketing Investments to Improve Your E-Commerce Store : Even before working on organic traffic, it's important to put your best foot forward with your online storefront.

How to Do a Content Audit : For e-commerce stores, content audits are essential to SEO success.

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How Every eCommerce Site Should Do Online Marketing
Shabbir Nooruddin

How Every eCommerce Site Should Do Online Marketing

Back when I first started my online store, I had no idea AT ALL about SEO and ranking. I just figured that if I threw up a store, they would come. This was 2011, mind you, not 2001! As I started to try and rank my store, however, things got ugly. I no longer run that store, so I’m going to be really transparent with all the details - I’ve literally got nothing to hide.

Choosing An SEO Friendly Ecommerce Platform: 20 Features To Look For
Spencer Yao

Choosing An SEO Friendly Ecommerce Platform: 20 Features To Look For

What SEO features should you look for when choosing an ecommerce solution for your online store? The majority of the most popular ecommerce platforms claim to be SEO-friendly. However, there is no objective definition for the terms “SEO friendly;” some platforms that claim to be SEO-friendly actually lack important SEO features. Whether you are choosing a shopping cart, hosted ecommerce, or more customized ecommerce solution, you need to compare the SEO features that the platform offers against this list of 20 SEO features.

Tips to Improve Your Website's E-Commerce Conversion Rate Even for the Greatest of Skeptics

Tips to Improve Your Website's E-Commerce Conversion Rate Even for the Greatest of Skeptics

Think like a skeptic and you will make more money from your e-commerce website. This is one of the surefire ways to improve your site’s sales and revenues. We use it all the time with our clients, from small businesses to Fortune 500s. When we take on new e-commerce conversion projects, we think about user experience from the perspective of a lot of different personas/user types who may visit your site. One of the most important filters through which we think is the skeptic. As sales people, what do we need to do to encourage skeptical and uneasy people? How can we put them at ease and address their concerns before they even know they are having them?

How Can Small E-Commerce Businesses Use SEO To Compete With Sites Like Amazon?
Alex Johnson

How Can Small E-Commerce Businesses Use SEO To Compete With Sites Like Amazon?

As a small online retailer your life can be pretty tough, especially when you are just starting out. SEO is a tough game to play for anyone, but if you happen to be in a space already covered by a larger retailer (such as the various Amazons of the world) it can be hard to get off the ground. The first step to success is learning to understand your disadvantages. Just as David didn’t attempt to out-muscle Goliath, you shouldn’t try to beat Amazon at their own game (unless you have a few million to invest into the process).