Public Relations

Confessions of an SEO Neophtye

Confessions of an SEO Neophtye

About a year ago, I opened a webstore where I could sell my educational products. After a few years of selling on eBay, I was longing to break free of the high listing fees. I had no knowledge of SEO (I had never even heard the term) and my store reflected it. Pages had no titles, no headers, and no quality content. I didn’t have many links and didn’t know how to go about getting ...

Level Up Your SEO Skills With Our Free Training

Moz Academy Training

Complete courses to master SEO basics

Keyword Research Master Guide

Learn Keyword Research like the pros

Guide to SEO Competitor Analysis

Win rankings and traffic from your competition

I Work For Snake Oil Salesmen

I Work For Snake Oil Salesmen

Sigh... maybe I'm just looking to vent, and perhaps a few comments saying, "It's OK, your freelance service will take off," or maybe I'm just fed up with this altogether. I work for a "snake oil SEO Company" (one of the largest in America, actually). I'm their one and only "SEO Specialist." I use quotes because nobody above me can spell SEO, ...

Leaking Rumors... SES, SMX & Speaker Exclusivity
Rand Fishkin

Leaking Rumors... SES, SMX & Speaker Exclusivity

Usually, I don't like to post unsubstantiated rumors because the potential for trouble is high and it's often not worthwhile. However, this time I'm posting with the express goal of stopping the situation from becoming a reality (or at least requesting a re-think). Here's the deal... Today at the SMX conference, two sources that I trust told me independently that last week, the folk...

The Vast Ocean Between Shoemoney & SEOmoz and Why You Should Be Able To Trust Blog Links
Rand Fishkin

The Vast Ocean Between Shoemoney & SEOmoz and Why You Should Be Able To Trust Blog Links

I don't think many would argue that Jeremy Schoemaker and I have very different styles of blogging and doing business. In person, Jeremy's always been a great friend and someone I really respect, but on his blog, things are different. I sometimes feel a great disconnect between the way he approaches topics and the way I'd wish to see them presented. Case in point - his post,...

If You Could Ask the Search Engines Any Question and Get An Honest, Complete Answer... What Would it Be?
Rand Fishkin

If You Could Ask the Search Engines Any Question and Get An Honest, Complete Answer... What Would it Be?

Years ago, the world of SEO was filled with mystery and intrigue - vague half-answers from the engines combined with private forum and backroom conspiracies to make for an industry rife with misinformation. Today, those problems still exist in some forms, but the engines are far more forthright and the mysteries of the ranking algorithms are no longer shrouded in dubious half-truths. Sure, we m...

The Age Old Question: If You Inherited SEOmoz, What Would You Do With It?
Rebecca Kelley

The Age Old Question: If You Inherited SEOmoz, What Would You Do With It?

A couple weeks ago, just for the hell of it, I emailed several SEOs and asked them the question they've waited their entire careers to hear: If you inherited SEOmoz, what would you do with it? Rand Fishkin is out of the picture (he left SEO to pursue his dream of becoming a master chef, he eloped with Mystery Guest, he got sued by Puma, whatever), leaving you to run SEOmoz and ...

I have a headache.

I have a headache.

Why? Because SEO is a never ending quagmire. For the last six month I have immersed myself in what Search Engine Optimization means and am left with the realization that getting to the top of the SERPS for any commerical and competitive term is hard work (no suprise there), harder than I thought. And is an ever moving target.The concepts are pretty much the same across the board. G...