Public Relations

The funny little thing called TRUST

The funny little thing called TRUST

Understanding and managing trust is an essential skill in search engine business. In terms of sociology, trust is the willing acceptance of one's power to affect another - allowing actions that otherwise would not be possible. Trust is a mighty tool when it comes to signing up new clients, achieving credentials and referrers or building a (social) network...

When Search Marketing Firms Turn Clients Away
Rand Fishkin

When Search Marketing Firms Turn Clients Away

Thanks to a small team and a lot of publicity, SEOmoz turns away a significant amount of work - sending folks to specific references or our recommended list or, occassionally, recommending they hire in-house SEO help. We're lucky in that we get to picky about the folks we choose to work with - some of the reasons for turning away busi...

SEO Salaries - How Much Should You Make (updated Jan. 2011)
Rand Fishkin

SEO Salaries - How Much Should You Make (updated Jan. 2011)

This is going to be a tough and contentious issue and one that isn't easy for me to write about. Along with the obvious internal conflicts of interest in disclosing salary numbers, there's bound to be a lot of companies and individuals who will come away feeling that my numbers are wrong (or that their employers are cheating them). That said, it's a topic that needs to be addressed and if my ex...

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The Finnish SEO 2006 market watch – CEO of Finnish SEO company caught spamming (no penalty so far), Google opens country office etc.

The Finnish SEO 2006 market watch – CEO of Finnish SEO company caught spamming (no penalty so far), Google opens country office etc.

I know country specific posts are not of large interest, but since SEOmoz has European readers I decided to give a short rundown of what’s happening in Finnish (and Scandinavian) SEO markets this autumn.SEO is a hot topicSEO and internet marketing is finally catching fire in Finland – news articles are published every now and then, and some even...

What's the ROI on an MBA When You're in the SEO Industry?
Rebecca Kelley

What's the ROI on an MBA When You're in the SEO Industry?

Although I've had my Bachelor's degree for less than a year, I've already begun considering going back to school for a Master's degree. Working in the SEO industry has sparked an interest in getting an MBA (a Master's in Business Administration for you initialism-inept readers). My desire to get an MBA doesn't stem from the notion that more degrees = better pay (though it does); rather, in this in...

SEO Terms That Make You Go 'Huh?'
Rebecca Kelley

SEO Terms That Make You Go 'Huh?'

Every industry has its own jargon, and SEO is no exception. Since there are no interviews scheduled today and I actually have some down time (shhhh, don't tell Rand, or he'll make me scrub his Pumas again), I thought I'd share my picks for SEO terms that make you go "Huh?" These are terms that almost always require some sort of explanation, since the words associated with the ideas or ph...

Why Canadians are the Best SEOs
Rand Fishkin

Why Canadians are the Best SEOs

In conversation today at the office, we found ourselves mulling over the disproportionate number of search marketing folks who hail from or live in Canada (aka hockey-land). In trying to ascertain what environmental or cultural factors might account for the propensity of the maple-minded to seek employment in the search field, we came across a few ideas: Canadians are disturb...