Moz News

Wrong Page Ranking in the Results? 6 Common Causes & 5 Solutions
Rand Fishkin

Wrong Page Ranking in the Results? 6 Common Causes & 5 Solutions

Sometimes, the page you're trying to rank - the one that visitors will find relevant and useful to their query - isn't the page the engines have chosen to place first. When this happens, it can be a frustrating experience trying to determine what course of action to take. In this blog post, I'll walk through five potential solutions, as well as talk about some of the root causes of this problem.

May 2010 Linkscape Update (and Whiteboard Explanations of How We Do It)
Rand Fishkin

May 2010 Linkscape Update (and Whiteboard Explanations of How We Do It)

As some of you likely noticed, Linkscape's index updated today with fresh data crawled over the past 30 days. Rather than simply provide the usual index update statistics, we thought it would be fun to do some whiteboard diagrams of how we make a Linkscape update happen here at the mozplex. We also felt guilty because our camera ate tonight's WB Friday (but Scott's working hard to get it u...

The SEOmoz Office Gets a New Do
Jennifer Sable Lopez

The SEOmoz Office Gets a New Do

As you may have heard, SEOmoz has moved offices (woo hoo!). So we thought it would be nice to take you on a tour of our new digs. We're quite proud that we outgrew the old space and needed a bigger place. Pleas follow along as I take you on a tour of the new office. First, as you first step out of the elevator you may think, "Wow, this really is a cool space." But then...

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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5 Ways Being An SEO Helps You With Online Dating

5 Ways Being An SEO Helps You With Online Dating

Howdy mozzers. Since a lot of people in the search space are geeks, it naturally follows that there are plenty of single SEO guys and gals. Therefore this post is for you. (Note: there are actually some good SEO tips scattered in the post too so even if you're not single you might want to read on!). Disclaimer: I'm going to reference OKCupid through...

A Flat Architecture in Practice

A Flat Architecture in Practice

Rand’s whiteboard Friday post on flat architecture was both interesting and relevant as I recently launched a new web directory based on a flat architecture. I’ve always admired the simplicity of Craigslist and wondered why web directories predominately favor ca...

Linkscape Update, New Stats and an API Dashboard

Linkscape Update, New Stats and an API Dashboard

The good news is, we have an index update for you! And it's a couple of days sooner than previously announced. The bad news is, things were, as you might have noticed, a little rocky this morning. We had more traffic to the API than ever before, and, through the magic of being a scrappy startup, we all jumped into action. Fortunately through the magic of ...

Feedback on the SEOmoz Blog: What Can We Do For You?
Rand Fishkin

Feedback on the SEOmoz Blog: What Can We Do For You?

I'm feeling a bit guilty. Over the past 10 weeks, I've been on the road almost constantly, and possibly neglecting the blog a bit more than usual. To atone, I'm hoping to gather some feedback from you - our readers and members - about what you'd like to see more/less of in the weeks and months to come. While we've certainly been inspired by our traffic and readership growth this year... ...

Double Your Fun with Double the SEOmoz API

Double Your Fun with Double the SEOmoz API

I know, I promised a Linkscape update by last week. And I missed it. But there's an update today! Do you forgive me? No? Not enough? Well how about doubling the volume of data available in our free API? You might have gotten a totally awesome email last week announcing that the fr...

Managing SEO Campaigns in Declining Industries
Rob Ousbey

Managing SEO Campaigns in Declining Industries

A site's organic traffic may drop because it is performing poorly compared to it's industry competitors, or the whole industry may be suffering from a slow down of consumer demand in that niche. In this post I recommend some metrics that can be tracked to benchmark your site against competitors (independent of market behaviour) and to check the health of the industry. I'll then make suggestions for finding opportunities to slow or reverse the trend of dropping traffic. For the benefit of the time-poor, the post ends with a three point checklist / summary.