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What We Believe and Why: SEOmoz's TAGFEE Tenets
Rand Fishkin

What We Believe and Why: SEOmoz's TAGFEE Tenets

At SEOmoz, like many companies, we have a collection of internal documents related to our goals with the business and the ideals we strive towards. A couple years ago, I wrote a post about some of our efforts in that direction, but last year, we authored a document called "The TAGFEE Tenets" that represents more about what we want to be.

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SEOmoz's Venture Capital Process
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz's Venture Capital Process

In this post, my goal is to walk you through the process we used, the feedback we received and the final results and decisions. Fundraising is a demanding, lengthy, emotionally charged process and something that challenged me personally more so than any other single part of my life in the last 5 years. I hope that by sharing my experience I can help others who start down this road and give you an idea of what to expect. The more knowledge you have, the less fear can hold you up; that’s what this post is here to accomplish.

Tests Show PageRank Sculpting with Nofollow Still Works
Danny Dover

Tests Show PageRank Sculpting with Nofollow Still Works

As SEOmoz has matured as a company, our SEO team has shifted away from treating SEO purely as an art and more toward treating it as a science. There is certainly the necessity for both perspectives but I beleive we are now much more centered. As a result of this shift, we have been running more tests and analyzing more data. Before I get into the topic of our latest test resul...

Best of 2009 - Favorite Articles
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Best of 2009 - Favorite Articles

Disclaimer: This article consists of our favorite articles of the past year and does not have actionable SEO techniques. Please read on if you're interested in knowing more about us, and what we like! This week I've been personally invested in Gwen Bell's The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge aka #best09. It's only been a few days but I've enjoyed reading through some of the blog...