Moz News

Google's Indexation Cap
Rand Fishkin

Google's Indexation Cap

Over the past 2 years, SEOmoz has worked with quite a number of websites whose primary goal (or primary problem) in SEO has been indexation - getting more of their pages included in Google's index so they have the opportunity to rank well. These are, obviously, long tail focused sites that earn the vast majority of their visits from queries that bring in 5 or fewer searches each day. In this po...

What Deep Purple Can Teach You About SEO

What Deep Purple Can Teach You About SEO

70s hard rock. SEO. Whilst the connection you might be able to think of is that your web developer is wearing an "original" Rainbow tour t-shirt (despite having been about 4 when the band last performed live), there is much* that grizzled middle-aged men playing Smoke on the Water can tell us about SEO...1. They're an authority groupDeep ...

24 Hours Without Privacy
Danny Dover

24 Hours Without Privacy

He wakes up at 7:31 AM just like the day before. With ignorance as his shield, he ventures out into a world without privacy. The young man (a title given to him by his mother) sits submissively in his bed and idly scans e-mail on his phone. Another notice from his bank, a forwarded e-mail from his friend, 5 new e-mails from his co-workers, and an intimate message from a girl he met ...

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Tangled Web: The Most Linked to Pages on the Internet
Sam Niccolls

Tangled Web: The Most Linked to Pages on the Internet

To identify the most linked to pages on the world's most popular websites, we used SEOmoz's Linkscape powered top pages tool to compile a list of 105 of the most linked to pages on 17 of the Internet's most popular sites. The results are both surprising and amusing, but from Google to GaGa the most linked to pages on the internet provide an interesting look at your favorite domains that will make you scratch your head as much as it will make you laugh.

Track Your MozPoints
Casey Henry

Track Your MozPoints

I’m sure many of you are like me and one of the first things you do in the morning is head to SEOmoz and check out the blogs. Along with seeing the new posts, I'm also always checking out my MozPoints and watching them grow, or shrink sometimes. In one of my past ...

SEOmoz's Biennial Ranking Factors 2009 Released
Rand Fishkin

SEOmoz's Biennial Ranking Factors 2009 Released

I'm thrilled to announce that after months of hard work, SEOmoz's biennial Search Engine Ranking Factors is finally launching. Every two years, we survey 100 of the industry's top SEO minds. In 2009, 72 SEOs participated in the data gathering process, answering survey questions that consumed hours of time. The resulting document...

10 Reasons to Submit to YOUmoz
Jennifer Sable Lopez

10 Reasons to Submit to YOUmoz

Have you been thinking about submitting to YOUmoz lately, but you're not sure what the benefits are? Or perhaps you have a killer post in your head but are afraid to take the next step. Whatever the reason is that you've been holding back, I have 10 reasons why you should get yourself in gear and get that post written and submitted!

What Makes an SEO
Rand Fishkin

What Makes an SEO

There are lots of standardized definitions of SEO (see define query), but few that exist to define or distill the qualities that make a person a professional SEO. The way I see it, there are three ways a professional can be categorized and assigned - technical, self-constructed and peer validated. T...

My Startup Experience: VC, Entrepreneurship, Self-Analysis & The Road Ahead
Rand Fishkin

My Startup Experience: VC, Entrepreneurship, Self-Analysis & The Road Ahead

(Intro: This post continues a series of personal growth focused entries. It doesn't have much direct, applicable SEO value, so feel free to skip if that's what you're seeking) I've learned more in the last 9 months than at any previous time in my life - about myself, about this company and about the worlds of venture capital, entrepreneurship and startups. And, in the spirit of transpar...