Moz News

A Bad Day for Search Engines: How News of Michael Jackson's Death Traveled Across the Web
Danny Dover

A Bad Day for Search Engines: How News of Michael Jackson's Death Traveled Across the Web

First and foremost, let me extend my best wishes to the family and friends of Michael Jackson. I can only imagine the pain of losing a close friend and then having to watch it play out on a global stage. He made an extraordinary impact on the world and although not perfect, he is a teacher even in death (as evidenced by this post). The following is a timeline of how the news of the ...

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
Rebecca Kelley

So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax-- Of cabbages--and kings-- And why the sea is boiling hot-- And whether pigs have wings." We can talk about the temperature of the sea and the possibility of winged pork some other time,...

An Unfortunate Series of Server Events
Rand Fishkin

An Unfortunate Series of Server Events

It's late night Sunday and rather than bringing you exciting news from the world of search and SEO, I've got some explaining to do. For those who hadn't noticed, SEOmoz has some serious downtime and errors this weekend. Starting early morning Saturday and running through to Sunday, many parts of the site were inaccessible due to either A) an exceptionally unlucky set of simultaneous h...

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What The Celebrity Apprentice Can Teach Us About SEO
Nicole Chenet

What The Celebrity Apprentice Can Teach Us About SEO

I am a HUGE fan of The Celebrity Apprentice on NBC. I don’t watch a lot of television, but this is a show that I cannot – and will not – miss. It’s exciting, suspenseful, and highly entertaining. The more I watch, the more I begin to make connections between the show and SEO. I thought it might be fun to share a handful of “lessons” that I think all in the SEO industry can learn from The Celebrity Apprentice.

Should Search Engines Make Exceptions?
Carl Ebanks

Should Search Engines Make Exceptions?

I ask this question as both an SEO and a web user. I am very much into my Formula 1 at the moment, even to the point that I get up at 'stupid o'clock' to watch the qualifying and the race - because I live in the UK, the first batch of races are taking place early in the morning. Not great after a Saturday night out getting up at 7.00am, but I am digressing.

Fear and Forgiveness
Rand Fishkin

Fear and Forgiveness

A bit of a personal development post tonight, and a short one. I recently read an introduction to a blog post from Todd Mintz that caught me off guard: I was checking into my hotel at SES San Jose last year when I noticed in the lobby a prominen...

Let's Talk About Changes

Let's Talk About Changes

Recently, made some changes to the way comments are displayed. In some ways they are subtle changes as they don’t really alter the way commenting works, but in some ways they are pretty dramatic. Regardless of the reason and functionality for the change, I am amazed that the change was not accompanied by a post about the obvious change.

SEO in Wonderland

SEO in Wonderland

From Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass :"Well, in our country," said Alice, still panting a little, "you'd generally get to somewhere else — if you run very fast for a long time, as we've been doing.""A slow sort of country!" said the Queen. "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can d...

Is the Web Any Different Than the Real World?

Is the Web Any Different Than the Real World?

It is not like I think about issues like the one mentioned in the title of this article every day, but sometimes (especially when I've been in an unusual situation for a few days) it happens. I was thinking today - why are some people successful online and why some aren't? What is that thing that differentiates successful people from the "normal" ones and the ones you may call "losers"?

Could Twitter Cannibalize the Web's Link Graph
Rand Fishkin

Could Twitter Cannibalize the Web's Link Graph

Today, at the SMX Sydney conference, Darren Rowse and I had a fascinating conversation that I felt compelled to share. In 2006, a popular blog post or piece of content would generate a remarkable amount of blogging activity. It wasn't uncommon for a few hundred small & mid-size blogs & news sites to pick up a story, add their thoughts...