Levels of Search Marketing Knowledge
I'm stealing this idea straight from these four guys (1, 2, 3 - and 4 - thanks Emil) and adapting it to the world of SEO/M....
I'm stealing this idea straight from these four guys (1, 2, 3 - and 4 - thanks Emil) and adapting it to the world of SEO/M....
Tonight is my final night in Kuopio (Finland) as we’re moving to new office, and new home in Sumiainen tomorrow. I have to admit that I feel a bit sentimental, somewhat scared, but also very excited. One of my mentors in t...
Some great posts have already been written on the subject of reputation management in the SERPs via the creation of profiles at numerous sites like Blogger, Squidoo, MySpace, Technorati, Yahoo! 360, Flickr, et al. My favorites are: Fighting Off Negative Publicity and Affiliates in the SERPs - SEOBook ...
From the responses I've been getting from many of the folks I refer to SEOmoz's Recommend List (averaging about 3 leads per day), the list is getting a bit stale. Many of the people seeking services are being turned away, often because their brands aren't big enough, they don't have enough to spend on SEO or they're simply not a good ...
Tonight, I got to meet one of my all-time SEO heroes for the first time in person - Ammon Johns. Living up to his mystical reputation, he instantly gave me some advice for the SEOmoz website that I think will serve quite well for the future. He also regaled me with some hilarious stories, some deep insight into the SEO field...
I chatted with a friend in the industry this evening who signed up a consulting client several months ago. My friend has been in touch with the client several times about starting the work, but apart from a couple general questions, they've never used the consulting time they purchased. I was immensely curious about the details and luckily, my friend could share a few specifics. The con...
Although the topic of political figures (and parties) requiring SEO work had been burning a hole in my head for some time, Wired News has an article from Saturday on just this subject - Pols Hire Web-Savvy Staffers. Consider Ari Rabin-Havt, 27, who blogs...
Rand's post about SEW Live Seattle 2006 (below) got me thinking (and ranting) about SEO salaries. Below is an quote from what Rand said: Apparently, the lowest entry level SEO position ranges from $40-60K per year...The highest offer he recorded was $315,000 ...
I just can't put the rhythmic tunes of Julie Andrews into an SEO myths post, try as I might. But, the content's here... so let's have at it - these aren't the top 10 SEO myths, they're the... Top 10 "obscure" SEO myths: #10 - Submitting to hundreds of "minor search engines" is the only way to boost "...
EGOL pointed me to Russ Jones' (of Virante - new to me, but they've supposedly been around since 1998) new blog, where he's writing on the topic of consensual relationships (I know; it sounds like the title of an "after-school" special, but it's quite good): ...
Another short post due to my slow typing. Money magazine put out their list of the top 50 jobs and while SEO isn't on there per se, I think we can make some assumptions and slide onto the list. The job of SEO combines, in my opinion, the following: Market Research Analyst (#6 on the list...
WeeWorld launched their new website yesterday and it's got a cool feature that's virtually unused called "...
RFPs (Request for Proposal) are industry standard in marketing, communication and other consulting service-type organizations in the business world. But lately, as I've looked over a dozen or so that have been sent my way in the past few weeks, I've discovered something intriguing about them... They're evil. The RFPs I've gotten (with the exception of a few wholly reasonable and...
I'm pleased to be able to break the news that Matt Bailey, formerly of the Karcher Group, has opened his own SEO & web marketing consultation firm - SiteLogic. Why is he going directly to the Recommend List? Because Matt is one of the smartest, fastest moving people in the industry. Matt's the type of guy who knows everything...