Public Relations

SERPs You Can't Understand
Rand Fishkin

SERPs You Can't Understand

With this latest update from Google, we've been noticing some very odd things in the SERPs. Despite our best instincts and measurements of link quality, quantity and optimization, sites seem to be ranking in very strange orders. In the hopes of making greater sense of things, we wondered if you'd like to list your top search results that make no sense. No need to point out your site or those of...

Bad Information from SEO-News
Rand Fishkin

Bad Information from SEO-News

Following Nick's lovely recommendations for community building, I'll be doing a bit of link baiting in this thread. Actually, that's a lie; I'm just ticked off about this article from SEO News' Rob Sullivan about a conference call he had with some Google employees. I'll just refute...

Threadwatch is 1 year old
Rand Fishkin

Threadwatch is 1 year old

It's hard to believe that Threadwatch is only a year old (today). In that time, Nick has taken the site from obscurity to infamy. They've been Slashdotted, added to major blogrolls all around the search and technology industries and created a hotbed for SEO/M and search politics. Congratulations, Nick. I hope SEOmoz can do half as well in a yea...

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In SEO, Do You Get What You Pay For?
Rand Fishkin

In SEO, Do You Get What You Pay For?

Search Engine Optimization has been described as an art, a science, a practice, an abomination and a career by those in and around the industry. But, to most outsiders learning about the practice for the first time, SEO is primarily seen as a service that professionals provide to clients. Although I'm often in the professional seat, I have become a client of many well known SEOs and secondary p...

Sample SEO Contract
Rand Fishkin

Sample SEO Contract

DazzlinDonna has a pre-made SEO contract that might be useful for those who run smaller operations and need a hand getting started in contract design. It's by no means over-arching, but it's an excellent place to start and it's free. She also has a good, basic description of the specific tasks that fit into SEO work: ...

Black Hats Hiring
Rand Fishkin

Black Hats Hiring

There's an opening for a "Black Hat" position with a company in Toronto, ON. It looks like they're desperate, as they've opened the position to candidates worldwide. Incubator has opened a thread at SEW on the subject and is requesting e-mails go to I'm not sure if an...

Breaking an SEO Contract
Rand Fishkin

Breaking an SEO Contract

Invitationsgirl at SEOChat asks - Can I get out of my SEO Contract? There's quite a bit of good advice about contracts in general and SEO specifically in this thread, but mostly what we're seeing here is the forums serving as a business refuge and tool. There's several individuals in the thread who are p...

An SEO Dream Job
Rand Fishkin

An SEO Dream Job

While many in SEO, myself included, pride themselves on being independent contractors or owners of small firms (in my case), there are others who are seeking that prestigious, well paying position in the Internet industry that will provide security, challenges and a fun work environment. ...

Organic SEO Wiki
Rand Fishkin

Organic SEO Wiki

An old idea of mine was to produce a wiki for SEO. Happily, someone else has taken on the project (as I really never got around to it). It's called Organic SEO and it's got a fairly good basic walkthrough of the principles of optimization already. I u...

SEO's Grim Reaper
Rand Fishkin

SEO's Grim Reaper

Threadwatch has a terrific (though poorly titled) thread (hats my arse) today on the demise of SEO. There are intelligent opinions from both sides, primarily in the comments on Nick's somewhat over-the-top post - a response to a ...