Moz News

Top SEOmoz Posts, Comments & Users of 2010
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Top SEOmoz Posts, Comments & Users of 2010

Earlier this month we gave you the top SEOmoz posts from 2010 based on the total number of thumbs up, traffic, backlinks and tweets. But that wasn't enough, and the community asked for more! You wanted to see the posts with the most comments and the comments with the most thumbs up (as I screwed that list up in the last post). So I decided to even take it one step further and see which community members commented the most in 2010 also.

Linkscape is Faster, Link Analysis is Improved & Other Goodies
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Linkscape is Faster, Link Analysis is Improved & Other Goodies

Over the past few months our dev and product teams have been busy little bees working on some pretty exciting new enhancements and upgrades to the web app. Since it's the holiday season... we might even liken them to Santa's little elves building toys for all the good little SEOs around the world.[photo]We've been rolling out quite a few updates each week. Some you've probably not...

Ranking Signals Hiding Beneath the Surface
Rand Fishkin

Ranking Signals Hiding Beneath the Surface

I've recently been thinking more about some ranking signals that in the past, I dismissed (perhaps foolishly). Some of these the engines have previously disavowed, while others don't get the attention or discussion they potentially deserve. My list includes:Mentions of a domain / brand name - particularly in sources that the engine has classified as "news.&quot...

Top SEOmoz Posts of 2010
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Top SEOmoz Posts of 2010

Over here at the mozPlex we thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of our “Best Posts” of 2010. But how do we determine what a best post is? Do we look at the number of thumbs up… or do we care more about traffic generated by the post? Or since we’re SEOs ...

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SEOmoz PubCon Happy Hour 2010
Jennifer Sable Lopez

SEOmoz PubCon Happy Hour 2010

It's November! Which here at the mozPlex means a few things: It's sunny and beautiful in Seattle [wait.. uhm what??], we're all getting ready for Thanksgiving and most importantly... PubCon is next week! As usual we're sending a big crew down to Vegas to speak, learn, network and of course party. Party Details When: Wednesday...

Site Performance

Site Performance

In order to make sure my main site is working within the new parameters of what Google considers good ‘site performance’ (which is now part of the google algo) I did some testing. I appreciate that this is only one ranking factor out of 200, and a very new one at that, but it could turn out to be a very important one for me and my work, so I wanted to understand things a little bett...

A New Day, A New SEOmoz
Rand Fishkin

A New Day, A New SEOmoz

It's been a wild few weeks at the mozplex. Today wrapped up the amazing mozinar with our half-day tools training just in time to launch the new version of SEOmoz. Should we slow down this crazy pace? Nah. If you're feeling a sense of deja vu, don't worry; it's perfectly normal. We're the same old moz, but with a new look, faster loading pages and a surprising amount of new functionality....

The History of SEOmoz (1981-2010) + Open Q&A
Rand Fishkin

The History of SEOmoz (1981-2010) + Open Q&A

Last week, Mixergy's Andrew Warner interviewed me about the founding of SEOmoz and our trajectory to date. It was a very personal interview about the background of the company, but turned out to be a great experience. I've posted it below for those who might want to watch over the weekend and if you prefer, there's also a ...