Links as a Google Ranking Factor: A 2019 Study
Using Moz's Link Explorer, Stone Temple conducted a study to see how much links really matter as a ranking factor.
Links on the Internet form a relationship between pages and sites that are hugely important to both search engines and marketers. Search engines, like Google, use links to crawl the web, discover new pages, calculate the popularity of those pages, and also determine the relevancy of results to a searcher's query.
If you are new to link building, we highly recommend starting out with our Beginner’s Guide to SEO with Growing Popularity and Links.
While link building can be hugely beneficial for SEO, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest practices. Below you'll find the most recent posts from the Moz Blog. In addition, we've selected a few quality resources that deserve particular attention.
The Beginner's Guide to Link Building : Everything you need to get started with link building.
The Professional’s Guide to SEO : Professional’s guide to link building and link earning tactics written by SEO expert Paddy Moogan.
Link Building Tactics : There are lots of ways to get links. This guide shows you tactics applicable to almost all websites.
The Rules of Link Building : You need links, but building bad ones can mean trouble. You need to know the rules!
Link Building: The One Hour Guide to SEO : Learn the basics of link building for absolute beginners, all in 10 minutes!
Using Moz's Link Explorer, Stone Temple conducted a study to see how much links really matter as a ranking factor.
To rank in Google, it’s not simply the number of votes you receive from popular pages, but the relevance and authority of those links as well.
Domain Authority is a well-known metric throughout the SEO industry, but what exactly is the right way to use it? In this Whiteboard Friday, Cyrus Shepard explains what's new with the new Domain Authority 2.0 update and how to best harness its power for your own SEO success.
A statistical look at Moz's much-improved Domain Authority. Find out how it performs vs previous versions of Domain Authority, competitor metrics, and more.
From irrelevant, off-topic backlinks to cookie-cutter anchor text, there are more than a few clues hidden in your backlink profile that something spammy is going on. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Kameron Jenkins shares her best advice from years working with clients on what to watch out for in a link profile audit.
Find the best places to pitch the content you’ve worked so hard to create.
You've done your homework, dotted all your i's and crossed all your t's, but have you really fooled Google with your link building campaign? Take a look at some methods we're exploring to root out link manipulation.
We're improving our Domain Authority algorithm on March 5th, 2019. Learn more, download helpful resources to share with clients and colleagues, and get ready for our most accurate authority score to date!
Even as Google makes itself the new "homepage" for local, it's becoming more and more important for local businesses to maintain a website. Learn how and why it's integral to put effort into both local and organic in 2019.
Linked unstructured citations are only growing in importance when it comes to local SEO. But what's the best way to build them? In this comprehensive guide to local link building, we share how in 9 steps (and the risks to avoid, as well).
Is it possible to "predict the future" when it comes to the SERPs? Measuring the correlation between a factor and changes in a SERP over time may come close. Russ Jones explores an alternative model for correlation studies in this post.
By analyzing data from the top 400 most trafficked American publishers, we explore the visual inter-linking matrix of media sources that drive content and the connectivity among these news syndication networks.
Love them or hate them, infographics are still used as a popular link building tactic. Do they work, though, and what other types of content are they competing with? Darren Kingman analyzed one prolific publisher's content to find out.
If you're not organized in keeping track of your link building efforts, you're making it harder than it needs to be. Learn how to better identify low- and high-value prospects and maximize the return on your time with a free Google Sheets template you can copy!