Paid Search Marketing (PPC)

Headsmacking Tip #6 - Test with Paid Search Before You Target with SEO
Rand Fishkin

Headsmacking Tip #6 - Test with Paid Search Before You Target with SEO

This may seem like old hat to many SEOs, but it's a tip that never fails to get an "oh yeah!" during client meetings. The concept is simple - in any given search engine optmization campaign, you are naturally going to form a list of high-traffic, (perceived) high value keywords that are an idealistic goal for your site to dominate. For a site like SEOmoz, those might be the highly compet...

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Tightening Your PPC Spend

Tightening Your PPC Spend

This post came to mind after a day of further tightening down budgets. See I work in the financial area of the world and as we all know, the recession we are in is hitting there real hard. While some of these tips are more "financial crisis" based (and can be loosened in better times to get more long tail traffic), most are just good tips to be used on any campaign at any time. ...

Paid Search: Detaching from an Agency

Paid Search: Detaching from an Agency

If you come to the point in your relationship with an agency that you think you want to bring your search marketing in house, it can get annoying to get your accounts back in your possession. Some just require a password change, but one in particular (Yahoo) can be very annoying. Please read this if you are an agency, thinking about working with an agency, or wanting to bring your marketing...

The Best Adwords Report You Don't Use

The Best Adwords Report You Don't Use

A few days back Tom Crichlow gave us a sweet Whiteboard Friday on PPC basics.One of his main points is that data is king. Even though my business partner and I are still Adwords rookies, I wanted to share a great report that has been especially helpful in increasing performance on any broad match keywords that you’re using.While in yo...

The Shortcomings of the Long Tail

The Shortcomings of the Long Tail

I work for an online marketing agency, and we’ve been working on a paid search campaign with a niche online job board for some time now. Received wisdom suggests that in order to create a cost effective paid search campaign you should focus on long tail search terms as you’ll get more targeted traffic and cheaper clicks. Now, we work with clients from a wide ...

Google Ads for Free?!?!?

Google Ads for Free?!?!?

You may have seen a promotion the last week or so for an eBook on sale through ClickBank which promises their new technique will allow you to have all of your Google AdWords ads run for free. Basically, their “talking” sales page states, “Just insert a simple piece of code onto your web site, landing page, etc. and get all of your Google ads for free.” I know wha...