SEO Events

The Best of the SEOmoz Blog 2004-2007
Danny Dover

The Best of the SEOmoz Blog 2004-2007

For those of you who don't know me yet, my name is Danny and I am SEOmoz's intern. I have spent the last several weeks reading and categorizing all the blog posts written over the years on this site. It has been quite the project and has let me really experience how this company and the SEO industry as a whole have evolved. I, like the other mozzers, am a stat junkie and kept notes on notable tren...

9 Must Read Stories for the Week
Rand Fishkin

9 Must Read Stories for the Week

It's very late, and I need to be up very early, but the blog - she's a harsh mistress, so let's dive right in. Guide to Viral Marketing & Linkbait on the Web I edited this 40+ page guide just before we left for Pubcon last week and remarked to Jane (the primary&...

What Happens in Vegas...Gets Documented in a Blog Post
Rebecca Kelley

What Happens in Vegas...Gets Documented in a Blog Post

It's that time again, folks--post conference "Overheard in ________" time (aka Kevin Gleeson's favorite post). This being my first Pubcon experience, I had plenty of quotes rolling around in my head but tried to extract the least inappropriate ones (hey, some things just need to stay [and die] in the barren Vegas desert). That being said, enjoy the best quotes I was able to remember:

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PubCon from a Conversions Conscious Perspective
Rebecca Kelley

PubCon from a Conversions Conscious Perspective

I've recently been tasked with managing our PPC campaign and working with Jeff on tweaking our landing pages in order to increase our Premium Membership conversions. This week at PubCon I attended as many conversions, PPC, and landing page-related sessions as I could to see if there were any tips or tactics I could pick up. I'd classify myself as someone who knows more than the basics about PPC an...

A Summary & Review of My First SEO Convention

A Summary & Review of My First SEO Convention

I'm typing this as I'm sitting at the departure terminal for my trip back home to Seattle. Its been quite the week, and I'm definitely feeling a bit fatigued, but saying this trip was "worth it", would be an understatement. This is my second time in Vegas, but first time out to a SEO convention. Being a developer I am often a bit clueless about who most of th...

Blogging and Search, Video Content and The Fear
Jane Copland

Blogging and Search, Video Content and The Fear

I don't know what it is about this town, but things work very differently here. I've been getting little sleep and not eating very much (aside from a trip to the Bellagio's buffet where I ate myself sick) and yet I feel fantastic. They say casinos pump oxygen into the gambling halls and bars in order to keep you awake and alert and spending money. Whatever it is, it works. This morn...

Some Tips from PubCon on How to Get Your Site Optimized for the Mobile Web

Some Tips from PubCon on How to Get Your Site Optimized for the Mobile Web

Being a developer, I tend to be drawn to the sessions here at PubCon that have more of a product creation and development feel. The search marketing sessions are good too, and I attend them over the entry level developer sessions, but when I go to a session my takeaway is how what I've learned can make me a better developer. Fighting lack of sleep, I attended the Local a...

Oh, Vegas...
Jane Copland

Oh, Vegas...

Please excuse the post's title. It's been a long day already and I'm terrible at writing titles at the best of times. From the nineteenth floor of the Wynn in Las Vegas, my fried brain decided that an off-topic title for an on-topic piece was just fine. Most of you know why we're here. It's Pubcon. This conference marks the first time I've been "back" to an industry event,...

Jane's Presentation from SMX London
Jane Copland

Jane's Presentation from SMX London

I'm going to blatantly copy my fellow Linkbait and Viral Marketing presenter Ciarán and post my slides and notes here for you guys. What can I say. Imitation is flattering, isn't it? And the posts are a good idea: it means that you all get to hear what I said about all the slides and you don't have any irritating PowerPoint presentation to download. Because I know you all secretly ...

Jane Takes on SMX London
Jane Copland

Jane Takes on SMX London

In a couple of hours, I'll leave for Heathrow after attending the inaugural SMX London and speaking on my first session, Linkbait and Viral Marketing. And only twelve hours after I'd finally aclcimatised to the eight-hour time difference between Western Europe and the U.S.'s West Coast. That's a tough one to get used to. I did everything in my power to stay awake upon arriving in London, including...