Moz News

New Guide Release: The (Updated) Professional's Guide to Link Building
Rebecca Kelley

New Guide Release: The (Updated) Professional's Guide to Link Building

We've given a face lift to an oldie but a goody: The Professional's Guide to Link Building has been updated and is available in web and document format. Written by link builder extraordinaire Eric Enge, the guide is a great resource for beginners who want to know why link building is important and how it impacts a site's rankings. Additionally, it covers various link building strategies and lists a ton of tools and resources to help you find links.

SEO Marketing is Even More Important in Today's Climate
Bill Sebald

SEO Marketing is Even More Important in Today's Climate

Here's something painfully obvious - it almost feels weird to type it: "SEOs and search marketers need to pay more attention than ever before and step up their game." Yes, I am the master of the obvious. But I'm also telling the truth - we're being counted on by our bosses and clients more than ever. We're being squeezed to produce more than we used to. In some cases, we're the last chance a faltering business has! We're getting worked hard.

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Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

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Backlink Anchor Text Analysis: Powered by Linkscape
Roger MozBot

Backlink Anchor Text Analysis: Powered by Linkscape

NOTE: this is an announcement of a PRO-only tool. If you're not PRO you can take a peek at what you're missing :) With the launch of our SEOmoz Labs initiative we have some freedom to quickly launch data and tools which either introduce something new and powerful (like Blogscape) or highlight improvements and mashups of tools and data we've already got. Today we're launching a retooled Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer, powered by Linkscape.

SEOmoz Sticker Swag Voting

SEOmoz Sticker Swag Voting

Choice is a great thing, even when it comes down to the question of being able to put bacon on your cheeseburger. SEOmoz prides itself in giving its members choice, even when it comes down to the little things like the swag. But who doesn't like free swag, right? I’ll be the first person to admit jumping wildly at any free booth swag. I don't care if it's a Comcast branded chip-clip... I want it.

MozPoint Distribution: A Case Study (Sort Of)
Casey Henry

MozPoint Distribution: A Case Study (Sort Of)

Recently while I was reading a post on SEOmoz, I started to think about the users of SEOmoz and the whole points system. I read one of Lindsay’s Twitter post saying that the MozPoint distribution system on SEOmoz is a case study in itself. I thought it might be a cool thing for all the users and SEOmoz staff ...

Announcing Blogscape and SEOmoz Labs

Announcing Blogscape and SEOmoz Labs

Introduction Hi, I'm Chas, a developer at SEOmoz. I've been working here since last summer, and though I've written many lines of code, this is my very first blog post. Now, I'm happy to have the chance to reveal the super-secret project I've been working on: Blogscape! Blogscape ...

(Almost) A Year In SEO
Nicole Chenet

(Almost) A Year In SEO

I'm relatively new to SEO. I started about 10 months ago, with no knowledge of search engine marketing at all. The week before I started my internship, a co-worker emailed me a "Basics of SEO" PDF and told me to read up. I did, and I even took notes. (Sidenote: I didn't actually read the entire thing. But don't tell.)

A Wrinkle in London Time
Rand Fishkin

A Wrinkle in London Time

WARNING: The following post is long, personal and rambles quite a bit. It contains very little SEO advice, so if this isn't your kind of thing, you might want to skip it. It was written over the course of 20ish hours and hops back and forth between days and times during my recent trip to London. Enjoy!6:45am GMT, February 19t...

Google Search Quality or Franz's Brain Quality?

Google Search Quality or Franz's Brain Quality?

I may not be the best Googler out there who can think of keywords to search for something at the spur of the moment (impromptu or impulsively - I give up on my first few tries). And seriously, I don't know if I should classify myself as impatient, lazy or intolerant. Let's just say I'm being a little ignorant on this here.

Want a Free SEOmoz PRO Account? Prove It!

Want a Free SEOmoz PRO Account? Prove It!

Hey, hey, Mozzers. I'm invading SEOmoz! Muahaha! [looks around] Okay, being on the inside actually feels a little weird. Let's just do this. I guess I'll introduce myself: I'm Lisa Barone and during the day I hang out at Outspoken Media, an Internet marketing company I recently founded with partners in crime Rhea Drysdale and Rae Hoffman. We kick ass. But this post isn't about them. It's about me.

We're Hiring an SEO
Lindsay Wassell

We're Hiring an SEO

After a whole month on the job I can attest that it’s an exciting time to work at SEOmoz! In the midst of a tough economy, we are delighted to see continued growth in the number of PRO members we serve as well as an impressive stream of consulting inquiries. To help support our next stage of growth, we are hiring an SEO! ...

Announcing SEOmoz's 100% Free Linkscape API and the 500 Most Linked-To Domains/Pages on the Web
Rand Fishkin

Announcing SEOmoz's 100% Free Linkscape API and the 500 Most Linked-To Domains/Pages on the Web

We've been pouring in hours on Linkscape, growing the index (46+ million domains & 36+ billion pages), making the updates closer together and refining the quality of our metrics. Today, we've got two big announcements that should be exciting for nearly everyone in the SEO development and analysis space. First off, we're launching a free Linkscape API to access two of Linkscape's most popular metrics - mozRank of a URL and the number of external links to a URL. Second, we've launched a list of the top 500 sites & pages on the web, ordered by the number of unique root domains linking to them (alongside other interesting SEO metrics).